
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: July, 2016
Jul 27, 2016

#LeadCon16 at The Alliance's headquarters in Burlington, N.C. was "off the chain, crazy good!" If you were there, you know that already! If you weren't, that's OK.

Andy Albright wanted to talk to those who were and were not at #LeadCon16 during this episode of The Wednesday Call titled, "What do I do now?"

Coming out of LeadCon, Andy wanted to fan the flames and keep you excited and energized to finish the MISSION we are in 2016 in a big way. Get “cray, cray” and win a trip to the Mediterranean while you are making money too! Check out the trip details by visiting Make sure you are on track to win this trip The Alliance is taking in 2017.

How often do you do things? How often do you read, listen to audio, call people, text people, etc.? The answer is simple: as often as needed! Don’t do it too much, but don’t think about it too much. Do it as often as needed … don’t wait until it is too late!

We all need a connection that fuels, that builds self-control, that builds ownership and responsibility, that makes learning and failure safe and that empowers small, "get better steps!"


FB: @AndySAlbright

Instagram: @AndySAlbright

Twitter: @AndySAlbright

Jul 21, 2016

When Andy was growing up, he dreamed of figuring out how to live like people he saw on television traveling the world, driving nice cars and living in a big house. Perhaps even more important, he wanted to have the freedom to decide what he was going to do with his time. All he wanted was a shot at that.

After graduating from North Carolina State University, he realized that maybe his dream wasn’t reasonable in the textile industry. He was looking for a way to change that likelihood and he found it through insurance and The Alliance. It didn’t happen overnight, but he tried all kinds of jobs and businesses before he found the answer. Andy kept asking questions of people who were more successful than he was and he learned how to listen and hear what those people were telling him. Andy learned that you had to work hard and give up “stuff” to live the life he wanted. That meant skipping TV shows, ball games, cookouts, etc.

If America had more people that thought about “WE the people” and less that thought about what makes us different than we would be more “UNITED.” There is more power in being united than there is in being divisive. When a group of people gets tight and united, there isn’t a whole lot they can’t accomplish. Patient people that welcome other people to join our team are critical to The Alliance being successful. We have plenty of room for more people to join us. Our job is to find people that want a shot. Our doors are open to people from all walks of life. We are going to be nice to everybody.

At every level in every profession, people make decisions. They also get to decide what they do with their time when they get home in the evening. Some people take it easy and watch TV. Others roll up their sleeves and keep working on their dream. People that move consistently make more things happen. People that chase something with 100 percent effort are more likely to reach their goals than a person that isn’t committed to it with maximum effort.

Jul 14, 2016

Andy Albright was back in Burlington, N.C. to host The Wednesday Call live from AMP Studios at The Alliance headquarters.

In life, when you send a bucket down a well what comes back up is what is in the bottom of the well. Is your bucket coming up full of water or is it empty? Your heart and your head are what you put in the well. Your head and heart are impacted by what you listen to, what you read and who you are hanging around.

What are you putting in your heart? Are you being positive? When you are joking in a negative way you are actually being negative. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t mean it and you were being sarcastic. It isn’t helpful. You cannot engage in that behavior and still think you are being positive.

Here’s the great news: you can change what you put in your well. You can do it every single day. You can change what goes in and what comes up. Maybe you are tired. Maybe you are not focused. Maybe you had too much to drink. Work hard to bite your tongue and keep negative thoughts and comments away!

A speck of sand in your eye is not a good thing. However, a speck of sand in an oyster can create a beautiful pearl. How can it be that the same speck can be so bad and so great at the same time? It happens. The Alliance has some sand too. We are not perfect. The way you handle an irritant can determine where you end up in life.

When you are dealt a grain of sand will you let it be an irritant or will you let it develop like a pearl in an oyster? It sounds simple, but that’s the trick to being positive.

Do you listen to people and try to apply what they are going through to what you are going through? You can’t do that. You don’t know the whole story and you can’t know it because it is them and not you. Remain calm. You have to say how can we fix a problem? What can I do? Who can I ask? How can I help?

Don’t try to change people if they don’t want to change. Don’t get caught up in trying to keep score when it comes to problems. We all have them and we all have them at different levels. Focus on making the sand in your life a pearl.

How about this: when sun bakes down on clay it can make a pot, but if it were hitting butter it could melt it. What is your makeup? Are you clay or butter? Are you allowing the sun to melt you down to nothing or help sculpt you into a great masterpiece? How are you going to handle the heat? When the pressure is on your response is your responsibility. You can’t take it lightly. It is a great responsibility. How you react is completely up to you. It is your choice. Do everything you possibly can to act out of love … always … no matter what. That is very hard to practice 100 percent of the time, but you have to keep trying.

Don’t let people head fake you and let you think everything is perfect because it is not. They will never tell you everything. We all have hidden stuff that we don’t share with the world. People, by nature, don’t want to share their personal stuff when it is not good. They might confide in a select few, but to the general public they don’t want to air their dirty laundry.

Don’t fall into the trap where you think somebody is perfect or lives the perfect life. That’s the kind of life you see in movies, but it is not reality. The outer shell of a turtle is there to protect the soft makeup of the turtle. Don’t let the shell confuse you when you are dealing with people.  

Judge people by results and not what they say or would have you believe. When a person is about the money and not the mission, then you’ve lost. When what you do is about the mission then you get great results. People need love and encouragement. A small gesture could be exactly what a person needs to push them to greatness.

When you decide to be positive and bloom where you are planted, your life will change. When you make your mind up about what you are going to do then you have figured it out. The Alliance believes we need more eyeballs and not more “new” ideas. We want to help more people and make a bigger difference.

Our HotSpots are a well full of water. We have clean air to breathe in these meetings. It’s an environment where you are free to grow. We create a good, fun, safe, fertile environment where you are required to be positive and are allowed to have all the water you want for your well.

Jul 6, 2016

Stephen Davies stepped in to guest host this episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast live from AMP Studios at The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. while Andy Albright was traveling this week.

Davies, who lives in Asheville, N.C. with his wife, Hollie and their two children, wanted to share how he went from a struggling 20-year-old to a millionaire in 36 months. He called it the 7 Commonalities of becoming successful with The Alliance.

7 Commonalities of becoming successful with The Alliance

Make Peace with Change. Don’t be afraid to do things that other people don’t if it will make you better. If you aren’t willing to change, then you are going to stay exactly where you are right now. You can grow if you don’t make changes. You can choose what sacrifices you are willing to make. Be intentional about it. Make peace with it and life will be easier. Be a change agent and not a victim. Make your mind up that you are not going to be a “NOT victim.” Be the reason things get better for you. You will be more grateful and less frustrated when you do this. Are you afraid to grow because you are in safety mode? You can’t have both.

Open Mind and Open Heart. When you are certain about everything then you probably won’t ever reach your full potential. Don’t be a “know it all.” If you are never open to information and ideas then you are going to be wrong quite often. “Certainty” addiction holds people back. Davies says you should probably only be clear about half a dozen things in life. Don’t operate with a closed mind … that’s when your mind starts to die. Higher level people want more wisdom. They can never know enough. Make it a point to seek out growth opportunities in your life. It doesn’t have to be every single day, but make sure you schedule changes to continue growing. Don’t engage in urgency and offended addictions

A Growing Why. A met need no longer motivates you in life. When you keep growing then you stay motivated. People that don’t keep growing are satisfied. They have stopped striving for more because their needs are being met. If your “WHY” is big enough it can swallow any disappointment that exists. That is not to say the disappointment won’t still hurt, but you will keep working toward your “WHY.” Put yourself in uncomfortable situations so you keep striving for more. If you are the “king” of your hill then go find another hill to start climbing. When you see what is possible, you will want to do more. Stretch yourself to be great. A giant why keeps discouragement at bay. Don’t have a lottery mentality when you should have an abundance mentality. Focus on being and not just having.

Deep Listening. The most successful people are great listeners. This means listen to others, but listen to yourself by talking to yourself. You probably know a lot of what you need to do to improve, but you have to start doing it by letting that voice in your head move you in the right direction. What are you ignoring? What are you not changing that you should?

Congruence. What do you say what? What do you allow yourself to think? What do you do? Does it overlap? It should. Ideally, the three areas will almost be on top of each other in a stack. The more those things overlap the better off life will be. When you can do that you will operate at high speed and low drag.

5 Questions for quick clarity

Have I defined what is most important?

What do I do now to make sure I am centered on what I say is most important?

What do I do to keep myself from being pulled into something that is not important?

How do I keep what is most important in front of me all the time?

How do I create a river of information that helps me keep the important things in front of me?

Those five things will help you create clarity and move faster. The more congruent you get, the more people you can help.

Possibility and Solution Thinkers. Are you thinking about how you react to problems? We all get to play the “problem” game. It is a fact of life. How we respond is the measure of where we go in life. We can rank our problems on a scale of 1 to 10. We can also rank our thinking from 1 to 10. If can think at a higher level than your problems, then you will be fine. You are the sum total of your influences. Your influences are all around you even if you don’t realize it. Make it a habit to read the right books, associate with the right people and consume the right kind of media. Don’t be afraid to seek wisdom from people who are more successful than you are.

Have a Genuine Desire to Elevate. Are you helping others and yourself from a sincere standpoint? Do you love people? Do you work to eliminate complaining? Do you focus on building up people? Are you working to improve your perspective? You have to consistently work on this if you want to make a difference. Make it a point to limit how selfish you are. Everybody loves hearing their name, but sometimes you need to focus on other people. Work on being purpose driven instead of ego driven. Watch your vocabulary and listen to how many times you say the words “I” or “me.” You will slip up on this, but you have to keep coming back to a place where you elevate other people. Help people elevate what is “normal” to them.

When you help people get to a different level in life, you are showing you have a genuine desire to help people.

Start working on these seven ways to get better. You don’t have to do them all at once, but start working on using them to help you get better. Make a simple change or six, but start now.