
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: October, 2016
Oct 27, 2016

Andy Albright hosted this episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast in front of a live audience inside the Alliance Convention Center in Burlington, N.C.

Do you have a passion in your life? Are you passionate about what you do daily? Do you let your passion help you fulfill your purpose?

How did Andy become successful? When Andy was a little boy he wanted choices, options and to have the freedom to make decisions. Andy hated being broke. Andy was passionate about finding a way to have freedom. Whether it was selling goats or working a J.O.B., Andy was never afraid to go for it and get in the game. The way to keep your passion is by practicing it.

When a person makes the decision to go “all in” on something they really want, they start making things happen. It takes effort, but people that have passion about what they are doing don’t mind the work because they are thinking about the payoff down the road.

When you see what the reward is for being passionate about what you are doing, why wouldn’t you go for it? If you know it is possible, why would you attack your dream with less than 100 percent enthusiasm, excitement, effort and passion? It makes no sense not go for it with everything you have inside you.

The people with the “How To” is always going to work for the person who knows the “Why To.” People with the passion, the why and the desire will always come out on top. You have to have a reason for why you do what you do and it cannot just be about money.

Find a “WHY” that is huge or massive. When you have a bigger why, little things are less likely to stop you. If you hit a setback and your “WHY” is massive, you will keep going. You won’t get distracted. You will press on. You will keep doing. That’s the power of passion.

When you are focused on how far you can go, then you are not stopping at a destination because you think and believe you can do more. You don’t have a set finish line because your “WHY” is too big to think that way.

When you dream is huge, people will think that “setbacks” don’t phase you. That’s not true. It impacts you, but you are too busy doing and moving that you don’t stop to sulk and think about something that isn’t worth your time. This doesn’t mean you won’t get hurt at times, but you have to stay focused on what you want more than a small issue that isn’t as great as your passion and your why.

People with passion practice “amnesia” when it comes to issues, obstacles and setbacks. They forget it and move on. We only have so much time to get things done in this life. Why in the world would you set there and dwell with your bottom lip sticking out? Don’t waste time worrying about something that is done.

Don’t sit, sulk and sour. Do you best and keep moving. Be passionate about what you do. When you make a decision, proceed and don’t stop. Keep going and see how far you can go. Make the decision to be passionate ahead of time and go for it.

Learn to forget what happened in the past and focus on the future. When your “WHY” is big enough, you realize you don’t have time to waste on small stuff.

The Alliance has circumstances, but The Alliance has a big passion and we keep going and doing. The Alliance doesn’t get bogged down in muddy messes. Passion and heart can take you places you can’t even imagine.

If your passion is big enough, you won’t stop. If you passion is small, then when you reach a small goal you will make the mistake of stopping and then you don’t know what to do next. Being over the top passionate is how you get crazy successful.

Not everybody is going to be wildly successful, but some people will and the passion level will play a huge factor in those who win big. Passion is about perseverance. Passion is heart. Passion is fighting through issues. Passion is about not quitting when things aren’t perfect. Passion is staying motivated to keep doing what you believe matters most.

Passion is deep and it keeps you going in all that you do. The key to passion is to keep it by practicing it every single day. When you are able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep pressing forward when life knocks you down, then you have the passion it takes to be successful in life.

Most of the time passion is caught and not taught. It happens when you are around the right people and you are making great decisions. When the choices you make line up with the passion, then things start happening fast.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a person that has money and can do just about anything in the world they want to do. Why can’t that be you? People like nice stuff and it takes money to obtain things. If you work for it and earn it, what is wrong with being rewarded for it?

Passion is not how high you can jump, it is not about personality, it is not how fast you can run, it is not a feeling, and not a sensation. It is about doing things anyway even when outside forces are trying to hold you back. Let your passion push you to keep going even when you don’t want to. Find your passion and run hard to reach all your goals and dreams.



Oct 20, 2016

On this episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast, James and Jane Hill stepped up to host the show from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. while Andy Albright was in Las Vegas for meetings and to host a special HotSpot meeting on Wednesday.

The Hills moved to Burlington, N.C. about three years ago from Annapolis, Md. in an effort to grow their business and to learn from the corporate staff at The Alliance’s headquarters.

James shared a story of a manager who owned a fruit farm. As he inspected his trees he noticed that one particular tree had failed to produce the crop he wanted for a number of years. The manager asked his employee to cut the tree down because he didn’t like the results it was giving him. The employee had an alternative, asking that he be allowed to place fertilizer around the tree to help it grow better next season. The manager agreed. Sure enough, that tree produced better results the next season!

