Andy Albright hosted this week’s edition of The Wednesday Call live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C.
This show was all about having the right goals for 2018 and starting now not on January 1. Andy wanted to give you some simple ways to get started now so that you don’t have to wait until later. There is great opportunity in America right now, and this is the time to take advantage of it.
What are your consequences? What are you willing to do? That will determine if you get what you want.
Andy is asking people heading into next year if they want to get rich and change lives? Anybody can be broke. It takes no effort. To be truly rich, you have to change your thinking. You can’t change your outlook unless you change your thinking. The Alliance needs to identify people who think differently and help them get what they want as fast as possible. That means making the decision to change your future and that starts now.
When you decide what you are going to do then you are actually making a decision. It’s as simple as what you want and what you don’t want.
Do important stuff now and stop doing unimportant work that doesn’t help you. Stop piddling! Start working.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from Houston, Texas in front of a live audience to talk about how you can get 40 percent more guaranteed!
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright is joined by special guest host Jeff Bright.
Andy and Jeff discussed how to deal with fear, excuses, guilt and shame, and the impact they have on you and people around you.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this week's episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright hosted the show from The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. in the newly renovated AMP Studios.
Andy recognized the latest Good Samaritan Bonus winners for the month of November and announced two new members of SEAL Team 20.
Jeff Bright joined Andy on the show to talk about the What, How and Why that can drive The Alliance.
When you talk about your “what,” we are really speaking about what we do. Our discipline plus our drive equals our routine. Our drive comes from the recognition of an opportunity, and can be driven by urgency (Guilt vs. Shame). Our discipline boils down to our tenacity, stamina and motivation, which is driven by consequence (Fears vs. Excuses). Our routine comes down to mastering the mundane and is driven by our habits.
When we are talking about the “how,” we are talking about what we deserve. This comes from our enthusiasm and our ambition. Our enthusiasm is about the rejection of becoming comfortable and is driven by our eagerness. Our ambition stems from our desire for achievement and is driven by distraction.
Our “why” is what we want to believe. It comes from a combination of perspective and confidence. Sense of placement and finding out fit is part of that perspective, and it is driven by our readiness to take initiative. Our confidence comes from our permission to trust and is driven by our hope or belief.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo