
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Now displaying: May, 2016
May 25, 2016

Tune in as Andy Albright explains why you have to clear your head and fill your calendar to be successful.

Are you planning for success or are you planning for failure? What does your schedule look like? How does your calendar look? If you are actively thinking and planning then your bank account will reflect it accordingly. If you work your plan, what are the expected results? There is a strategy that works every time!

You have to be willing to fail in order to be successful. The more you do, the more you are going to mess up. The key is to keep doing things. You will get more done doing that, and you will learn from messing up over time.

You get paid for what you do so you have to be very intentional about how you spend your time. Your focus and schedule should be centered around doing tasks that help you be successful. Don’t waste time in areas that don’t matter.

People are worried about too many things. The word worry comes from anglo-saxan word that essentially means to choke. Anxiety pent up in you is not good. Too many people worry about things that they cannot control. Maybe it rains outside and you had planned to play golf. Guess what? You can’t do anything about it. You can’t change the weather and you can’t change people. Stop worrying about it.

Here are four simple ways to stop worrying.

Keep busy. Schedule things that keep you constructive.

Do things in moderation. Always!

Have fun. Laugh. Relax. If you can’t laugh at yourself everybody else will. That helps stop worry.

Life is short and you are going to die. Stop worrying about it. Accept it. You will worry less when you do.

Help people as often as you can. You can do this with words, actions, behaviors, etc. Help people change their thoughts and get their mind off of what is bothering them. Help them get clarity.

May 18, 2016

Welcome to The Wednesday Call live with Andy Albright. Fresh off a two-week trip to Europe, Andy has been chomping at the bit to return to the good old United States to share a new message with YOU!

Grab a pen and pad and settle in to take notes during the latest TWC podcast featuring Andy Albright. NOTE: If YOU are driving ... don't do that! Just open your ears and your mind and take it all in. Are you ready? Are you sure?


We hope you enjoy this edition of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy!

Earlier this week, Andy experienced a life-long dream by traveling in Alliance Air with N.C. State men’s basketball coach Mark Gottfried, football coach Dave Doeren and women’s basketball coach Wes Moore on Monday and Tuesday. The two-day trip ended at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where the Wolfpack Club held one of its 10 Coaches Caravans.

Next week, Andy will be hosting a series of boot camps in Washington, D.C.; Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, Ill. and Cincinnati, Ohio. To get more details, visit to find out how you can attend one of these events.

Andy wanted to share two main points during this TWC.

The first item was helping people maximize their efforts and not minimalize their potential. Too many people are focused on hitting the minimum. The problem with this effort is that obstacles and hurdles will unexpectedly pop up that then limit you from even reaching those minimum results. Are you asking yourself, “What is the least amount of work I have to do to get something?” If you are doing this, please stop now. If you continue shooting for the minimal amount, you will never realize how great you can be in life. Championships and victories are not won by putting forth the least amount it takes to win.

People that don’t reach their goals are likely guilty of not maximizing and performing beyond the minimum requirements. You have to push yourself to new heights all the time. When you are putting forth the maximum effort in everything you do, that is when you start to separate yourself from the average and move toward greatness. It is not easy. It does take discipline and effort. It takes work. It takes finding ways to make yourself push on even when you are tired, bored or at your breaking point.

Minimizing breeds mediocrity. It destroys passion. It sets your potential too low. It limits your dream. It limits what you can do. You cannot achieve excellence doing the minimum. Great leaders and visionaries never wanted to shoot for minimums. That would never work. The most effective people in the world complete tasks and they start looking for the next thing that needs to be done. Once they figure that out, then they start working on completing that task.

Your accomplishments are a direct result of the effort and work you put in on a daily basis. Success cannot be purchased, but it can be rented. The problem for most people is figuring out and realizing that the rent is due daily. It can only be paid in sweat equity and effort.

Start thinking about how much you can do or the most you can do. Stop striving for the minimum. Blow past those little minimums and get so enthusiastic that you catch fire and explode to a point where you are doing things you never thought possible.  

Remember that people who do what others are not willing to do are the most successful people in the world. They master the art of doing things to be successful on a consistent basis. They get the maximum out of their talents and work hard.

Self-minimalizing stifles human creativity. People who want to do more, give more and achieve more are the people you want to associate and spend time around. They are the people who win at life. Find a person who is doing and living the way you want to and follow them. Find ways to get around them and ask them questions. Chase them until you are at your full potential.

The people who don’t listen to the status quo get rewarded. They get rewarded in a big way. When you think that way you are more excited about your potential. You were created for success and it is time for you to start thinking and acting that way. Start today!

How can you get to EVP faster than you think? And, how can you do that in the most profitable way possible? The key to that is building depth and going as deep as possible. Andy believes that YOU can build your business as big as his in the next three years. When you have depth in your business, you have volume and you have a fire burning down deep. When you are selling, recruiting and building, then it is contagious. Building is a result of getting depth.

The key to building is focus. You have to focus on selling, recruiting and building. That has to be what you are thinking about and what you are focused on. This means you aren’t watching what other people are doing, you can’t watch television all day and you can’t be standing around doing nothing. Your mind has to be focused on the work and tasks you should be committed to doing.

There are three things YOU need to do when you are building depth. The first step is to get people to listen, watch and attend every event and call we provide to help them improve. Second, find people that you believe are trying to do the most they can do every single day. These are people you trust, people that you can build a relationship with and that you enjoy working with. The third thing is identifying people that want to do it all. They are dialing every single day, and are making sure other people are doing the same thing, they are trying to win trips, etc. They are going all out and not just doing the minimum. Andy calls this Find, Friend and Develop. That’s the three-step simple way to grow your business to heights you’ve never even thought you could reach with The Alliance.

Being a leader means that you go first, then you help others do it too. When you do that, you will start to see your true potential and you realize that is what determines your value.           


May 11, 2016

Stephen Davies served as guest host for this week’s The Wednesday Call live from National Agents Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. while Andy Albright was out of the country on business.

Davies, who lives in Asheville, N.C. with his wife, Hollie, was hand-picked by Albright to help make sure this episode was “must see” TV.

Davies’ main topic talked about how to build momentum and get it started now.

What can momentum do for you? It is hard to get it going, but once it starts it is crazy how fast it goes and how fast it accelerates. Momentum is an amplifier. It is powerful. It buys you time and people will listen to you more when you have it on your side. Momentum is also an eraser. When you have momentum, you are more likely to forget about “messes” in your past. Momentum can cover up big mistakes in your past. It can mitigate problems and help you keep moving forward.

There are five things to remember when you are looking to create momentum.

Momentum is the accelerator and the amplifier to success. When you get momentum and pour it on top of the system The Alliance has in place, the results will be incredible. Keep your focus on your why and use momentum to help you reach the next level.

May 4, 2016

Welcome to The Wednesday Call where Andy Albright delivers leadership and coaching in a high-energy, fun environment that helps you learn how to be better at life and business. This weekly show is full of guiding principles that can be applied as fast you are willing to change what you are doing now that isn’t working. How cool is that? Sit back and turn the sound up as Andy brings you valuable content and information for you to grow. Enjoy the show!

Paul Roberts served as special guest host for this week’s The Wednesday Call live from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. while Andy Albright was on business outside of the United States.

Roberts, who lives outside Dallas, Texas, was hand-picked by Albright to help deliver this week’s message to members of The Alliance.

Roberts’ main topic for TWC was focusing on the three things that will help your business create massive momentum.

Roberts started with The Alliance 11 years ago and his life was in a mess. He was losing cars, losing homes and trying to find a way to solve his problems. Bills were piling up and he was looking for a way to climb out of the hole he was stuck in. Roberts went to a meeting where he met Alex Fitzgerald and discovered The Alliance. Now, Roberts knows that The Alliance’s HotSpots meetings are the most important resource we have. It’s there every week in more than 60 cities for people to take advantage of and to learn from others at the meetings every single week. The Alliance and the HotSpots meetings are part of the reason Paul was able to get sober four years ago with help from his family at The Alliance.

Each person attending our meetings is why the meetings work. You being there matters, whether you are hosting the meeting or just showing up consistently.

There are so many things in the world that we cannot control, but people find ways to focus on those things instead of the simple and easy tasks that we can control. We can control what we do daily. We can’t control the weather. Why would we focus on the weather when we have no impact on it? If we focused on ourselves on not on people, situations and circumstances beyond our control, then we will be more successful and we will be more likely to be in a position to help others too. Make it your mission to focus on what you can control.