On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright continues talking about The 8 Steps to Success live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. This week, Andy talks about the importance of reading.
"Are you willing to increase your capacity from the knowledge of others?" -- Andy Albright
Step 4: Read
Moral: Gaining knowledge empowers our mind and broadens its range.
Two Ways Reading Stimulates Both Sides of Our Brain
1. Opens up the right side of the brain to view possibilities and new ideas: Gaining Perspective Through Reading
2. Allows the left side of the brain to practice processing new terms and sort new concepts: Gaining Clarity Through Reading
1). Gaining Perspective Through Reading
• Take control of your mind.
"The energy of the mind is the essence of life." --Aristotle
• Regard all experiences as mere experiences.
"It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed." --Ram Dass
2). Gaining Clarity Through Reading
• Exercise your brain.
"The two offices of memory are collection and distribution." -- Samuel Johnson
• Relax your brain.
"Calmness is the cradle of power." --Josiah Gilbert Holland
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about Step 2 of his 8 Steps to Success, which involves work.
"Are you willing to just sit around and watch others put forth effort?" -- Andy Albright
Step 2: Work
Moral: Unfortunately, many people would rather be on the sidelines watching the game instead of playing in it. They are afraid of work so they accept the alternative of losing.
3 Ways to Ensure Work Happens:
1. Set Expectations to prime commitment.
2. Hit Deadlines to ignite completion.
3. Measure Outcomes to sight consistent effort.
Three Steps to Erupt Work Results
1. Ready
2. Fire
3. Aim
#TheAlliance #DoTheDO
#N247RU #Driven
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about five questions that can help impact your financial freedom.
Invest: To expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit by putting it into a financial engine.
"Investing in this opportunity allows you to print money." --Andy Albright
Question #1: Do you find it more convenient to blame past events than to just check your ego at the door?
Question #2: Do you find it easier to highlight your current problems than to brainstorm future solutions?
Question #3: Do you find it more satisfying to play the victim than to just choose a new course of action?
Question #4: Do you find it more justifying accepting a bailout than to realize nobody owes you anything?
Question #5: Do you find it less complicated to avoid opportunity than to invite discomfort?
#TheAlliance #DoTheDO
#N247RU #Driven
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright was live from The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. to wrap up his four-part series on why agents don't book 40 appointments weekly.
The fourth step of this series deals with effective feedback.
The four steps of Effective Feedback are:
ENSURE Step: "I have researched your appointment history, and I see you are averaging 20 appointments a week."
ENQUIRE Step: "If the expectation is 40 appointments a week, can you tell me why you have a gap between what is and what should be?"
EXPLAIN Step: "I see you are working your current client list, but are not buying any leads or getting referrals."
EMPOWER Step: "I strongly recommend you start investing in leads and acquiring referrals, or you will not reach the financial freedom you seek."
T h e F o u r C o n n e c t i n g P i e c e s o f F e e d b a c k :
1. Ask: "Hey, do you have a minute to share your response to these facts?"
2. State: "Let me repeat back to you what I understood you to say."
3. Introduce: "Do you understand the consequences of the action or lack of action?"
4. Remove: "Can you sum up the expectation moving forward?"
#TheAlliance #DoTheDO
#N247RU #Driven
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, guest host Noelle Lewantowicz interviews top-producing agents that are killing it with Foresters. Also, Bruce Burak of Foresters joins the pod!
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo