On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright shares three important things you can do to have total control of your life. Settle in and listen as Andy gives you tips to help you make it big in life and with The Alliance.
There are so many things we can control each and every day. So, why do we not focus on those things solely? Why do we worry about factors that we cannot control? That’s crazy. If you can dial in on your attitude, aptitude and taking action, then you will be a lot better off than focusing on factors and things you have no control over.
The ability to get back on track is a skillset that most never master. Getting off track is a problem, but getting back on track is even tougher. Negative thought will sink you if you are not careful. Be committed to what you want. If you start getting sideways, stop it! Find ways to get back on track.
Successful people are focused on the mundane. They do the same things over and over. They also do it well. That’s what it takes to win. You have to sacrifice the good stuff because you want the great stuff. What will you give up in order to get something better?
Golfers hit golf shot after golf shot. Basketball players shoot hundreds of jumpers daily. They don’t try to be great at 10 different things. You can’t be a pro if you don’t do something over and over.
You will get frustrated at times with the results you are getting, but you can’t give up or quit. Winners get knocked down and keep getting back up. They do it over and over, and that is why they continue winning.
There’s nothing Andy dislikes worse than seeing a person who doesn’t reach their full potential. Too many people have all the talent in the world and don’t put it to good use. Hard work beats talent all the time when the person with talent doesn’t put it to use consistently.
Attitude: The will has to be there with a person. Find your why and that’s where you start. Attitude is motive driven. What do you want to be? You have to find your identity. That’s how you then find your purpose. Attitude is about drive.
Aptitude (the easiest to obtain): Finding a person who says I can do something. Aptitude is measure driven. Do you have the capacity to perform? How do we get it done? Understand how it works so you can understand and accept the expectation. Aptitude is about being disciplined enough to understand the expectations and doing the work required.
Action: Action is meaning driven. What am I? Action is about having something to do. Are you a person says, “I will therefore I can” or do you say “I can if I want to.” Action is about taking forward motion and being able to sustain it. Action is all about routine.
You can provide an example for people, and provide an opportunity for others. People watch what you say and do. People will make mistakes. The faster we can move past mistakes and get back on track, the faster we move past issues and problems. Find a person you can follow and help them set the example for others. Winners keep fighting. They set the bar high. You get to decide how far you go and how much you do. If your dream is always bigger than the obstacle in front of you, then you will win. If you decide you are not going to quit then you will win. Get in the fight and make something happen.
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On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Stephen Davies and his special guests pinch-hit as your hosts while Andy Albright was on the West Coast this week.
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On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Chris Hill continues talking about ways you can improve and win.
Below are some incredible notes to help you navigate this podcast!
Wherever you see change is needed, don’t delay. It’s far easier to prevent damage now than to repair it later.
#TheAlliance #PremiumPointsPolarBears
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, we bring you some of the best talks from National Convention in Burlington, N.C.
Settle in and listen to people like Paul and Tamra Roberts, Stephen and Hollie Davies, Jane and Andy Albright.
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