You have to give a tree time to develop, mature and grow. You can’t pick fruit from a tree that isn’t properly cared for. It’s the same way in business and when you work with people. You have to do your part to get the tree growing. Failure turns into fertilizer when done properly.

James and Jane learned in the last three years that they had to change some of the things they were doing before moving to Burlington, N.C. It didn’t happen overnight, but you can follow their example and get the same results they have enjoyed.

Don’t use your environment as an excuse. The employee could have let his manager use the excuse for the tree not producing fruit, but he was smart enough to offer a solution rather than an excuse. For every reason you give, you can also share an example as to how it can work.

Practice not letting your past, your environment, etc. as an excuse for why you are not where you want to be. Speak the following words out loud: I will not excuse my growth by blaming my environment.

Stop wasting energy and resources on things that do not help you reach your goal.

If you have a garden alone, what grows? Weeds. What do weeds do? They choke out other stuff.

Practice saying the following: I’m going to do what it takes, NOT what I think it should take!

The problem appeared at the level of the leaves, but the problem was caused by the level of the roots. There is a connection between our motives and our manifestations. Don’t take your anger out on the leaves when the problem is in the roots.

Oct 12, 2016

Do you have a Millionaire Mindset as you start and close out each day?

Andy Albright brings you a brand new podcast of The Wednesday Call live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C. to cover that question. Learn how you can make the decision to be successful.

Andy opened the episode by giving people an update on everything happening at The Alliance. He announced a new contest for a trip to Cancun that will run for the rest of 2016. Winners will spend four days in Cancun in April of 2017.

There will be two Instant Thunder events at the corporate office on Oct. 26-28 and Nov. 30-Dec. 2. You can sign up for these events by visiting These events always sell out so get your spot locked in today.

The Alliance’s National Convention will be held Jan. 19-22, 2017 in Raleigh, N.C. Tickets to this event are available now at

The Millionaire Mindset is a choice. It is driven by luck, circumstances or advantages. It is a choice. Even if you start out with assets or an edge, that doesn’t guarantee success. It takes work, it takes effort and it takes consistency. It is a choice every single day. It takes thought, mindset, making a decision and doing the activity it takes to make it happen.

The Alliance has a system in place that gives you an advantage, but you have to take advantage of the resources or it won’t happen for you. Taking advantage of the advantages The Alliance has cultivated since 2002. It is a choice and it is up to you to decide to have the right mindset to be successful. If you live in America, there is no reason in the world that you can’t become a millionaire. It happens for somebody every day.

When you visit The Alliance headquarters, do you take advantage of everything there is to offer while you are here? If you come to an Instant Thunder event, make the most of your time at the home office. Use your time to associate with people who are like-minded.

On October 6, 2016, Andy Albright decided he was going to get rich. He decided so strongly that he put a reminder on his calendar for every day at 6 a.m. and at 8 p.m. He did this so that every single day he would stay committed to being successful. Have you made the decision to be successful? Do you need a daily reminder? Put it on your calendar and remind yourself every single day. It is a choice. You get to decide what you do and where you go each day. It makes a difference.

Revenue and Structure when it comes to mindset

How many people do you have helping other people? How many people are you helping? Do you always find ways to get referrals or find annuities? Are you teaching your team to do the same thing? Are you using MC Backup and CallFire?

How does your revenue and infrastructure look? Do people copy you in a positive way? The choices you make today will impact your life moving forward. It is about choices and perspective. The choices you make and the actions you take are what take you to where you are in life.

Here’s another ideal that people don’t always think about: when you reach one mountain top there is a bigger mountain out there for you to climb. Now, you can sit on one mountain top and that is as high as you will be forever. If you believe there is more out there, you have to chase a bigger mountain top.   

You only have so much time to decide what mountains you are going to climb. You have to decide today what mountain you want to climb. It is OK if you don’t pick the biggest mountain, but you need to pick a mountain and start trying to reach the top of it. When you tackle that hike, you can find a bigger hill to climb. The key is to start moving toward the top NOW.

It is all about choices! Forget the ordinary and start seeking the extraordinary.

How to win?

The principles of winning are the same, but the process is different. When you figure that out, nothing else matters. When you do the basics over and over, you get better. When you get to a point where it becomes habit and second nature to you, the winning gets crazy. When you are used to winning and doing, the championships start coming to you. When you are outscoring your opponents, you can’t lose. Again, it is choices.

3 Things People have to remember:



Bring Somebody With You

Do you want to do it? You “want to” is a sign of your belief level, which is a sign of your ability to do something. If you don’t do it, then that means you don’t want to do it. According to what people want, you can determine what they believe and you can help them.

