
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: 2017
Dec 27, 2017

Andy Albright hosted this week’s edition of The Wednesday Call live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.

This show was all about having the right goals for 2018 and starting now not on January 1. Andy wanted to give you some simple ways to get started now so that you don’t have to wait until later. There is great opportunity in America right now, and this is the time to take advantage of it.

What are your consequences? What are you willing to do? That will determine if you get what you want.

Andy is asking people heading into next year if they want to get rich and change lives? Anybody can be broke. It takes no effort. To be truly rich, you have to change your thinking. You can’t change your outlook unless you change your thinking. The Alliance needs to identify people who think differently and help them get what they want as fast as possible. That means making the decision to change your future and that starts now.

When you decide what you are going to do then you are actually making a decision. It’s as simple as what you want and what you don’t want.

Do important stuff now and stop doing unimportant work that doesn’t help you. Stop piddling! Start working.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Dec 20, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from Houston, Texas in front of a live audience to talk about how you can get 40 percent more guaranteed!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Dec 14, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright is joined by special guest host Jeff Bright.

Andy and Jeff discussed how to deal with fear, excuses, guilt and shame, and the impact they have on you and people around you.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Dec 6, 2017

On this week's episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright hosted the show from The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. in the newly renovated AMP Studios.

Andy recognized the latest Good Samaritan Bonus winners for the month of November and announced two new members of SEAL Team 20.

Jeff Bright joined Andy on the show to talk about the What, How and Why that can drive The Alliance.

When you talk about your “what,” we are really speaking about what we do. Our discipline plus our drive equals our routine. Our drive comes from the recognition of an opportunity, and can be driven by urgency (Guilt vs. Shame). Our discipline boils down to our tenacity, stamina and motivation, which is driven by consequence (Fears vs. Excuses). Our routine comes down to mastering the mundane and is driven by our habits.

When we are talking about the “how,” we are talking about what we deserve. This comes from our enthusiasm and our ambition. Our enthusiasm is about the rejection of becoming comfortable and is driven by our eagerness. Our ambition stems from our desire for achievement and is driven by distraction.

Our “why” is what we want to believe. It comes from a combination of perspective and confidence. Sense of placement and finding out fit is part of that perspective, and it is driven by our readiness to take initiative. Our confidence comes from our permission to trust and is driven by our hope or belief.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Nov 29, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright brings you TWC with a rowdy crowd in New Jersey during this week's series of Boot Camps.

Listen as Andy discusses the following:

Quit listening to everybody else’s opinion.

Why are people offended by everything?

Copy what is working!

When you use your head and take action, that is belief.

As you grow, you will experience different problems. Will you pay the price, do you see that it is worth it?

What did you do when you had a shot?

What could you do if you did what you could?

If you give 100 percent you will be shocked by what you have to deal with. Who you become will be determined by who you hang out with, what you listen to and what you read.

Find a rhythm and stick with it. Stop hesitating.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #TheWednesdayCall #AndyAlbright

Nov 22, 2017

On this edition of The Wednesday Call, Paul Roberts and Mike Lewantowicz filled in as guest hosts while Andy Albright was traveling this week.

It is possible to grow despite all the negative stuff around you

Show gratitude in all that you do.

Reduce the amount of time you spend complaining or listening to others complain

Help other people – and yourself – change the way they think

Winning eliminates complaining

Ambition + Enthusiasm = Drive

Resentment + Revenge = Regret

We can change the world if we change our ways!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Thanks for listening!!!

Nov 16, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, guest hosts Chadwick and Melanie Ray discuss the mindset it takes to make it big with The Alliance.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Nov 8, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, your host Andy Albright hosted the podcast prior to kicking off the last Instant Thunder event of 2017 at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.

Andy announced the 2019 incentive trip for Paris, France, recognized the latest Good Samaritan Bonus winners for October and discussed the importance of urgency and mindset when you are trying to build a dynasty.

People too often underestimate the force of gravity in terms of things trying to pull them down. When a plane is taking off, it has to burn more fuel to get off the ground. If you want to go faster, work harder, etc. you will need to expend more energy or you will end up back down in the dirt. You have to push through things in life.

