
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Dec 20, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright talks about the "It" factor and how to move from 4 A's to 4 C's with relationships and people.

Affirmation (encouragement with passion) can lead to you making a Commitment (allegiance, dedicating effort). Doing this involves you taking the time to work at it.

Admiration (respecting people with honor) can take you to Challenge (emulate, stimulating). It takes effort to make this happen.

Acceptance (loving unconditionally) can help you make Connection (association, joining others). This deals with having a positive spirit.

Appreciation (empathy without judgment and gratitude) can move to Comprehension (discernment and understanding). This is about having a great heart for people. This also involves work.

If you can put these four areas together and move from A's to C's, you will win more in life and in business.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#AllIn #N247RU

Dec 12, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright is joined by IUL guru Dean J. Vagnozzi to talk about why they believe so strongly in this insurance product for the long-term retirement plan.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#IULs #Insurance

Dec 5, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Terry Edwards fills in as guest host while Andy Albright was traveling to Dallas, Las Vegas and Baton Rouge this week.

Edwards was joined by the Lead Performance Team's Ashland Davis and Lucero Diaz from President's Club. The trio talked about going deep fast to help you grow quickly.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo



Nov 21, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright tells you three ways you can self-evaluate in order to grow.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Nov 15, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Tia Edwards and Jane Hill discuss what they do and why it's OK to copy them all you want!

They'll cover subjects like: why chasing money doesn't work, why The Alliance system works, contests, Why we do the 8 Steps, why events matter, what we must do, why we copy others, how to change your thinking and much, much more!




#DoTheDo #TheAlliance



Nov 8, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright get a little help from Adam Katz, Paul Roberts and Mike and Noelle Lewantowicz during a live TWC from The Alliance's Lakeland, Fla. satellite office.

How do you teach people to get "it?"

Grab a pad and pen and find out what these great leaders shared with members of The Alliance.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Oct 31, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright digs deep and delivers five way you can be a dynamic conversationalist.





#DoTheDo #TheAlliance

Oct 24, 2018

on this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright talks about getting new people rolling fast!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo




Oct 17, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, guest hosts Clay Mertes, Chris Norris and Terry Edwards filled in for Andy Albright while he is out of town on business.

This pod was all about how you can have a successful appointment with a client. It boils down to having three main things in place ... leads, annuity questions and how to sell!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#RightNow #DoMore

Oct 10, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Jane Hill and Tia Edwards discuss recruiting and sales, and why they both matter.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

#TickTock #RightNow


Oct 3, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright has a few special guests on the show, recognizes trip and contest winners and talks to you about how you identify the right people to work with before you meet them and after you meet them.

The evaluation process never ends with people! That might seem like tough pill to swallow, but you have to constantly rank and see how people are performing to keep helping them improve.

Are you looking for the right people? Are you sorting through the masses in an effort to focus on the people that can help make you the most successful?

How do you find the right people? You have to know what you are looking for so you are not wasting time with the wrong people. If you can eliminate the bad ones immediately, then you can get down to the business of working with people that truly have a shot. Don’t waste your time on the wrong people because they are easy to talk to.

The fastest way to find winners is to start by working with people that are on the right path and just need to be guided toward success.

Can you recognize the right people early on in the process, so that you can maximize how your time is used on a daily basis? It’s easy to win when you know what you are doing, who you need to do it and you find the right people to do it with.

There are simple things you can do and must do to be successful. These are 100 percent items you have to do to win big. When you hire a person, you need to get two other sharp people like them and do your best to get them around Albright as soon as possible.

Do and teach people the four basics of selling non-stop when you work with people. Get people covered with insurance, get a check or get somebody on the phone to help you! Use all the resources at your disposal like videos and courses. Get a list of referrals from people, use the medical savings card and the Emergency Response System to get more names! Find where the money is by using our Green Sheet application. Recruit people when you are in the home. They are clients, but they have friends and family that need something to do.
Watch 100 percent of our three weekly conference calls – The Wednesday Call, Alliance U Product Call and the Alliance Activity Call.

Read and teach people about “The 8 Steps to Success,” “Millionaire Maker Manual” and “Inside The Circle” books. All these things will help you make more money.

If you don’t work to build a relationship then you don’t have a relationship. When you hire the right type of people, you will see positive results. The most successful people in the world know what they are looking for and they avoid the wrong people. It takes work and intelligence to know where to spend your time.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo



Sep 26, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright tells people how they can take a crappy beginning and make it a happy ending.

When you are playing craps at a casino, there are rules, odds and luck involved. Now, the luck part is up for debate because there are ways you can sway the odds to be more favorable for you if you know what you are doing.

When you roll the dice, the results are not always what you want. That's why it is called gambling.

Andy has a formula to take a situation and make an innovation.

Define the problem, use limited resources, be willing to fail and be willing to be crazy.

When you are working with the insurance industry, there are a number of variables involved. You have leads, agents, leaders, clients and ambitious leaders. When you are able to define the potential problems you are dealing with, you can better know how to proceed.

We all have limited resources. It could be lack of money, lack of leadership, it could be abundance of "not" smart people. The more we understand this, the faster we can adapt and adjust.

Why do people fear failure so much? When you eliminate your fear of failure, you can take action faster and with more confidence.

Why don't people act crazier? Why don't they operate as if they knew they couldn't fail. Experience comes from trying to do great things. Crazy people get to do more. They take risks. They have a better chance of getting greater results. People will follow people who get results.

Take the steps you need to take to put yourself in position to turn a crappy beginning into a happy ending.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo



Sep 19, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright hosted the show live from Prosperity Hall at The Alliance’s national headquarters in Burlington, N.C. in front of more than 300 people who were in town for an Instant Thunder event.







Sep 12, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Beth Katz and Tia Edwards talk about how powerful couples can be in The Alliance even if you are a single person and have married people in your organization.









Sep 5, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright talks about what ownership looks like.

Andy opened the show by bringing up Terry and Tia Edwards to talk about how their business is growing and to help announce the latest Paris contest winners. Andy covered upcoming events coming up at the home office of The Alliance and around the country, and also discussed ongoing contest and the new September contest.

Last week, Andy had a busy week. He traveled to meetings in Jacksonville, Fla.; Houston, Texas; Denver, Co.; and Atlanta, Ga. After getting back late Thursday night, he flew to Charlotte, N.C. on Friday morning for a meeting with President Donald J. Trump at Carmel Country Club. On Saturday, Albright and his family, some of The Alliance staff and its agents took in a football game at North Carolina State University. After the game, Albright took a group to see Kid Rock in concert in Raleigh, N.C.

How’s that for a busy week?

Successful people are those who can master the mundane. They dream big while they keep doing the little things that help make them successful. They find their “why” and then keep dreaming bigger. How fast can we create leaders? The answer is when their “why” is bigger than any problems we encounter.

The size of our commitment determines what we are able to overcome. Leaders are those who do. The only thing that will keep you going forward is your belief level. When you believe in something or somebody more than you buy what the enemy is doing, then you can win big.

Some people will not commit. They are opposed to the cause or they are divisive and fight the system. The Alliance is looking for those that commit. It is not about being right, but rather being successful. Are you a person that is willing to fight for the cause you believe in?

Our country is divided currently and The Alliance is working to erase the division. Part of fixing that is developing leaders that can help us keep moving forward. We want to love people the way that God loves you. We want to love not judge others. People can be different than you. We can have differences and still coexist. 

Andy quotes:

“Once you create massive momentum, it is very hard to stop it.”

“Focus on the results.”

“If you want to be different than most people, you have to do things that others don’t want to do.”

“The only way to make somebody mad is to do something.”

“What are winners doing that other people are not?”




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#Freedom #Time #Money #Success


Aug 29, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call live, Terry Edwards and James Coleman fill in as guest hosts for Andy Albright, who is hosting meetings in four cities in four states this week.

Today's topic centers around walking away from what you are doing so that you can move up and be more successful. Listen as Terry and James shares their personal stories that took them from low points to high points now with The Alliance. 





#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#TickTock #Move   

Aug 22, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright talks about how the word “no” might actually mean something different than you think.

Why do so many people ask for something and stop asking when they hear the word no? When a person says no, that is when you really start the process of selling. It is huge to realize that. Great builders and networkers don’t stop when they hear the word no.

When Andy talks to people, he gets more excited when he asks a question and hears somebody say the word no. He gets fired up!

Don’t be scared of the word no, get excited about it. By getting to the “no” part, we bring the real issues front and center. No protects people from making ineffective decisions. It slows us down so we can think and creates a safe feeling that is about feeling secure and in control. No moves forward. It screams, “let’s go!”

When you get buy in from other people’s perspective it means they made a decision and they believe in what they are doing. Arguing with people causes the opposite result. It makes people want to run or quit. Being nice to people at times appears to be disingenuous and manipulative.

People’s primal urges are to be safe and secure, and to be in control. These are illogical and urgent. People have two primary focuses or urges: safety and to be in charge. People want to feel in control.   

We must avoid time vampires. These people are able to talk “junk.”

Now, the word “yes” comes in three forms: counterfeit (escape route or trick to keep you talking), confirmation (no promise of action) and commitment (sincere and genuine).

We want people to make the decision for themselves and feel like it is their idea, goal and mission to do something.

Work to improve at getting people to say no early on. No should be a word that is your friend or like a magic pill in your mind. Stay calm when a person tells you no because that should be when the fun begins. Come to grips with the word no. The words yes and maybe are often worthless. Andy wants people to love the word no because it starts and alters conversations. It’s a chance to pivot, adjust and re-examine what you are saying to a person.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#TickTock #Move   

Aug 15, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright talks about freedom, time, money … and how you can get more of it.

How many times have you wished you had more of all those three things? What if you had the opportunity to get more of all three? If you were given a shot to take control of everything you did and the manner in which you did it, would you go all in to make it happen?

When you are talking to people, are you selling the importance of niche marketing? Are you building relationships that go beyond the product that you are selling? If you can find out what a person’s itch is and scratch it, then you are going to win big. If you can keep helping people eliminate their itches, then you are going to win in a big way. When you find out what people want, then you can sell them that. Figure out how to connect with people early and stop trying to sell that you have a cure. Find out what their hurt or need is and help them fix it.

People want to work with who they like. They also want an opportunity that works too. If you can find a place that gives you both, then you are going to stick with it. That’s what The Alliance needs to keep offering people. A chance to be with people they like and a place where they can make money too. Get in the habit of finding out what a person likes and what they want when you first meet them before you try to hammer them over the head about what we do before you even find out what they want.

When you market yourself and what you do in a different way, you probably will get better results. Tell people why you are great and why the meeting you attend is the best. Don’t just say there’s a meeting next week. Tell them why the meeting is great, but say it in a way that is tailored to what they are looking for right then.

When you can offer people a cure for their ailment, then you can win over the curious because you have shown empathy and worked to understand who they are, what they want and what they need. If you can solve the problem, you will win the game. When you deliver a solution to what ails them, then you are going to a hero to them. Be a problem solver for people and you will see your business blow up. Be the hope that people are looking for.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#Freedom #Time #Money #Success

Aug 8, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Paul Roberts stepped in as guest host while Andy Albright was out of the country in Africa. Roberts, who lives in Argyle, Texas, was joined by his good friends – Phil Hebert and George Andershock.

Paul’s main topic for the show was Grace and Gratitude. Those two things are what Paul says have changed his life and his business with The Alliance in the last seven years.

Andershock shared some of his story that brought him to The Alliance, and talked about why he has gratitude for people and for the life he enjoys now.

Hebert told the audience about his own personal struggles to make it as a single father. At one point, he was in line for a promotion, but turned it down because it would mean moving his son to another part of the country.

Roberts shared his personal story of battling alcohol and having to fight to make it financially. Now, he’s in a much better place and will make more money this year than he ever has in his life.

Paul made it clear that words matter more than people realize and you have to be careful about what you say to people. Choose your words carefully. Grace and gratitude should help determine how you spend your time and how you deal with people. Exercise more patience with people and show empathy and love instead of giving up on them so easily. Some people take more time to figure it out. Help them.

Roberts encouraged people not to be scared and to realize that you are stronger than you think you are. You can step it up a notch. You have to stop doubting yourself. Don’t think you’ve arrived. Remember you are on a journey and you are not even close to the end. You are capable of so much more. It’s OK to celebrate the little victories, but remember there is a bigger one coming down the road. The journey is worth it. Keep pushing to see how much you can do rather than trying to reach a set destination.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


#Gratitude #Grace


Aug 1, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your guest hosts Chadwick Ray and Terry Edwards break down Andy Albright's 8 Steps To Success and share with you how to rank and judge yourself based on how closely you are following those 8 items.

The 8 Steps are: Excellence, Service, Integrity, Accountability, Respect, Compassion, Community and Gratitude.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Jul 25, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Adam Katz and Stephen Davies want to help you get the most out of your Family Reunion experience so that you can come into NatCon on a whole new level.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Jul 19, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright and Jeff Bright cover The Alliance's final core value -- Gratitude!




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo


Jun 27, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Terry Edwards filled in to host the show while Andy Albright is traveling on business. Edwards was joined by the Agency Building Task Force’s Chelsie Long and the Lead Performance Team’s Ashland Davis.




#TheAlliance #PremiumPointsParis #DoTheDo


Jun 20, 2018

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright talked about picking love and trust when it comes to dealing with people. Life is about being in position to make a difference in other people and the world.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

#212BoilingPoint #PremiumPointsParis


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