
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: March, 2017
Mar 29, 2017

This week’s The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy was broadcast live from Louisville, Kentucky. The Alliance is focused on relationships, retention and rising up this year and this episode was Part 2 of Andy’s series titled “Thinking Right!”

Here’s a rule to remember: success, your success, depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support and help of others. The most successful executives depend on staff to help them. Most presidents will fire executives but not their staff.

Salespeople depend on people to buy product. Colleges depends on professors to teach students, who need to learn. Politicians need voters to vote for them. Writers need readers to consume their content.

There was a time in history when people could gain a position of authority through force and hold it with force or with threats. People have died in such conflicts and kings have too.

To win you have to think right toward other people. When you treat people correctly, they will support you. When people like you they feel good about being around you.

Before Lyndon B. Johnson became president of the United States, he formulated 10 things to do that would help him be successful.

Remember names (practice doing this often)

Become a comfortable person like an old pair of jeans or shoes

Relax and don’t be so uptight … don’t get upset, don’t get ruffled.

Stop letting your ego win … you don’t know it all

Be an interesting person (have a narrow focus and not be a jack of all trades)

Study yourself and eliminate scratchy things you do … learn what you do and stop doing it

Heal misunderstandings and grievances

Practice liking people until you genuinely like people

Always congratulate or say I’m sorry every chance you get

Get and give spiritual strength to people … do you operate with great faith?

Beyond those 10 things, there are three things that you can do to help you stay away from wasting time on things that don’t matter. The first thing is to focus all your efforts on the main thing. Next, you need to ask yourself this: ‘Is what I am doing or thinking really important?’ Thirdly, is what you are doing going to make a major impact?

BONUS TIP: Smile more and say hello more!!!



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Mar 22, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explains How To Think Right Toward People. This will be the first show in a series covering this topic.

Andy opened the show by recognizing HotSpots with multiple Good Samaritan Bonus winners attending those meetings.

People need people to help them to be successful. The people who have an ability to get people to move and get things done make the most money in the world. That’s how it works. Every business or organization needs good people to make things happen. Writers need readers. Teachers need pupils. We all need help.

That is how The Alliance is successful too. The more people we help, the better the team does. When people are happy and get encouragement, they do better. Because of that, you need to be nice to people and help foster a positive environment for yourself and others. You have to invest in people. The more you do for others, the more you are rewarded.

You can’t be mean to people because not only will they not like you, but they will not perform. People perform better when they are encouraged and feel encouragement from those in higher positions.

Andy shared the story of a man who owned a company and his son worked as a supervisor. The father saw his son berating an employee. This made him upset, so the father pulled his son into his office and told him he was forced to wear two hats. With the first hat, he was his son’s boss so he fired him for his behavior. His second hat was to be a father to his son, so he asked his son how he could help him find his next job and help him improve his behavior.

When people like you, there’s a better chance they will want to work with you and perform for you. Teams that win love playing together toward a common goal. Winners also help correct people’s behavior when they are messing up. The key is in how you help correct them. You don’t need to be a jerk when you do it. You can do it without being mean.

When you are likable, you are actually lighter. The lighter you are, the easier it is for others to lift you up. When you set the right example, people will like you even more.

Before Lyndon B. Johnson became president of the United States, he formulated 10 things to do that would help him be successful.

Mess up and try

Become a comfortable person like an old pair of jeans

Relax and don’t be so uptight

Stop letting your ego win … you don’t know it all

Be an interesting person (have a narrow focus and not be a jack of all trades)

Study yourself and eliminate scratchy things you do … learn what you do and stop doing it

Heal misunderstandings and grievances

Practice liking people until you genuinely like people

Always congratulate or say I’m sorry every chance you get

Get and give spiritual strength to people … operate with great faith




Mar 16, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy Albright, you will find out about ST20, GSB and Activity!

Today's TWC was live at Instant Thunder at The Alliance headquarters, where kickoff is always exciting, and this episode did not disappoint! 

Guests saw real SEAL Team 20 members and Good Samaritan Bonus recipients share their real numbers and tips on how they do it.

You will want to take notes so settled in and enjoy!



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #AndyAlbright

Mar 9, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright hits you hard with a critical question: What is YOUR biggest asset and are you spending your efforts focused on that asset?

How you can identify your most valuable asset? Figure out the steps to accelerate your most previous talent and asset.

You need to know that your most valuable asset is your earning ability. Your ability to apply and “do” your talents and skills in The Alliance. That means you sell, recruit and build. All the material stuff is nothing. It is not about the cars, clothes and homes. You can flip a switch and start earning when we got you doing the “do.”

Now, your ability can be either an appreciating asset or a depreciating asset. You can grow in value if you continue to invest in it and the development of it.

