Andy Albright delivered a Thanksgiving edition of The Wednesday Call podcast live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.
Why do poor people take days and days off around a holiday like Thanksgiving then wonder why they don’t have money when they really need it? Successful people know they work until the holiday, then spend time with friends and family and they get back to work the next day.
When stuff comes up, successful people work through the mess. They don’t let “stuff” hold them back. Winners find a way to make one more phone call, send one more email and reach one more person and help them. That’s what it takes.
What would happen if you give 100 percent? Would you be like Michael Jordan? Would you be as successful as Donald Trump? Well, don’t do that! Measure yourself based on what happens when you give 100 percent. Don’t compare yourself to somebody who has already made it big. You have no idea how hard a person who is successful worked to get to where they are now. It is about what you can do and not what if you did what somebody else did. It’s about YOU!
It’s about forward motion and controlling the things that you have control over. Keep it that simple.
What’s your potential? High performers consistently do and do some more. That’s what separates them from low performers. The masses are the masses because they all do pretty much the same stuff. The top performers do things that other people are just not willing to do to get what they want. Consistently, winners keep doing what other people will not. People who don’t want to change are not going to change. Accept that NOW and YOU keep changing, moving and doing! Don’t try to change people too fast … unless they want to change RIGHT NOW! If they want to snap the meat off the bone then help them change fast and as much as they want to change.
When you are deciding who to coach and work with, you must be very selective about it. Find people who want to be great and coach them. Be selective in how you spend your time and who you spend it with.
Andy is very proud of the culture in The Alliance. He’s grateful for it and is working hard to protect that culture.
Here’s what people do instead of being grateful: They devote many working hours in finding logic where it doesn’t exist at all. Your mind will trick you into wanting justice and order when it really doesn’t exist. People feel slighted for whatever reason or think they deserve more when it isn’t that simple. Life isn’t that fair. How much time are you going to waste on something you can’t figure out? Don’t waste your life doing that.
Consider this Irish blessing:
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
Are you struggling with something? Are you being grateful? Being grateful will take the burden off of you and set you free to soar like an eagle in the sky.
Logical thinkers need to make peace. They think computers make the rules. Logically, we should do things differently. It does not work that way. Wrong thinking. People make the decisions that dictate how things work. You have to make peace with this fact. Not everything in this world is logical. People are like snowflakes. They are all different. They also think their logic is correct.
When you operate with people based on your logic, then you are going to have problems. Even if you know the other person is wrong, don’t worry about it. How about know something is wrong and keep doing your thing? Work on you and make peace with others. Don’t waste your efforts trying to convince other people to be like you when you know it will never happen.
Make peace and move on!
Do you want to be right or do you want to be rich? It sounds too simple, but sometimes if you apply that thinking then you will be better off in the long run. Make peace and think about something else. Every battle you fight and win might actually lead to a loss down the road.
Norman Vincent Peale said, “the more you practice thankfulness, the more you will have to be thankful for.” Being grateful in all that you do is powerful.
Just relax. A change of course is possible, but it is as rare as a ruby showing up in your backyard for most people. It is foolish and rash to make a promise before counting the cost. That’s foolish devotion to the cost. When people get too invested in an event or act, it can be hard to reverse course. When you sink money into tickets to a show, love the performer, block the date, invite your buddies, etc. then you are invested and might not feel like you can back out of it. You are not seeing the forest for the trees basically. You still have to decide if you should go or not. Don’t let your ego get you all messed up and twisted.
Be willing to lose the cost and adjust. Take action to get back on track.
Are you basing your decisions on the results that you want? When you start doing that your actions will be the proof.
Gratitude is like lightning or electricity. It has to be used up. Being thankful or grateful is an attitude. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to find out if people are grateful or not!
Be grateful and keep walking. Gratitude is caught and not taught. It happens through association, decisions and behavior. It’s about finding the light of D.A.E. Duplication, Association and Edification.
If two people are walking down a railroad track and they lock hands then they can travel much farther than if they lean away from each other. It’s called teamwork. If you are showing gratitude, the team can get more accomplished. Gratitude is about results. Your actions of gratitude will lead to results.
Get down on your knees and thank God you are still on your feet. Think about how blessed you are? You have so many blessings if you really take a moment and think about it.
The way to keep winning is by continuing to be grateful in all life has given you thus far. More blessings are coming, but you cannot forget all that has been blessed upon you.
Andy always wanted a shot and a chance. He found that shot with The Alliance and he decided that he was going to go for it. You have a shot too. What are you going to do with your shot? Are you going to make progress or sit back and watch what other people do?
What are you going to do in the next 90 days? Will you prove that you want to “DO” and be grateful and thankful as you do it? Will your words and actions line up?
On this episode of The Wednesday Call live podcast, James Hill and the Lead Performance Team pinch hit as guest hosts for Andy Albright, who was out of town on business.
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Andy Albright hosted this episode The Wednesday Call live from The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.
Andy opened the show by letting people know about the last Instant Thunder of the year at the end of November. He also reminded people to purchase National Convention tickets for January’s event in Raleigh, N.C., which is The Alliance’s largest event annually.
Andy explained more about what Seal Team 20 is and how you can join the force now. It really starts in 2017, but The Alliance is forming its roster now so the team is in place before the new year even arrives.
The question today is not can you do it, but will you do it? Why you do it? Recognition, reward and freedom! People were put on earth to help others, by using their God-given talent. Nobody is excluded. This is what we do. We need to do it faster and now!
The Alliance has a proud culture of performance. What we need is to find 33 people who have 10 great people under them with six people under them writing five apps every week! That’s how we can explode.
We have to elevate our performance, inspire others to do, find more good people and help people grow. When you find a person that wants to do it, then you coach them up. We do this through being humble and by showing gratitude. The key is to be committed to leadership and focus.
Peter Drucker said, “Our mission in life should be to make a positive difference, not to prove how smart or right we are.”
If you were given the choice, would you make a difference to others? Eliminate the false positive that are all around us. Who vs. When. I told you so things about being late or missing a show are not good. Don’t be the moral police with people. Encourage them, don’t weigh them down.
We all have choices to make. We can be helpful, hurtful or neutral. We must choose to be helpful. It is about looking inward and keeping your sanity when others around you are losing theirs. Make the effort to make positive growth in your world.
Andy Albright hosted this week’s Alliance Activity podcast from Nashville, Tenn. where the Country Music Awards are being held. This week, Andy wanted all members of The Alliance to know that he is forming a team he is calling “SEALTeam20” and you are welcome to join up RIGHT NOW!
Through SEALTeam20, Andy Albright and The Alliance is “officially” declaring a war on poverty starting now. James and Jane Hill joined the call, along with Chadwick Ray. The three of them have agreed to accept the Seal Team challenge to set 20 appointments each week, write $20,000 in issued-paid business and hire two new recruits each month.
The best way to succeed at the ST20 challenge is by being more focused and disciplined when you are working so that you get more accomplished in the same amount of time. That means you will eliminate the “piddling” and increase the “Do!” Focus, thinking and determination will be crucial in succeeding at this challenge. The worst enemy of great is just being good.
Andy had several other guests on the call who wanted to let the team know they were committed too.
After you finish this call, be sure to listen to EP35 on the MOVE podcast to learn more about ST20.