
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: May, 2017
May 31, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explains how you can get the snow flakes together to cause a land slide. When Mount Fuji explodes you want to be on top with The Alliance.

Loyalty, focus and commitment is directly to tied to how successful you are in life. The people who can repeatedly do tasks that move them toward their goals enjoy the most success. They are steady and keep doing the mundane consistently. Doing the things that other people are not willing to do is the key to becoming successful.

People who suffer from boredom need a purpose. If you don’t have a purpose or know what you are doing, then it will be hard to be successful. If you have the proper amount of fear for being successful then you will work hard to reduce those fears becoming a reality.

Pastor Brian Biggars from Lamb’s Chapel was a guest on the show as Dave and Michelle Johnson donated their March Good Samaritan Bonus check to him. Biggars spoke about the importance of being successful. He’s read tons of biographies on successful people and shared that the common denominator of success is doing the work when the motivation isn’t there.

A lot of people are motivated by money, but it will run out eventually. Successful people are driven to do what they do even when it isn’t easy. Life is about more than money, it is about having a purpose. Money is needed to help people, but it isn’t everything. Biggars said that he lives to help people. He doesn’t live for fame. He lives to help people. Don’t be a prisoner of success. In your sole should be a deep desire to help people. It should drive you to greatness. When you serve others, you will be rewarded for it. When you can change lives then you are truly rich.

Biggars encouraged people to let your calendar dictate what you do each day. When your life is over, what will you leave behind? What gets you excited? You get one trip on this Earth. If you don’t help change lives, then you are wasting life. Instead of using people to make money, we should make money to help people. Use the opportunity you have to make a difference to others.

What stops you from doing the work that you know needs to be done? You have to get your mind right and keep doing even when you have doubts about what you are doing. If you know it is what you should be doing, then do it. Master the mundane. Don’t be afraid to make dials. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. We all change at some point. We have all messed up. Make today count. If you mess up, do better tomorrow. All the minutes add up to hours, days, weeks and years.

Your actions and behaviors have to line up with your goals if you want to be successful.




May 24, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explained how YOU can explode your business in the next 90 days by doing five simple things.

Andy opened the show by letting people know he will be in Melbourne and Orlando, Fla. next week, and then Detroit, Mich. and New Jersey the following week.

The Alliance is hosting Family Reunion in July at its corporate headquarters in Burlington, N.C. You can secure your ticket today by visiting

Today’s show centered around how you can go from zero to hero by doing five simple things in the next 90 days. These items will get you freedom and recognition with The Alliance.

What kinds of questions does a great person ask when they have the chance? There are some great questions on page 81 of Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual to help you with this topic.  

Next, you need to treat people right. You can’t go around being mean to everybody and expect them to like you and help you when you need it. Sarcasm gets old very fast.

Are you focused on what is important versus what is urgent? You can get good at this by using your calendar to help focus on the important things. If you make a mistake, that’s OK. The key is to correct the mistake so that it doesn’t happen again. Urgent things are important, but you need to think about tomorrow and what is really important too.

People need to make a commitment. Make the decision to do it than to talk about it. Why is it so hard to commit to do the work it takes to be successful? What are you willing to commit to doing? Make a list and make a decision. After that, all that is left is to do what you decide to do.

Lastly, how can you get your innocence back? You can’t worry about bad things that happened in the past. Let the pain of the past go. Be willing to change and know that what you do in this life will matter for eternity. Help as many people as you can on the journey of life so that you can be rewarded long after you leave Earth. When you keep finding ways to make a difference then you will keep your innocence.




May 17, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright shares some big news about a new app you can get NOW, and discusses how you can tell when a person is growing.

The Alliance has launched a new app to help you find all things media related to the company. You can search for Alliance Media on your phone to download the app from your preferred app store.

Who is growing like crazy?

People who are really growing are people who are doing things across the board. They are not picking and choosing what they are solid at. They are consistent at pretty much everything and they don’t slow down when things start falling into place. People who are growing keep focused and keep pushing to grow even more.

There’s some great information on figuring out who to work with on your team in Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual on page 112-113. This section deals with how to work with your downline. You are looking for people in depth that are doing the basics that it takes to be successful with The Alliance. When people in your depth are taking action faster, then you have to spend time with them and invest more in them than those who are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. When you go down in depth and help that person get width, the faster and bigger you can grow your team. It is about working with productive people as much as possible. The deal is to get deep and wide. That’s how you grow fast.

The Alliance is built on what people do. It is not who you like or who looks like they are special. It’s all about “doing the do.”

You want to work with people that are Ready, Willing and Able. You want to work with people that are Faithful, Available and Teachable. Those are the people need your attention.

Are you doing the things that you have to do, or are you getting bogged down in stuff that doesn’t matter. When you can narrow the work you do each day, the better you will be at those tasks. Successful people don’t waste time in areas that they are not strong in. They focus on what they are great at and they keep doing that.

Your goal is to move from confusion to clarity and from frustration to focus.

There are four things you can do to get the results you want. You can make the decision to do what it takes to move into the top 10 percent. You can take action and keep acting. You can commit to improve in what you do daily. Lastly, use the resources we make available for you and refer to them daily.

Andy is hosting a series of boot camps in the next three weeks. You can find out where he will be by visiting  You can also secure your ticket for July's Family Reunion by visiting

Until next week, check out the latest content from Andy Albright via the Alliance Media app!!!




May 10, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright delivered the show live from AMP Studios.