On the flip side, your biggest asset can lead to a decline in value if you begin to take it for granted and start to coast on the basis of what you have done in the past. That is old news. You have to keep doing to maintain your position.

If your past is bad that doesn’t mean you can’t be big. If you have been good it doesn’t mean you can’t be great. If you are great it doesn’t mean you can’t be greater. It takes planning and preparation. Use your assets to grow by reading, lisetening, going to HotSpots, attending events, etc. Go and Do. Go and grow!

How do you grow those abilities? It happens with knowledge, talents, education and perhaps most importantly experience.

Are you willing to start over right now? Recommit. Look deeply at yourself and into yourself. Can you work on good habits, bad habits, character, personality, etc.? Think and reflect.

Reflecting is big. Don’t be the guy who knows everything. People see that and don’t like it. It hurts you and it hurts them. Are you willing to ask the brutal questions that make you grow?

How about you? Will you change? “Those that cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

Some questions to ask …

Where are you now?

Where would you like to be in the future?

How did you get to where you are today?

What do you need to do now to get from where you are to where you want to go?

What do you need to do less of?

What are you NOT doing?

What do you have to start doing?

What can you stop doing?

What would help you pour the gas on?

Let’s go! We all need to change. We all need more people that want to change. We need more messed up people. Everybody is broken on some level and they know it. Maybe they don’t know it. That’s OK. The Alliance welcomes everybody.

Where is your moral authority or character? Do you back up words with behavior? We are all broken. We need to find people that want to be better.

The Eight Steps to finding the best talent …

Find what it is that you enjoy doing that makes you happy and free. You build to help people. Would you do it for free?

Are you a natural at it? We are all built to help people. If you are great at it, then you should do it.

Find the reason you are successful. Focus on what helps you become more successful and keep doing it. What is the reason for your previous successes?

What is easy to learn and easy to do? People want to connect so help them do that.

What holds your attention? Read about it. Study it. People want to join stuff all the time.

What do you love because it compounds your life for the good? People skills matter in all areas of life.

What is it that you do that makes time stand still in your mind? You can do it for long amounts of time and feel rewarded.

What do you admire and respect in people who are great at what they do? Do you want to be admired by those you admire?

At the end of the day, you have to help people to be successful. You may not like it at first. It might take longer than you want it to, but you have to help people. It is about people.

What can you do that you love and that maximizes your greatest asset? Focus on that.

The ability to get people to move and achieve things is huge. When you can make an impact on people then you will win big. When you can pull people together and build a team, you will be loved and admired by many, feared by some and respect by most people in this life.

It will not always be comfortable, but to keep growing you have to keep working at it. It has to be developed.    

Mar 1, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy Albright, you will learn how to use character, sacrifice and time to be influential. Relax and settle in as Andy explains the ultimate influence strategy outline.

Before you can actually do things, you have to picture it in your mind. That’s part of Andy’s ultimate influence strategy.

Too many people live life based on what they can afford to do and not what they want to do. The Alliance was formed in an effort to help provide the vehicle to let people stop stressing about “stuff” and start working toward bigger goals and dreams.

People who continue being successful are those who avoid negative people, keep working and keep raising the bar for what they want. They don’t judge their success based on those around them. They don’t compare what they are doing to other people. The most successful people keep asking this question: “How do I keep getting better?”

How big are you dreaming? Can you imagine reaching a point where you only focus on what you are passionate about? How would you like to be able to write checks to charities or organizations that you believe in?

Make it your goal to let your preparation always be greater than your pride so that you are successful.

Being the example is THE THING to influence other people. Relationships and dreams is the true formula for influence. You build relationships together. You build dreams together. Most average people think that the “how to” is the key to an influence strategy. That is not true. You can be successful with a great “how to” strategy, but that doesn’t give you the ultimate influence strategy. Relationships, leadership and dream building are the way to influence people and skyrocket to success beyond what you ever thought possible.

Being a “how to” person is a mediocre goal and it doesn’t allow you to perform at the level you should be playing at. People with big dreams are willing to tell people what they see and believe they can do.

You have to BYOH – Bring Your Own Hunger. When people believe in the system and buy into what the team is trying to do then you are going to get more accomplished. When your teammates do more, then you can do more. When you continue helping people, you will be rewarded. Don’t settle for good when great is still out there for you. Success can be the thing that prevents you from being more successful. Having the drive to see and do more is critical to continued success. You can’t lose the drive or you are finished.

Some of the greatest leaders and successful people in the world are those who continue to fail and fail again. When you can influence people by setting the example with relationships and dream building, you can do anything in the world.

You set the example by doing what you say. Keeping those things in alignment creates the formula for influence and success. Stay in alignment or people will follow somebody else. Let your dreams push you to keep building relationships and dreams.

The formula is character, sacrifice and time. Those are the three things that create the formula of influence. It takes all three to be successful.
