
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: September, 2016
Sep 28, 2016

Andy Albright delivered another episode of The Wednesday Call live from The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C. in front of a live studio audience in AMP Studios.

Andy shared the fable of the fox and the grapes. When the fox realized it was going to be hard to reach the grapes, he gave up and said those grapes are not good. The fox said they are sour and there’s no point in reaching for them. There are many people who "pretend" to despise and belittle things that are beyond their reach.

Winning is important. You play to win if you strive for excellence. Andy wanted to share where to win, why you win and how to win.

How, when and why do people win?

Do you have the heart to win or do you just want to wear the jersey and be on the team? Champions don’t desire mediocrity. They want excellence and to win big league.

When you are focused on winning, you have to make choices. Every day you have choices. You get to decide what you do and what you do not do. We all have voices and choices in our heads. What we listen to determines the actions we make and take. When we make the wrong decisions, life is hard. When we listen and make great decisions, life is good!

When you are working with your team, you can quickly figure out which people want to win based on their activity. Are they doing some, most or all of Andy’s 8 Steps? Finding that out will help you identify what people to spend the most time around.

Do you really want to win? Your actions will prove it. What you do when nobody is watching determines how serious you are about winning. Winners will go the extra mile and not question why they are doing it. They will sneak work in around their social calendar. They do the things that others are not willing to do. They also do it consistently.

58:00: Do you hate losing or love winning more? Most people know which category they fall into. Do you hate where you are now? What are you doing to change your direction? The more you win, the more you can change circumstances and situations.

The higher you reach in life the better view you have of the landscape around you. You see the world differently than ever before. Your perspective changes and you grow.

When you dream is bigger than your problems, then you will be successful. You become what you think about most. Your thoughts will influence your choices and decisions. It is all part of the progression in what actions you take or do not take.

72:00: A leader’s job is to manage the present while we build the future. When you think in those terms then you are on track for success. We all have problems and how we react to those issues determines where we are headed. Don’t let the small stuff hamper your direction and goals.

When you get the WHY right before you worry about the HOW then you will be rewarded in a big way. When you get that right and decide that you are going to move up, then you will be successful.   

Sep 22, 2016

Andy Albright hosted this week’s The Wednesday Call Podcast live from the Alliance Convention Center in Burlington, N.C. in advance of a sold-out Instant Thunder event.

The Elite Ladies of The Alliance were recognized during the show. This special group of ladies was invited to spend two nights at the Albright Leadership Cabin this week to reward them for their hard work.

40:00: Denny Southern from American Equity made a guest appearance on the show and talked about the relationship between The Alliance and American Equity.

Andy explained to listeners that you can get what you want by thinking beyond the immediate and focusing on the future NOW. The way to overcome is to get to the future and something bigger faster. Call it right now or NOW.

What happens if we take "waiting" out of work? Waiting is weight. It's heavy. It's hard, long and painful.

How to get from where you are to where you want to be? Get the "wait" off you!

What are you waiting on?

Who you waiting on?

The perfect time?

Somebody else to do it?

Why wait?

Keep waiting and somebody else is going to beat you to where you think you should be.

What does waiting cost? Everybody is dealing with this. Get going, get busy, start doing!

Leaders create action. They find things worth fighting for. What do you want?

It is amazing what can get your attention in the wait game. When you wait, you breed more wait.

Action, on the other hand, breeds more action. Love breeds love. That's how it works. The Law of Sowing and Reaping. Andy doesn't like waiting because it hurts self-worth and esteem.

"Waiters" have bad self-esteem and question their worth. They often have a low opinion of themselves.

Their is power in numbers and people who believe. Believers win and they win a lot.

Sep 15, 2016

Andy Albright was back in Burlington, N.C. fresh off a trip to Las Vegas, Nev., where he met with executives from Columbian Financial Group for a couple days. Andy took a Red Eye flight home just to make sure that he would live and in person for this week's Podcast of The Wednesday Call.

We all don’t know everything going on in a person’s life. We don’t know what a person is dealing with. There are always “uncertainties” in life. The question is how much are you going to do in the face of adversity and uncertainty? People get frozen when they really should lead through calamity and chaos. You can’t let circumstances stop you from doing things you know are important.

You don’t know what is going to happen from day to day. You don’t know when something is going to change. True leaders keep proceeding even when things look dark and bleak. They don’t stop because something happened halfway around the country or even in their hometown. Leaders keep doing. They don’t quit. They keep moving. They keep going.

