On this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright was back live in AMP Studios after spending a few days in Florida last week.
Andy opened the show by talking about all the contests The Alliance has going on in August. He also announced the latest new SEAL Team 20 members for July and the Good Samaritan Bonus winners.
Andy’s main topic on this episode was the four corners of connection or relationships, and how you can focus on the right corner to be your best. When you have a poor connection with people you can’t build the relationship. It’s like having a bad signal on your cell phone. If you are not connected, then it is going to be hard to have a conversation with a person. When people are connected and love each other, it is the most powerful thing in the world.
You can have all the information in the world, but if there is no connection between people then it won’t work. People are designed for work and performance. People were meant to be productive. Your cell phone is the same way. When it is connected and works well, life is good. When you are dealing with people you have to work to make a connection with them to get things done.
When you don’t have a relationship or connection with a person, nothing is going to happen. No action will happen until the connection is right. People are looking for a connection. They are looking to find the power of the other (person). They want to find a strong connection.
Dr. Henry Cloud speaks about “the womb to the tomb.” There are three main problems in making a connection. A lot of times, the lack of connection is because people have less energy, less teamwork, less passion and something is not right.
When you ask a person where they are, they might say ... Right Here! I'm good! What you really are looking to find out is where is their heart, mind and soul ... the internal you. That's what we mean we ask how are you doing? We know you are in a good place or a bad place. Asking this question can change everything for a person. It can help your performance, you growth and your life.
There are four places of human connection. These determine where you are. They determine your success. How do you find people to connect with? You have to work to find people that want to connect. You want to know what is in their mind. The question you are asking is this: “Where are you?” It is as much about you as the person you are trying to get going. You can tell what people are connected when you dig deeper.
There are four places where you need to determine where you are.
First – Disconnect or no connection
Second – Bad Connection – look, feel and sound
Third - Pseudo-Good Connection
Fourth – True Connection
With purpose, passion and a reason there comes connections. You can’t relate to everybody, but you can be a connector for people.
When people are not connected, people get frustrated and hurt.
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