When people go into business to make money, 90 percent of the time they fail. The need is out there for a dream in America. There is a need to offer hope. That’s what The Alliance gives people … the opportunity to have a dream, find freedom and live an amazing life. The people we are helping want a solution and they are willing to pay for the fix. People are attracted to solutions not problems and complaints. We bring the solution and help people.

Too many people live with resentment, revenge in mind and regrets about life. Encourage people and tell them they can do whatever they put their mind to doing. Make sure your dream is bigger than anything in opposition to you. When you resist it, you get stronger and find out you can do more.

Offer hope and encouragement to help people joining us on this mission.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Nov 1, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, James and Jane Hill filled in as your guest hosts while Andy Albright was traveling at an undisclosed location in preparation for The Alliance’s getaway in 2019.

Today’s topic was all about ambition. How do you find your ambition? How do you raise your ambition level?

The enemy of ambition is regret.

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That’s not a weakness, that’s life. What makes successful people successful is that when a loss happens, those people keep moving forward anyway. Learn to have the discipline it takes to dream big and chase those dreams. Don’t be afraid of falling short, but be afraid of stopping short of your goals.

What verdict lives in your head? What have you decided in your mind? You know what you are going to do or not do before the chance even presents itself. Are you doubting yourself or telling yourself you can do this?

There will always be “stuff” and “things” in between you and success. What separates success from failure depends on you working through challenges and obstacles. Can you push through uncertainty? Are you willing to get up when you get knocked down?

Reticular Activating System is a fancy way of saying that we see what we are used to seeing. It means we see and know what we grew up around. You have to make it a point to change your thinking and your ambition level to become more successful.

Why do people pause when they realize something will take a little effort? Nothing happens until somebody does something. Why is that so hard to understand?

Why do people criticize people with larger ambition than they have? Why do we have to offer our commentary? If the people in your life don’t understand what you are doing, then they are probably not going to be the people you need to hang around.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Oct 25, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright delivers Part 2 of his series on Fear live from Burlington, N.C. at The Alliance’s headquarters in AMP Studios.

How do you prioritize and conquer fear? Listen in as Andy picks up where he left off with Part 1 of this topic.

Even the smartest people in the world have fears and worries. The people who are successful are those who ignore their fear and concerns, but still get the job done.

Urgency and consequences are two ways to reduce fear, by causing action in people. Fear of loss can be extremely powerful. Urgency creates determination. Consequence creates discipline.

Discipline eventually becomes habit. You have to learn to face your fears and move toward them. Doing this helps increase your confidence. Don’t let fear control your life.

Write down your fears on a sheet of paper. Ask yourself three questions in terms of your fears: why does it hold you back, how can it help you and what is the payoff to eliminate it?

The way to succeed is to start. You can't build anything unless you start. Do it now. Take risks. Believe that you can win big and suppress your fears.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #InsideTheCircle

Oct 18, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright wanted to talk to you about FEAR, IGNORANCE and the power it holds in terms of how you react to it.

Andy opened the show by letting you know there is still time to qualify for the Ring Of Champions trip next year by hitting agency manager. Also, there is plenty of time for you to earn you trip to Hawaii with The Alliance in 2018!

In August, The Alliance donated more than $15,000 to charities and non-profit organizations. The final number for September is expected to be higher than that and initial October numbers are helping The Alliance move closer to $300,000 in donations to charities through the GSB program.

Are you able to forget everything when you are faced with adversity and rise about it? Do you prioritize your fears? Do you rank them?

It is possible to conquer fears. You have to work at it, but it is possible. When you are able to move your heart then your body will follow. When you can get the heart, then your head will follow. You need to get both.


Perspective is the only thing consistently more valuable than the answer. I get fired up about it. You’ve likely tried shrimp, but have you had “bang-bang” shrimp? Perspective changes how you see things.

The only thing that is consistently more valuable than the truth is perspective. You need to develop the power of perspective. You, alone, get to pick your perspective. As crazy as the world gets, you have control over your perspective. A positive perspective equals a guaranteed win. A positive perspective will change everything. It is power. It is control. You are in control when you control your perspective. It belongs to you and nobody else. You own it. No one can push it, change it or diminish it.  

How to win? Forget the naysayers. Forget the naggers. They can’t hold you down. They can’t tell you that you are dumb to be optimistic. You decide how you view everything. Remember, one man’s end of the road is another’s man’s beginning. Your perception is your reality.

