On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explains how you can get the snow flakes together to cause a land slide. When Mount Fuji explodes you want to be on top with The Alliance.
Loyalty, focus and commitment is directly to tied to how successful you are in life. The people who can repeatedly do tasks that move them toward their goals enjoy the most success. They are steady and keep doing the mundane consistently. Doing the things that other people are not willing to do is the key to becoming successful.
People who suffer from boredom need a purpose. If you don’t have a purpose or know what you are doing, then it will be hard to be successful. If you have the proper amount of fear for being successful then you will work hard to reduce those fears becoming a reality.
Pastor Brian Biggars from Lamb’s Chapel was a guest on the show as Dave and Michelle Johnson donated their March Good Samaritan Bonus check to him. Biggars spoke about the importance of being successful. He’s read tons of biographies on successful people and shared that the common denominator of success is doing the work when the motivation isn’t there.
A lot of people are motivated by money, but it will run out eventually. Successful people are driven to do what they do even when it isn’t easy. Life is about more than money, it is about having a purpose. Money is needed to help people, but it isn’t everything. Biggars said that he lives to help people. He doesn’t live for fame. He lives to help people. Don’t be a prisoner of success. In your sole should be a deep desire to help people. It should drive you to greatness. When you serve others, you will be rewarded for it. When you can change lives then you are truly rich.
Biggars encouraged people to let your calendar dictate what you do each day. When your life is over, what will you leave behind? What gets you excited? You get one trip on this Earth. If you don’t help change lives, then you are wasting life. Instead of using people to make money, we should make money to help people. Use the opportunity you have to make a difference to others.
What stops you from doing the work that you know needs to be done? You have to get your mind right and keep doing even when you have doubts about what you are doing. If you know it is what you should be doing, then do it. Master the mundane. Don’t be afraid to make dials. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. We all change at some point. We have all messed up. Make today count. If you mess up, do better tomorrow. All the minutes add up to hours, days, weeks and years.
Your actions and behaviors have to line up with your goals if you want to be successful.