On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Mike Lewantowicz is joined by agents who are seeing more income and growth based on their activity. Find out what they are doing to win big with The Alliance.
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On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Paul Roberts talks about digging for gold without messing up the environment you work in.
#TheAlliance #N247RU
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from Treasure Island, Fla. to talk abut the four commitment challenges. Andy will share how you can identify and overcome hindrances that can block you from being more successful.
The Four Commitment Challenges:
1). Everybody wants to be taken somewhere Warning: Never assume people understand how your system can change their lives. Tell Them! If we don't tell people where we're taking them, they'll engage in a system that will.
Solution: With any unknown, people need assurance in the form of a promise. Such as, in a variation of the Men's Warehouse promise, "You're going to like the way you're living."
2). Everybody wants someone to fix their problem. Warning: People do not want to change, but they will accept assistance quick-fixing their problems. Be careful not to appear as a rescuer from their drama. If your advice or suggestion to fix causes further problems, then you will be blamed for making it worse. This blame will become the reason or excuse why their commitment to Our System falters.
Solution: When an agent decides to participate in our system, they're essentially saying, "I believe you can help me solve my problem." Your next step should be two things: 1). brainstorming why they have a problem and 2). determining a course of action to fix said problem. The main goal here is to teach them to exert control over their environment in the future.
3). Everybody wants to avoid risk
Warning: Once people verbally commit, they are still subconsciously pondering risk with the following three questions:
• "What if this system doesn't work?"
• "What if I'm a fool for investing in this system?"
• "Can I even do this?"
"What if this system doesn't work?"
Counter with, "Do you want it to work?"
"What if I'm a fool for investing in this system?"
Counter with, "Do you need this to work?"
"Can I even do this?"
Counter with, "Are you willing to make this work?"
4). Everybody wants a roadmap to success
• Aggressive Type A Personality:
Their "want" to be great (desire to claim freedom) drives
their "willingness" to succeed (desire to sacrifice).
• Passive Type B Personality:
Their "willingness" to succeed (desire to sacrifice) influences
Their "want" to be great (desire to claim freedom).
In order to shut down Type A's objections of a roadmap:
Their "end" (a "Result") must justify Their "mean" (the "Do").
In order to shut down Type B's excuses from implementing a roadmap: Their "mean" (the "Do") must justify their "end" (a "Result").
Summary: In the movie "The Karate Kid," Mr. Miyagi introduces his version of "Doing The Do" called, "wax on, wax off." Daniel had to trust his teacher's non-traditional training methods (by mastering the mundane), before he saw progress.
#N247RU #TheAlliance
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright talks about The 8 Steps To Success and why they should matter to you.
#TheAlliance #N247RU