When something bad happens, you need to move. Don’t stop!

Perception is how we perceive the world. Perspective is about deciding how those things pertain to your future. Perception is “what is.” Perspective is your ability to direct what happens after IT has happened.

Your worst flaw may be what saves your life one day. It’s all about perspective. When my perception limits my future, I can’t grow into the person I am capable of, or reach my real goals and dreams.

When people sit down and collapse or do nothing for large amounts of time, that’s not good. When the perceived worst thing happens, get up and shake it off! Smile, say “shoot” and keep moving. Add it to the list of things you’ve experienced and learn a lesson from it.

If you don’t have perspective, you are likely to make a decision too quickly based on your perception of things. People who stay in “crisis mode” need a change in perspective and perception.

Perception is how one perceives the fact to be. What are the facts at this moment as you perceive it? Perspective has to do with you deciding what the facts mean, not what they really are. Perspective concerns our ability to direct what happens from the facts part moving forward. Do not allow your perception to limit your future.

Your greatest enemy is fear. The only thing you need to fear is fear itself. Fear is an emotion not a fact. You are the author of your reality.

In your life, every great success will be the result of being persistent. Decide what you want to push through. There will be obstacles and problems. Don’t quit, don’t sit and don’t stop!

Your greatest challenge will be the conquest of fear and your development of habits of courage. Winston Churchill said, “courage is the foremost of virtues.”

He also said, “Never, never quit!” Don’t give up!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Oct 11, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright shares some of the highlights from July’s Family Reunion at The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C.

The first segment of the show featured five of the top women from The Alliance – Kerry Williams, Pam Moore, Katrina Gustin, Michele Alleman, Minerve Prophil – who shared their story of finding The Alliance and how they became successful with the company. Each of these women traveled very different journeys to reach this point with The Alliance, but they all started “doing the do” to become more successful in 2017. Each of these women has made a commitment to sell, recruit and build a bigger business this year. They follow the system that has been proven since 2002, and they stick to their schedule so that they stay focused on important tasks.

Do you have goals? Do you continue to set new goals? Do you raise your expectations for yourself? Do you schedule out your days? Do you plan? If you are not doing those things, then you need to start doing those things today! What inspires you? When you find out what inspires you, then you can truly push for all your goals and dreams.

Make a decision to schedule out your days so that you maximize the amount of tasks you can get done.

Jazmin Lightbourn was the next speaker featured from Family Reunion. She shared part of her story, and how she found The Alliance. Jazmin talked about the importance of having a consistent lead flow to help your business.

Jazmin shared several ways to be more successful.

Be confident in yourself and what you are doing.

Be bold and take risks.

Make referrals a priority.

Be your client’s friend.

Write a policy on yourself so you are more credible.

Read great books that help you grow and learn.

Dress correctly.

Make sure people know why you do what you do. There’s a good chance they know people who want to help people too. Don’t be afraid to ask. Help change people’s perceptions of life insurance and what we do.

Andy wrapped up the show by sharing details about the 2018 incentive trip to Hawaii.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Oct 4, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Riddle and Chris Long fill in as your guest hosts while Andy Albright is traveling on business this week in Florida. Today’s show topic is Better, Faster, Farther.

Riddle and Long will share four sure-fire methods that will help you succeed 100 percent. When you are working with new people, you want to help them get moving better, faster and farther as soon as possible. If you know what the right things are then you want others to duplicate those same actions and behaviors. Doing this helps us all become the best version of ourselves as we move along. In Andy Albright’s “Inside The Circle,” we learn what makes a people move.

When you have a new person, you want to find out quickly what they want. Then, your job is to help them get it. This starts with you asking them, “What do you want?” You should know what you want too. You need to know what you want before you start helping others get what they want. One thing Andy tells people is that they are not allowed to quit. People are allowed to ACT, make adjustments and act again.


During Hurricane Irma, Chris Long wanted to use the storm as a reason to remove a concrete stump that had bothered him for some time. He got his tools, supplies and resources rounded up, and he set about removing the stump. It was not easy. He got disappointed. He stalled briefly. Long wanted to fix that post, but he realized it was going to take more work than he had first thought. He accepted it and started digging again. His own mother even discouraged him from continuing the journey. Long kept working at it. His father saw him struggling, so he grabbed a shovel and joined the removal party. The party got bigger when Long’s wife, cousin and even previously negative mom joined in the fun. People that wanted Long to quit earlier, saw he was making progress and wanted to help him get the job done.