Pretty much the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. When things get rough, do you do stuff anyway? How do you proceed?

The Idol of Certainty

A lot of people love worshiping the Idol of Certainty. They know what is going to happen each day pretty much to the minute in their minds. Set pay. Set hours. Set lunch. Set day and time to watch television. They love it.

You can do better than that.

Some people do change, but only when they want to change. Some stop bad habits, grow and become successful. Some people are killing it and then stop for no apparent reason. Maybe they reach an income level and get “fat and happy.” What they should realize is they can do more and make more. Andy encouraged people to stop doing bad things that hold you back. People who keep evolving and changing are going to get more done. 

Show your team by taking action

The Alliance is looking for people who want to be on a winning team and back it up with action. The true teammates are those that don’t flinch in the face of adversity. They think more about how far they can go and not when they will reach a given destination. You know this because you can see what they do, who they hang out with and where they are headed.

37:00: What to do next?

People want to know what to do next. It sounds simple, but most people don’t know what to do next. Figuring out what to do next can change your life. Andy’s watch has two hands on it. The small one stands for NOW. The bigger one stands for RIGHT NOW. Those are the ways Andy approaches scheduling his time and reminding himself his time is the most precious commodity he possesses. When you know exactly what you need to do next then it seems like you are more efficient than most of the world. Know what is next and taking action on it is what separates good people and great people. When you keep MOVEing, you get more done faster! It’s called getting things done.

40:00: How to get the best out of people?

How to overcome helplessness? How to overcome junk?

When people take a situation and make it personal, permanent and pervasive it’s not good. Do you think negative thoughts when you do something wrong? Maybe you said something wrong, forgot something or whatever.

Have you ever heard a person say, “What’s wrong with me? Why do I always mess things up everything? Why do I always cause problems?” This is permanent thinking and it is not good.

You have to work hard to stop thinking this way because it is defeating behavior. If you eliminate words like always, never, everything, every time then life will be better for you because you are decreasing the chances that something permanent will happen the next time you are doing something. Choose your words wisely.

When your cable company keeps you on hold, you get angry. When you get angry, accidents happen. When accidents happen, you end up at the hospital or in a ditch hurt. Don’t get angry!

If you can stop and think when something happens, then you can reduce the chances of getting angry.

Do you ever say, “I am such an idiot, moron, dummy, etc?” The next time you mess up, tell yourself it is only one mistake. That’s the reality. When you treat mistakes and losses like it is life or death, then you are going to die a lot in life.

Don’t let one mistake define and stop you from moving on to the next opportunity.

55:00: Condemnation

Don’t let one mistake allow your mindset to be forever changed. You can make up for a mistake by doing better the next time. Maybe you can plan it better the next time.

Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor. You are not perfect, please proceed and keep doing! Don’t ever let perfection stop you from trying to succeed. Be convicted to do better even if you think things are a disaster at that moment.

58:00: Permanent, Personal and Pervasive

When you make a mistake, you take responsibility for it, but you also act with conviction that you will get better and improve. Don’t worry about the speck in somebody else’s eye when you have a log in your own eye. Don’t use a magnifying glass to point out shortcomings of others and focus on enlarging your areas that need improvement.

Don’t ever let a mistake define you and limit what happens in the future. Stop looking in the rearview mirror and watch the road or you are gonna cause a bad wreck! Keep looking forward.

60:00: Starting over after a mistake is critical to your future success.

When you make a mistake you can start over. Maybe you don’t want to cuss and you are trying to quit it. Maybe you go a month without cussing and you slip up because your dog chewed up something you really like. You say a cuss word. OK, that’s done now. Start a new streak of not cussing. You are human. Move on and try to do better from here on out.

Condemnation will hold you down forever. Conviction says you can change forever tomorrow. Own your mistakes and know you have the opportunity to move past it and do better from now on. If you treat every mistake as a permanent event then you will

65:00: YOU determine what you are going to do.

Mistakes can be corrected and fixed. You can fix them slow or faster. It is up to you. You can change anything you want to if you are willing to do what it takes to improve your circumstances. You are not tied down. You do have free will. You can’t take a situation and make it personal, permanent and pervasive. You can let other people help you by positive peeer pressure. Find ways to help yourself realize that you can’t change something and that it will always be the same way.

Think more about what can be instead of what was in the past. Optimism is powerful.

72:00: We are all one decision away from changing where we are right now.