The main topic of the show was what The Alliance has to do to double the team. Before you can help find one person, you have to be that person first. If you are not doing what is asked then you can’t ask others to do what you are not willing to do.

Once you are a person that is doing the right activity, then you are looking for people who want to do the same things. You have to ask this: Who wants it and does it? It’s about doing it and not just talking about it.

You can hire all the people in the world, but if you don't slow down long enough to help people get off on the right track then you are going to have a mess. We are not trying to hire people just to say we hired people. We want to hire the right people and challenge them to master the basics.

On page 136 of Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual, he wrote about communication and how 93 percent of communication is non-verbal. People don’t need to hear you as much as they need to see you. Learn to be the person first before you start trying to find a person to do it. Once you are the person then you can draw the line for others to cross that shows you they want to be part of the team too.

On page 105 of the “Green Book,” Andy writes about building a dynamic base by going deep and wide. The key to growth is to do both!

When you first hire a person, you need to work with them to create a list of people they can call who might want to be interested in doing what we do. Get a list, get them to the next meeting and help them get their license.

Where are you spending your time and energy? Page 207 of the Green Book tells you to spend it with those who are doing the right stuff. If you don’t invest in you, then you can’t help other people.

What are you thinking about? What do you think other people are thinking about? What obstacles are you going to overcome to keep your vision and dream alive? What will it look like for you when things start coming together?

Look at your schedule, make commitments and stick to what you put on your calendar. Make a decision to do!






May 3, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, your hosts Terry Edwards and James Hill cover the topic of focus.

How do you trick yourself into staying focused? How do I stick to my calendar?  How do I do what needs doing even when I don't feel like it or when I feel discouraged?

Anyone ever feel that way?

How did David slay Goliath? How did 300 Spartans win a war? How do you get things done?

You have to trick yourself sometimes! The first way you trick yourself into staying focused is by learning to give yourself the proper perspective on what we DO and not blow it all out of proportion!

Maybe you feel nervous, unsure, discouraged, etc. That doesn’t mean you let that stop you.

The bigger your destiny, dreams and goals, the more enemies you will face. Here’s the good news: your real enemy is your fear and discouragement level. Don’t let it get you.

The two big fears fall into two categories: fear of falling short and a fear of running out of something. You control what you do and where you go. Don’t shrink your dream to the size of your own personal interest. Find something bigger than you and you will push harder to do more and be more.

There will be times where you question what you are doing, but you have to keep doing. People need you even if you don’t realize it.

Fear and circumstances are not the deciding factor in your life. Your decision and what you tell yourself is what determines where you go. Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself.

Live your life based on your vision and not what other people want you to do. It’s your life. Do what you love or stop doing it.

Being ignorant is OK, but being belligerent is not. When you are ignorant, you can learn. When you are belligerent, you are doing it on purpose and that’s wrong. Operate with grace not bad intentions. Make sure your actions and words are headed in the same direction.

The activities that we undertake in this mission is not life threatening! Talking to strangers on the phone has got nothing on fighting for your life! This is not life threatening. This is stuff you do every day anyways it just now you are getting paid for it. Let's get some perspective on what we do!

It's ok to feel nervous about a new experience. We just can't let that hold us back... If feeling nervous about your first time doing something was all it took to stop us there would be a lot fewer babies in the world.

Just because you FEEL nervous doesn't mean you need to BE nervous...

Just because you feel discouraged doesn't mean you have to BE discouraged...

You have a job to do! You have a destiny.

Decide to know the bigger the destiny the bigger the enemies in your life. Your real enemy is NOT another person or a situation... Your real enemy is your fear and your discouragement. 

What have you talked yourself out of that you know you should be doing?

Starting today... can you start talking to yourself into it instead of out of it? Don't let your fear keep you from your future! You see no one can talk you into your destiny but you!

Someone that has lost their purpose. Someone that has lost their dream. Someone that lost their family, someone that needs a place to belong, someone that wants something more in than life than to just exist, someone that's been told their entire life they are worthless and you get to tell them that THEY MATTER!

There are people depending on you!

Your manager/leader will not always be available when you call.  There isn't always gonna be someone there to send you an encouraging text right when you need it... because part of being a grown up is you need to learn to encourage yourself!

Encourage yourself!

If you are discouraged it is NOT because of your conditions or your circumstances... they may be a contributing factor but they are NOT the deciding factor. Discouragement is a decision you make... when you listen to yourself... that this is how it will always be.

The problem is we spend TOO much time listening to ourselves and not enough time TALKING TO OURSELVES.

Talk to yourself all the time. Practice what you preach. Keep saying things to yourself.

Your life will follow the direction of your conversation...  What are we talking about the most? 

What are you talking about the most!?  Your courage comes from your conversation and so does your fear and your discouragement and not just from conversations that you are having with others. That’s mostly from conversations with yourself. It’s not enough to hear it. You have to rehearse it with yourself! You need to take control of the conversation!

How do I take control?  How do I trick myself?  You have to do this for as long as you want it to work.  These are permanent solutions as long as you permanently do these exercises. Repetition is a convincing argument. 

There is a difference between screwing up and being a screw up. There is a book called “What to say when you talk to yourself” by Shad Helmstetter. This book will help you learn how to control the conversations you have with yourself. Now you can’t just read the book. You have to DO what the book teaches you. And remember … Repetition is a convincing argument.

How else?

Use your calendar and stick to it! How do I stick to it? Schedule and do! Let your pride make you stick to it.

@NAALeadsTheWay @AndySAlbright

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