During this ordeal, relationships got stronger and renewed. Long’s team won and had a tangible result to show for the effort. They took what seemed like work and made it a fun challenge. There was a real sense of accomplishment when they finished the job.


People gain confidence from feeling like they belong to a community. It is important to feel welcomed. That’s why community is one of The Alliance’s 8 Core Values. When we feel like we belong to a group, and the group is doing well, we borrow confidence from the group and integrate it into ourselves. Why do so many people fight issues of self-worth? Why do they let it potentially sabotage their approach to success? Stop it!

When you feel like you are on a team, you take the focus off of yourself and put it on the team. When we are part of a team, we are more likely to see that we are capable of something greater than if we only see ourselves. When you have a team, you don’t let the negative stuff sabotage what you are trying to do. We eliminate doubt. We are bigger together as a team than any one person could ever dream of being. When we have a team, we go “all in.”

Through our community, we adopt values, beliefs, behaviors and actions. We also get results! We realize we matter and everybody matters. We see our confidence grow. We win bigger. We grow.


Emotions are so tricky. They make us human. Emotions allow us to feel empathy. Page 183 of “Inside The Circle” states “Our emotions affect our ability to perform and alter our behavior in every area of our life.”

Emotions can also work against us. Negative emotions can get the best of us sometimes. They cause anger, sadness, hate, self-pity, etc. They can paralyze us. They cause us to lose our focus. They make us pout, rant, give up, etc.

Successful people know that how you behave is who you are. We have to learn to control our emotions. Leaders create a positive environment where people can work on learning how to control their emotions. It is easier for smokers to quit smoking when they are not around other smokers. You are a product of your environment so being in a positive setting makes you more positive.


Cohesion is all about sticking together. It means finding people that don’t think they are entitled to anything. When you can assemble a group of people that don’t expect something and don’t feel like they are owed something, you can win big. The Alliance creates cohesion through HotSpots, relationships and community.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #InsideTheCircle

Sep 27, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright covers how you can get unstuck, more contests coming your way via The Alliance and some other big news that you don’t want to miss!

Andy announced a number of different contests being held during the next three months. To learn all about the contests, visit

Do you ever feel like you can tell everyone else the right answers, but you feel terrible and you don’t know what to tell yourself? People talk themselves into quitting!

I have found this … what we have built so far is with very imperfect people and we are going to need more of them to get bigger. Yes, we have to get better. This is our challenge. It is not negative. We avoid the negative. What are you going to do with your time? How about staying off of social media? That will free up some time. A lot of time!

Too many people think social media is great. Reading is greater than tweeting. Too many people think social media is educational. They should be reading books and listening to great audios.

You don’t need to believe everything you hear a person say. You can, however, bank on what they do repeatedly.

Have you heard the story about the kid, who got on the potty? He wanted to know what it was like to be high on pot (the potty). What would you do with that time? Plan, Plan, Plan!!! Success takes time. We are in a race against time. If you want to get things done, it needs to happen now. You can’t wait 50 years to be successful. You can’t get any time back. You can always make more money, but we are all in a race against time.

Focus on the positive and do things that move you toward a goal.

It is all about having a plan. It takes people skills. It means being nice. It takes performing skills. The DO! Plan and Execute. Are you doing the basics? Get good at the basics. Recruiting, referrals, everything. Do it all to get great.

What do you want to do five years from now?

Who do you want to be five years from now?

The answers to those questions should determine what you do RIGHT NOW! Move with a sense of urgency. Reality is a leader’s best friend.

You have to start now. Start with productivity items. Don’t wait five more years. It has to start now. Get busy. Start doing. Stop working on things that don’t matter. Decide what is important and focus on that. Do what has to be done to get you to where you want to be in five years. Do it now!

Reality survey plus urgency equals a dream building session. When you dream build, you start to ask “how.” Once you have a dream, then you start planning how, you plan and do and you start to “get.”

Where are you now?

Where do you want to be?

What you say is what it is.

What you decide is what it is. Make a list and be simple. We have open slots for 33 people who want to help us find 300 winners. The key is to pour into a few that want to make a difference in the world. It is not all about the money.

There are three big things happening at The Alliance. We are finding people with talent, skills and a sense of community. Those things lead to having the right heart that it takes to win big. We are looking for people with more stickability than quitability. We want people who are leaning in and following the playbook. What you do will be copied by others. There were 320 million people in the United States in 2014. The Alliance is looking to find 33 people who are fanatical about winning.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Sep 20, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy Albright, you will find out why Attitude and Expectations toward new people you hire are so important.

When a storm is coming your way, what do you do?

So many of you were impacted by the recent Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in Texas and Florida, but the reactions by people were markedly different.

Some people stopped doing everything and watched things unfold. Others, started moving away from the storm and got back to work. The people that kept doing and didn’t let it stop them from what was most important to them are probably going to be more successful than the people who sat on the couch and watch hours and days of TV. A lot of people gave money or time to help those who needed help.

Watching the storm on TV didn’t help them. Sitting and watching TV wasn’t going to help people that needed water, food and shelter. It also wasn’t going to help fix the damage that had already been done.

The right thing to do when things are happening around you is to stay focused on what you are doing.

You have to love people in the right and proper way.  

John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 13:35 says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.”

In the United States culture, people are taught the following:

  1. I use people
  2. You are NOT my problem
  3. I hate you
  4. I love you conditionally
  5. I love you genuinely (if you are my baby, my pride and joy)

Treating people in those kinds of ways is not good. It is how you will lose people in time. They will get tired of being treated this way. They will not hang around for long. They will not like it.

The old Bible says this about people …

Immeasurable value (people only appreciate value, people matter most of all.)

Universal equality (P.H.D. is the same as a Post-Hole Digger) Everybody has the same shot.

Everyone is in need of mercy (you don’t know what people are going through) We are all a mess when you break it down.

Everyone has unique gifts! (See them inside of people – big!)

Be a friend (Be a buddy to others)

You are family (Get your cousin a plate!) 

There are some simple things that are ways you can be important to other people. What if everybody worked actively to do the following things?

  1. 1.Show affection (hugs, high 5, touch, words, text, gifts)
  2. Show honor (treat people like they are important, very important)
  3. Give them preference (people have needs)
  4. Serve one another (we are all messed up)
  5. Pray for others
  6. Give to people
  7. Show hospitality and civility
  8. Edify while alive (dead noses smell no roses. Find the good!)
  9. Rejoice and Celebrate (small and big wins)
  10. Weep with people
  11. Forgive and DO forget (The best way to ruin a marriage is to remember stuff)

NOW, when you do those things you can find the right people. Stop managing and start leading!

The Alliance is looking for the next biggest leader NOW! Keep looking for the right people. Find people you believe can be big. Watch them, but keep building wide. Keep building while you are looking for people.

Be nice. Watch what people do more than what they say. Action speaks truth more than idle words. People were created equally, but that doesn’t mean treat them equally. Watch motion. Lead more than you manage. Let their actions dictate how much you invest in them.

Get in the “Do Zone” and help other people get in that mindset too.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Sep 13, 2017

Andy Albright delivered this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call on location in Dallas, Texas as part of a three-day series of Boot Camps being hosted in Chicago, Dallas and Atlanta.

Andy wanted to talk to you about being committed and how vision has a price if you want to be successful.

Andy will cover the following: How to pay the price? How to keep pressing forward? How did other people do it? What else should you consider?

Nothing is free. Everything has a price. The Alliance judges people based on what they do, not just what they say they are going to do.

What price are you willing to pay? People that read, listen to audios, call earlier and later than most and do a little bit more are those who are most successful with The Alliance.

There is always a price to pay if you truly want to get what you want in life.

People think that they are special when they are really just standard. Everybody believes the things in their life are special when we all have stuff we are dealing with. What makes you special is what you do even when it is not easy.

What sets you apart from others is when you commit and make a decision to get something done. People who perform at a high level don’t let distractions stop them from making things happen. They get after it and play hard. They don’t quit. They don’t stop. They are relentless.

Something that is worth it will demand sacrifice and risk. It will require pain and sweat equity. Leave your comfortable and embrace the risk. Get up and do it again. Risk it to get it. Get up and get after it. It is a decision. People who win are those who do.