If you want to get in shape, then you are going to work out. You might not get the results you want immediately, but if you put in the work then you will eventually get the results you seek. Now, if you go to the gym and stand around then you won’t get in shape. We’ve all seen the gym rat that goes there to talk and not work out. He doesn’t get the results like those who “Do the Do.” Making the decision to change is part of how you get results.

If you want to get better, then you are going to have to decide what you are willing to change. If you know the prescription to be successful and don’t follow it, then you shouldn’t expect the results that are not realistic until you make positive changes.

If you aren’t getting the results you want, you better change something.

It really boils down to this: What do I want, Who do I ask and find out How, Schedule it and Do it!

When you decide what you want, you have to figure out how to get it. You need to talk to people who have done it bigger and better than you and ask them questions. Then, you have to schedule times to work toward what you want. Lastly, you have to do!

We all make choices. The choices we make now will take us to where we are in 15 years. We have to make choices faster now so that we can get more done.

The Alliance is fighting for the victory with a solid plan of attack. No person can do it alone. It is a team effort and a systematic plan for how to win. When we can hear it and understand it, we are going to be more successful. The more difficult the situation is, the more miraculous the miracle looks when the win happens.

Can you move from the “Do” to the “Are.” In other words, when you are the “Are” you doing everything you want to and nothing can stop you from your dreams and goals. If you want to become something badly enough, you will be an “Are” person.

We all deal with choices, voices and who we will help in life.

If your doctor tells you that you are sick, but that you can get better what would you do? If you do exactly what the doctor says, everything will be fine. If you don’t follow their orders, it could be very bad. What would you do?

You are probably going to listen to the doctor because it could be life or death. Now, you might be OK for a little while, but why wouldn’t you want to get 100 percent healthy by listening to the doctor? It doesn’t make any sense. People are crazy about stuff.

Find people that want to be better and spend your time helping them. Those are the people that will do what is needed to be successful. The Alliance isn’t looking for perfect people because that’s not how it works. We are looking for people that need help and don’t know it all because those are the success stories that The Alliance was built upon.

How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do or give up to get something greater down the road? What do you want?

Get the Millionaire Mindset it takes to be successful. It can happen if you make the decision. Don’t let you ego get in the way of what it out there for you. Do be that person that knows more than everybody else. It is hard to help those people.

An ego can limit or stop your income, relationships, etc. Remember that you can’t do it all alone. You need a team to perform for and to perform with. Find people like you that are ready to “Do the Do.” When you are able to bring people with you on the journey is huge. Being the example is visual and part of that visual is bringing people along for the ride. People are watching you and leadership is visual. Set the example for others. B.S.W.Y. – Bring Somebody With You!

You will be rewarded ultimately by how many people you brought and helped in your life. What you do on Earth matters. The Alliance is looking for people who want to change and change fast.

Work hard to develop a millionaire mindset. When you think, believe it and start working on it, it will happen faster for you!

Oct 5, 2016

Kyle Keator and Terry Edwards stepped in as special guest hosts for this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.

Keator and Edwards shared their background and how they ultimately found The Alliance. Next, they covered the How and Why of The Alliance. Once that is clear, the magic is in being intentional and getting things done. The “Why” is what makes you leap for joy, makes you sing and get moving. There is power in doing what you love. Now, the purpose of life is not to just be happy, but rather to be useful in your lifetime.

What do you dream about? What if you could do that for the rest of your life? How would your life be different if you focused strictly on that? What if you started today and kept working every single day toward your goals and dreams? Start where you are today and get moving.

Keep your daily routine simple. Focus on the tasks that need to be done now … right now.

Life is about adding value to other people. When it is said and done, people will remember you for what you did for others and less about what you did for yourself. Never forget that. If you reap joy for others you are going to sow joy. If you reap faith, you have sown faith. It is the law of reciprocity.

People know if you are genuine or fake. You can’t trick people when it comes to what we do. We have to have a client’s best interest at heart when we go inside a home.

Make more deposits than you make transactions. Keep giving back in all you do.

Add value, contribute and be ready to perform when the time comes. If you work all week and don’t get to play, then you are not going to be happy. Put in the work so that you can play!

Don’t judge people, but judge the fruit on the tree. Keep practicing the activity that yields results. When you perform at a high level, remember what you did that worked.

Seek out feedback from people who are where you want to be in life and ask great questions. They will help you more than you realize. Don’t just talk about what you are going to do, start doing it.