We shouldn’t judge people because of one mistake. We should rate them based on action. Don’t let your imagination hold you back, but rather let your imagination push you forward. What you believe matters. What do you believe and what matters? Don’t wish for it and expect it to happen. Be willing to go out and make it happen.

76:00: Are you giving others your best?

When you look in the mirror do you see yourself and know that you are giving everything your best? This mirror concept can change your thinking and your life. If you don’t know you are giving your best, then you can improve. Do your best. If others see that you are giving your best to people around you then they will do the same. They will do their best because they don’t want to let you down.

80:00: Love beats everything including fear and doubt

Love will beat everything. It will fight off depression. It will make you do things you never though you would do before. It will help you overcome any obstacle in this world. When you figure out what your purpose on this Earth is then you can use love to do amazing things that make the world better.

Don’t let condemnation and stagnancy kill you. Put down the doubt, live with uncertainty, know you are not perfect and be convicted in all that you do. Don’t be perfect, that won’t work. Keep trying until you make a mistake.

83:00: Here’s what will work: Believe that tomorrow will be better and we each will be better. We are not going to be crushed by anything around us and we are not going to look down at people who are not on our level either. Know what your capacity is and get going. Work until you reach your best in all you do.

Don’t make it personal, permanent and pervasive!

Sep 7, 2016

Andy Albright hosted this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call live from the Chateau Elan NICE conference room in Braselton, Ga. where members of The Alliance were meeting with John C. Maxwell earlier this week.

Andy explained that Maxwell wants to make an impact on as many lives as possible and help more people in life. Those ideals line up with Andy’s and that was why it was so important for him to get members of The Alliance around Maxwell this week.

There are five things that Maxwell has executed regularly to reach the success level he is at today.

First, he made a commitment to personal growth.

When you learn that you need to bet on yourself, then your life will improve. Both Albright and Maxwell believe in this, and back it up by attending seminars and conferences all over the world. You have to do whatever it takes to get around people who are where you want to be in life. If you don’t bet on yourself, then why would anybody else bet on you?

When you bet on yourself, then people around you are more likely to bet on you too. Betting on yourself is about personal growth and it is how you start winning.  

It is not how long it takes you to get somewhere, it is about how far you can go. That is how you make a commitment to personal growth. That means you are reading every single day, listening to audios and attending your meetings. Stagnant people don’t grow. There isn’t a finish line when it comes to growing in life. Don’t suffer from destination disease. Your potential is unlimited.

The second step in Andy’s success was finding good people and building a strong team. It didn’t get built overnight and there are various stages to putting together a team. You have to lead people individually. You need to work on your awareness level when it comes to other people You have to lead the way people need to be led and not the way you want to lead them. What if you train somebody and they die? What if you train them and they stay around? Andy has put together quality staff around him to help run his life and work with him to be successful.

The third step is finding your gift in life.

What is required of you? What gets you the biggest return on your time and effort? What gets you your biggest reward?

The fourth thing is staying consistent and learning what consistency involves.

Consistency is the most underused word in our language. It teaches you what to say and consistency compounds. Consistency puts pressure on the world to conform.

The fifth way to become successful is knowing the value of resources. What are you willing to pay financially to get the resources you know will help you move up in life? When you are willing to invest in resources, you have a better chance of being successful.

Andy added a sixth bonus item that Maxwell uses to keep improving and that is intentional living. Every minute of every day you have to be certain of where you are headed and what you are doing. When you are that focused you will be more successful.

Sep 1, 2016

Andy Albright delivered a live edition of The Wednesday Call Podcast from AMP Studios at the headquarters of The Alliance in Burlington, N.C. to talk about motivation and how you consistently stay motivated in all you do.

Andy promoted upcoming Instant Thunder events coming up in September, October and November at the corporate office. Tickets are also available for NatCon17 in Raleigh, N.C. and you can learn more about all upcoming events by visiting

Andy shared the story of how he felt watching his parents when he was a little boy. He never understood why they didn’t strive for more than just being happy with what they had. Andy asked the audience this question: How are you staying motivated?

Things can happen that make you demotivated. When those events happen, you have to “coach” yourself into staying motivated to get over the hurdle in front of you.

People who find ways to stay motivated are more successful than those who get stuck because they get more things done. Motivated people gets tasks done faster too.

What is the secret of being motivated and/or staying motivated?

How to motivate?

How to raise expectancy?

How to MOVE the MARGIN of profitability up?