What are your goals, dreams and vision? There are so many unknowns, but you have to take risks to be successful. Get uncomfortable and know that the unexpected will happen eventually.

Don’t let the cost and uncertainty make you flinch. Hesitation is an invitation for failure to arrive. Don’t shrink down from the challenge. Don’t back down. Go on the attack. Go for the goal.

Fear and hesitation will cause and invite failure. You can’t let worry and fear dictate what you do. A leader who is not committed to sacrifice will not win. Do you want to be a strong leader?

People buy in to the leader before they buy in to the vision. They buy in to the vision after they believe in the leader. Vision requires courage and confidence. Act like you know what the results are going to be.

When you see what can be and breakthrough to do it, that’s big. Don’t live your life in a way that leaves you wondering what if I had done this or that. That is the worst way to spend your life.

When people step up and make the decision to act, then the winning gets contagious.

Andy recognized the latest SEAL Team 20 members that were in Dallas for TWC, and let them share why they made the decision to strive for ST20.

Look for a way to get in, not a way to get out. Step up. Take risks. Get in position so that you can win in a big way. Be willing to go uphill when it doesn’t look good so that you can enjoy the view when you top that hill. Get out on that limb and take a shot at greatness. Get focused. Set the example. Be a leader. Help people. Be willing to change to make things work. Dream bigger. Don’t let you history define your future.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Sep 6, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright hosted the show in front more than 200 people at this week’s Instant Thunder event in the Alliance Convention Center at The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C.

This episode was Part 2 of Andy discussing Brian Tracy’s 12 things you can do to make things happen.

To review, the first six were: Have Desire, Believe, Write It Down, Analyze Starting Point, Determine Why You Want To Excel In This Area, and Set Deadlines.

Steps 7-12 were Andy’s focus on this episode.

See The Obstacles

Can you see the problems coming before they are right in front of you? Why haven’t you hit your goal yet? What is holding you back or stopping you? What is the biggest problem you got?

Andy says he will bet you that 80 percent of your problems are within your control. It is normally you that is holding you back. Average people blame people and circumstances. Don’t be average!

Ask yourself this: What is it in me that is holding me back? If you can solve or answer this question, you will change your life.

See the obstacles by asking what they are.

Get the Know How – Get Better

You need knowledge and information. You need principles and values. Learn what you believe and stick to it. Learn it and get better at it.

Read books! Listen to great audios.

Determine the People You’ll Need – Who is Critical?

Everybody needs help to become successful. Who do you know that can help you? Who can help you stay focused and motivated?

Once you know that, you can start working on building those relationships NOW! Offer to help people first before you ask for help. Most people will return the favor. Be genuine and honest. Don’t just use people for your goals. Create meaningful relationships that help you raise the bar.

Make A Plan To Execute

If you don’t plan, how can you expect things to get done? Ben Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Having a plan is essential to your success. We have limited time and resources, so we need to be very smart about how we spend our hours and days. Make a plan. Create a roadmap. Be prepared to make adjustments along the way. Be open to change. Plan for success!

Rich people know to ask, “what am I missing?” They know to fill in the blanks to make things happen.


If you can’t see it then you can’t seize it! When you know what you want and you can see it then you are far more likely to reach your goals and dreams. IF you can change the internal thinking then the external will follow. There are two laws that apply here. The law of self-fulfilling prophecy and the law of attraction.

Whatever you think about most is what you will become. You will also attract people that think the same way that you do.

Never Give Up

Successful people are persistent. No matter what happens, if you don’t quit you will win. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you give up you won’t reach your full potential. Don’t let failures stop you. Use those failures as breakthroughs. Don’t ever give up on your goals and dreams!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Aug 30, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Tim Goad and Paul Roberts served as guest hosts live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters while Andy Albright was out of town on business.

Today’s show focused on making connections with people and getting better results as a result of your dreams, habits and mindset.

Do you actively seek to help other people? It matters to people. When you do that, you get rewarded in ways you don’t even realize. Serving others helps you build deeper connections with people.

Do you know your why? What is your burning desire for your life? Are you certain about it? When you know your why, you are more loyal and you know what you are doing and where you are going. What happens when you reach a place of conflict? If you know your calling, you can deal with issues faster and easier.

