On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright delivered an action-packed show with a rowdy audience live from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. at The Alliance headquarters.
Ask yourself this: How do you help people having a problem get past their past?
What if we had an amazing machine that would let you forget about your past? If you could forget something that happened in the past and move on with life, would you do it?
If you have a fast car, it helps you go fast and look good. If you have your own plane, you can get around easier than flying commercial.
Who cares? It is just money and it doesn’t last.
What is worth it is the freedom and the future you can have with The Alliance.
If you focus on the future, you can get past the past.
The devil wants you to get stuck in your past. Our job is to help the captives free. The stuff we each acquire in life will ultimately rust and end up in the dirt after we are gone.
Sometimes we have a problem. We are talking more about last night or last week than years of issues.
Is there an event or season you wish did not happen? You did it or had it done to you.
The apostle Paul had a jacked up church. Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. New people are the key. If you don’t let your past die, it will not let you live.
Andy is asking you to step out of history and step into your destiny.
There are three things the devil hates.
There are two reasons people feel completely condemned. First, we know who we really are and we know what we did and what we thought about. Everyone thinks that if people know who they really are then nobody would love them.
Second, social media is what people want other people to see them doing. It looks perfect. Perfect cars, pets, trips, kids, etc. People take 72 selfies to get the perfect shot.
Here’s the truth: God knows. He knows about the ugly stuff. He knows about abortion, affairs, adultery and bad thoughts. He knows this and He still forgives. Like a car, we all have dents. Your identity is not in yourself, but in Jesus Christ.
We like imperfect people. People are attracted to people who are honest and open. When you recognize that you are a mess then people will like that about you. Stop trying to be perfect.
There’s a story in the Bible about a woman caught in an act of adultery. Men with rocks were armed and ready to stone her. They were self-righteous. We all carry rocks, but that doesn’t mean we throw them at people who make mistakes.
There will be times when you don’t feel forgiven. That’s when you need to celebrate the cross. The good news is that Christ offers forgiveness to those who accept him.
In Christ, you are valuable. Money is not really yours. It is a tool to be spent. If you are valuable, you fight for it. If you are not valuable, you mistake culture and make a mistake.
You were made by God. You have value. There is a price people will pay. Money will not make you happy. That’s a broke comment.
Here’s an idea: You are trying to fix it … the problem. Andy suggests you say, “Let’s go! And, let’s build. Let’s build it together. We have a new future.
Problem, Past and Present
What about the future?
Do you blame others? If you do, it takes away from what we are doing. You need gratitude. That’s what The Alliance does, we value gratitude.
What is the purpose of these dreams? Your purpose needs to be greater. The greatest trip of the enemy is to chain you to yesterday. It will hold you back from your future.
People remind you of mistakes you made yesterday. Live with them and around them destroys self-worth.
People are trying to move forward looking in rear-view mirror. Our purpose is to touch lives. Bring more people. The Alliance wants to get America dreaming again.
You want immediately to be more valuable. If one can break out, everyone can break out! Freedom!
If one can sell one then you can get one. Lots of people have amazing cars. Nobody see it because no one helped.
It is the same with people. The enemy looks in your house. Keep women thinking they locked down with neighbors drinking beer.
Let go of the good in your past. Let go of your high school glory days. Stop investing time in recreation basketball, softball and bowling leagues. That’s how you get stuck with yesterday’s success.
Don’t get stuck in your past and the pain. Make the decision to go through the junk to get to your future.
Don’t let your past roadblock your destiny. Be humble and thankful for what you have.
There’s a saying Momma’s baby, daddy’s maybe. Andy loves Spencer. When he was little, Andy took him shark fishing. Spencer threw up on Andy, but Andy didn’t get mad at him. Andy cleaned Spencer up. That’s his boy. He loves him unconditionally. When you accept people for who they are and do not judge them, you can help them.
Are you embarrassed about hope?
The fact you are wounded is what people are attracted to. Nobody wants to be around somebody that hasn’t been through something. You never been through it, so what do you know?
Open up and let it go. People listen. People relate to people that have been through stuff. Switch from fixing to building. Switch from being hosting the perfect HotSpot to building a team.
The resources are there so let’s move. When you move, things will appear. Don’t wait! You go! Andy will go with you. You build it and they will come. Your future is brighter than your past.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo