On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Dr. Karockas Watkins and Terry Edwards stepped up to the plate to pinch hit for Andy Albright to talk about the importance of enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is powerful in your life and in business. It is contagious and you can pass it along to other people with your actions and behaviors. It is the driver of the direction of all your success.
The Greek word ethos means God within. That is where the word enthusiasm comes from. Enthusiasm is a noun, not a verb. Do not confuse enthusiasm with the word excitement. Enthusiasm is who you are and it is a place in your mind. Your internal enthusiasm is critical in order for you not to let distractions hold you back.
God has put everything you need inside you to be enthusiastic in this life. The decision to live with enthusiasm is up to you. You have to make the choice to keep your enthusiasm level where it needs to be to help you perform on a consistent basis.
The level of your enthusiasm will impact the success you enjoy and the level at which you make a difference. Enthusiasm is fire under control. It is a disciplined fire that is powerful. Controlled enthusiasm creates opportunity. Uncontrolled enthusiasm creates confusion. The right enthusiasm is what you need to make things happen. Enthusiasm changes everything. It becomes a habit and other people pick up on it and run with it too.
When you have a controlled fire then you eliminate the bad stuff and make more room for the good stuff that leads to more growth. Fire exposes us, but it does so in a good way. When you get around the fire, it can rub off on you and push you to grow.
Enthusiasm is not taught, but it is caught through relationships. The heights that you reach in life are based on the kind of people you are hanging around. Don’t mistake hype for enthusiasm. Hype is a temporary feeling. Results are enthusiasm.
Every day that you wake up is a good day. When you make days great that is when you are operating with the proper level of enthusiasm. You have the power and opportunity to take a good day and make it great.
Why does enthusiasm matter?
Enthusiasm is more important than professional skill. You can have all the skill in the world, but enthusiasm is what will catapult you from average to phenomenal. Without enthusiasm, it is hard to have great self-discipline in life.
Your enthusiasm level is based on what you expect and it dictates how you act. Successful people are intentional about their enthusiasm when they enter a room or when they encounter people. They are thinking about how their behavior will impact other people.
When you are speaking, you have to be 100 percent positive. We all look like our decisions. When you decide to be positive and enthusiastic, you will do things that negative people can’t.
Being positive gives you a decided advantage against people who choose to be negative.
The size of your success is determined by the size of your vision. Little faith with yield little results. Big plans, ideas and goals will present bigger results. The whole thing gets compounded by the size of your goals and dreams.
Use your enthusiasm to make a difference and inspire the people around you to make the world a better place. Your enthusiasm will impact how much you can influence the world around you.
Enthusiasm is a mindset in your head. It is not hype that comes and goes in a brief moment.
Let the fire of your enthusiasm held mold and guide you toward your goals and dreams.
Your enthusiasm makes a difference in the culture of The Alliance. Make sure that your enthusiasm is contagious to those around you and help other people move toward what they want to accomplish.
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright introduces just a few of the best talks from National Convention 17, when #TheAlliance took over downtown Raleigh, N.C. for three days during the kickoff of the #GADM campaign.
Get ready to take notes as you hear from people like Stephen and Hollie Davies, Dr. Karockas Watkins and Paul and Tamara Roberts. Plus, you will hear from Andy on this special episode.
We hope you enjoy this podcast ... see you next week!
Stephen and Hollie Davies give you 7 tips to help be better
1. Own where you are at
2. Don't let your past dictate your future
3. Don't take everything so seriously
4. Always look for the silver lining
5. Make maturity your goal, not money
6. Be ruthless about your priorities
7. Words and People - you control your environment
Everything you need to know is really in two places -- inside you and around you!
Doc Rock
Attitude is a product of your mind!
You are today what you thought about yesterday. You will be tomorrow what you think about today. You have to learn how to endure temporary pain before you can enjoy long-term success. Your attitude affects your words and designs your destiny.
Paul and Tamara Roberts
Please do the following: Use your heart and expect great things.
On this episode of Andy Albright's TWC podcast, Andy explains how to help your new agents grow fast and sure! This episode originated from Dallas, Texas Andy was on the third stop of a three-day run to Minneapolis, Minn., Denver, Colo. and Dallas, Texas.
Listen in as Andy recognizes new SEAL Team 20 members and Good Samaritan Bonus recipients for January.
On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy has a strong message for you in terms of how you can stay focused on vision.
Vision is like a shower in that it doesn’t last if you don’t keep working on it. You have to be reminded to keep your vision in mind. The Alliance’s vision is about P.I.E – Prosperity, Inspiration and Eternity. We think you can have incredible prosperity. We keep inspiring other people by putting our efforts back into people. It’s not about the destination, rather it is about how far we can go and how much we can do.
The No. 1 distraction when it comes to vision is opportunity. It is great to have opportunity, but when you have choices, options and decisions you have to stick to your vision to stay on the right path. Do you let distractions prevent you from working toward the bigger picture and vision.
Your vision is tied to your performance. Your actions are who you are. What you do is who you are. There are all kinds of opportunities. It can be career, investment, vacation, experiences or whatever, but if you waste your time in the wrong areas then the vision will be clouded. People with long-term thinking are truly those with a clear vision.
If you can picture what it will be like in the future, then you won’t get emotional when emergencies come up. Time is an asset, but it can also be the worst enemy a person has in their life.
The No. 2 distraction is criticism. The more successful you are, the more critics you will have in life. People are going to be upset by what you are trying to do or what you are accomplishing. Too many people let their critics dictate what they do or what they will do in the future. This can be very confusing and distracting to a person who is trying to achieve something that many other people cannot understand. The truth depends on the person and the situation, but you can never let the truth be what critics say when they don’t have your best interest at heart.
You will always have opportunities to jump on, but you have to remind yourself of your vision and what you want your life to look like. You can’t jump down every rabbit hole or you will never be successful. You need people to help you remember the vision. Distractions are energy killers. Are you sacrificing your vision for a temporary feeling, or are you taking dead aim on the target you have in mind?
Nothing brings out critics like a person with great vision. People will project what they think in your direction, even if it is opposite of what you believe or think. People with focus and passion will offend the masses. It is very rare for a person to have a true focus and passion. When people see that kind of vision in a person it will make them mad or set them free. It is up to each person to decide how they react. You can’t worry about that because if you do then it will prohibit the direction you are heading in.
Making accusations about what people are doing is dangerous and can tear down a person. Rumors and innuendo can destroy vision. You can’t get down in the mud with people that will start a rumor mill at the drop of a hat. When people go low, you cannot get emotional and react to their small thinking. Don’t engage with people who practice gossip more than work ethic.
Stay focused on your vision and don’t stop to counterattack a person who verbally attacks you, your character, credibility, etc. When you give in to other people’s thoughts, you are getting off track. Don’t make it your problem or part of your life. People will make mistakes and that’s OK. Ignore the critics and let them know that in time, the results will prove what is right and wrong.
People think they are entitled to an explanation as to your behavior because they haven’t seen it too many times in their life. Perhaps they are not willing to accept the truth. See that as an opportunity to show them, chase the dream and win. Win big!
You can’t ride a bike to the top of the mountain with your team if you keep your foot on the brake. Hey, you can get to the top faster if you never tap the brake and keep pedaling. We don’t have time for down time. Focus on A tasks that are important and that get us where we want to go. Success silences the critics.
Significance rules out the option of retreat. The Alliance is not backing up, it is charging forward. It is time to move forward. The vision is clear and we must remind each other, encourage each other and cheer the team on until we make it to the top.