Your habits create connections. The deeper the connection you have with people, the better results you will enjoy. What habits are you creating? Do you know where to run and when to run? Do you know when it is time to make things happen?

What is your mindset? What does it magnify in your life?

Write it down, speak it to others, actively seek to live what you say and back it up with actions.

Be easy on yourself and others and not so negative. Magnify what is great in you and others. You can find plenty of reasons to beat yourself up and others, but that doesn’t make things better.

Build up people for the things they are doing correctly. Be positive.

Tim Goad shared his “Daily Dozen Habits” to help you grow and improve.

Evaluate where you are

Trade in every other option to get rid of distractions

Get around other successful people

Proclaim and pronounce that this is your dream

Understand there’s going to be opposition from a number of different directions

Focus on your efforts

Seek out every positive person you can find

Protect yourself

Go beyond what other people think is wise to commit to

Walk around like you are ready

Look for every possible avenue that will help you reach your dreams and goals

Reach out to every helping hand that has a similar dream to yours to help you reach your dream

Before you can be a great leader, you have to be a great follower. Everybody needs somebody to perform for and with. It takes a team to make a big dream come true.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Aug 23, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright came to you live from Shelton, Connecticut during a two-day trip up the East Coast.

Andy recognized the latest agents who were promoted at the end of the month of July. He also updated the current standings for August contests that will run through the end of the month.

Andy covered six of Brian Tracy’s 12 things needed to make things come true

Have desire


Write it down

Analyze starting point

Determine why you want to excel in this area

Set deadlines




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Aug 16, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright hosted the show live from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. inside of The Alliance Headquarters.

The show opened with Andy reminding the audience about all the different contests going on in August with The Alliance.

Last week, Andy talked about the three connections that really do not work. This show is all about the real, true connection that will work when dealing with people. Connection creates connectivity and stickiness.

There are three steps to “TRUE” connection.

Break The Ice (Validation): Feelings. How do you make people feel? Do you value a man who does a “great job?” Do you value a woman who says “glad you are with us?”

Prime The Pump (Empathy): Say. What you said matters. Do you respond with understanding? Do you avoid responding with an evaluation?

Find Common Ground (Wisdom): Reveal. This deals with who you see. Do you concentrate on connecting with people? Arrogance leads to an agenda. Thinking you are right causes a “leading the witness” mentality even when you know you are wrong.

To live a life as a human being you need water, food, oxygen and a few necessary things. If you don’t have them, you cannot live.

When you make connections and enough people keep making connections, then we can make a difference.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Aug 9, 2017

On this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright was back live in AMP Studios after spending a few days in Florida last week.

Andy opened the show by talking about all the contests The Alliance has going on in August. He also announced the latest new SEAL Team 20 members for July and the Good Samaritan Bonus winners.

Andy’s main topic on this episode was the four corners of connection or relationships, and how you can focus on the right corner to be your best. When you have a poor connection with people you can’t build the relationship. It’s like having a bad signal on your cell phone. If you are not connected, then it is going to be hard to have a conversation with a person. When people are connected and love each other, it is the most powerful thing in the world.

You can have all the information in the world, but if there is no connection between people then it won’t work. People are designed for work and performance. People were meant to be productive. Your cell phone is the same way. When it is connected and works well, life is good. When you are dealing with people you have to work to make a connection with them to get things done.

When you don’t have a relationship or connection with a person, nothing is going to happen. No action will happen until the connection is right. People are looking for a connection. They are looking to find the power of the other (person). They want to find a strong connection.

Dr. Henry Cloud speaks about “the womb to the tomb.” There are three main problems in making a connection. A lot of times, the lack of connection is because people have less energy, less teamwork, less passion and something is not right.

When you ask a person where they are, they might say ... Right Here! I'm good! What you really are looking to find out is where is their heart, mind and soul ... the internal you. That's what we mean we ask how are you doing? We know you are in a good place or a bad place. Asking this question can change everything for a person. It can help your performance, you growth and your life.

There are four places of human connection. These determine where you are. They determine your success. How do you find people to connect with? You have to work to find people that want to connect. You want to know what is in their mind. The question you are asking is this: “Where are you?” It is as much about you as the person you are trying to get going. You can tell what people are connected when you dig deeper.

There are four places where you need to determine where you are.

First – Disconnect or no connection

Second – Bad Connection – look, feel and sound

Third - Pseudo-Good Connection

Fourth – True Connection

With purpose, passion and a reason there comes connections. You can’t relate to everybody, but you can be a connector for people.

When people are not connected, people get frustrated and hurt.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Aug 2, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podast, guest hosts Jane Hill and Jazmin Lightbourn each shared their personal history, and what led them to The Alliance. Both ladies shared some everyday tips they have learned on their Alliance journey.

Jane explained how you should take CONTROL of your decisions and actions in life, and Jazmin elaborated by saying you should take RESPONSIBILITY for the same. It is wise to know the difference between the things you can control and those you cannot.

Jazmin mentioned 4 books that have made an impact on her growth. Learning how to speak publicly makes a huge difference whether you are speaking one-on-one or to a large group. Body language is also crucial in making people respond to you and trust you in an appointment.

It is important to learn how to mirror your clients, create an open body language, manage your facial expressions, add inflections in your voice and dress successfully. Jane and Jazmin brought several members of the audience forward to illustrate wise examples of dress for both Hot Spots and appointments.

A new contest for the month of August was described at the end of the show, and the prizes associated with it.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Jul 27, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from The Alliance headquarters in advance of Family Reunion. Listen in as Andy tells you how to do the following with new people ...


Learn Skills

Build Stamina

Enjoy Shorter Rehabilitation

Become MORE Creative

Build Relationships Through Life Lessons ...

and more on this podcast!





#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Jul 19, 2017

On this edition of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright talks about the 3 As of attracting people and being more successful.

Negative emotions effect everything. You focus on you because you can only control you. Sometimes you have to move away from the people that bring negativity to your life.

Lack of growth has a cause: lack of edification, lack of duplication and just lack.

Darkness is not fixed by taking the dark out. Darkness is only brightened by bringing in more light. Growing is when the light is coming in.

Pull the bright spots in close instead of simply identifying them. Find them by being nice.

Negative is bad. Change needs to happen. People can change, but they have to want to. We can’t let them affect us. They will make you negative before you make them positive because change has to be wanted by them.

Three As to being successful.

Acceptance, Approval and Appreciation

Assume the attitude you want other people to have. Negativity creates boundaries. Be aware of your perception of things. Be mindful of how you are taking something, because it is a choice. Act as if you are going to like a person before you are sure and your odds of liking them will increase. Tell them, “You know I’m starting to like you already.”

Lead with clarity and simplicity. Lead with your heart. Be like an old pair of jeans. Don’t be like old, Victorian furniture. There is a difference between getting to know somebody and interrogating them. Be nice! Smile!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Jul 12, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright comes to you live from Atlanta, Ga. where more than 100 members of The Alliance joined Albright on the third leg of a series of Boot Camps this week.

Did you know you can change lives by showing people that you appreciate them, accept them and approve of them?

You can change lives by appreciating people.

Listen in as Andy continues discussing the 3 As that show you are a leader and how you can build upon the trust level you already have with people.

There are dead giveaways or tell-tale signs that people are not appreciators of the 3 As (Acceptance, Approval, Appreciation)

Your walk gives you away. Your physical gives away your mental state. If your walk is too cocky or too timid, that’s bad. If your shoulders are slumped or you walk too fast, that isn’t good. Your physical appearance is an outward glimpse of your mental appearance.

Your stance. Don’t stand with your hands in your pockets. Don’t stand with your arms crossed. Don’t cross your hands in front or behind you. Leave your hands by your side, opened up and your shoulders back.

Your Handshake. There are three types of handshakes. The limp fish, the strong money-making grip and the bone crusher. If your hands are really cold, rub them together to warm them before shaking hands with a person. Keep a nice, standard handshake.

Most effective communication is based on the tone of a person’s voice and the sincerity. Be effective when communicating by not mumbling. Speak clearly. Speak directly. It creates trust.

All of these things can be practiced in the mirror. When speaking, separate your first name from your last name. Make sure you are smiling. Assume people are going to like you because people crave relationships. People will pick up on the attitude you put out there. They will adopt what you show them. Take on the attitude you want to have. Don’t expect something until you inspect it. People rise and fall by the expectations you set for them. People will go toward the direction you push them. Pour on the effort, energy, love and help to the people who are almost to the point of success.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

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