On this episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast, James and Jane Hill stepped up to host the show from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. while Andy Albright was in Las Vegas for meetings and to host a special HotSpot meeting on Wednesday.
The Hills moved to Burlington, N.C. about three years ago from Annapolis, Md. in an effort to grow their business and to learn from the corporate staff at The Alliance’s headquarters.
James shared a story of a manager who owned a fruit farm. As he inspected his trees he noticed that one particular tree had failed to produce the crop he wanted for a number of years. The manager asked his employee to cut the tree down because he didn’t like the results it was giving him. The employee had an alternative, asking that he be allowed to place fertilizer around the tree to help it grow better next season. The manager agreed. Sure enough, that tree produced better results the next season!
You have to give a tree time to develop, mature and grow. You can’t pick fruit from a tree that isn’t properly cared for. It’s the same way in business and when you work with people. You have to do your part to get the tree growing. Failure turns into fertilizer when done properly.
James and Jane learned in the last three years that they had to change some of the things they were doing before moving to Burlington, N.C. It didn’t happen overnight, but you can follow their example and get the same results they have enjoyed.
Don’t use your environment as an excuse. The employee could have let his manager use the excuse for the tree not producing fruit, but he was smart enough to offer a solution rather than an excuse. For every reason you give, you can also share an example as to how it can work.
Practice not letting your past, your environment, etc. as an excuse for why you are not where you want to be. Speak the following words out loud: I will not excuse my growth by blaming my environment.
Stop wasting energy and resources on things that do not help you reach your goal.
If you have a garden alone, what grows? Weeds. What do weeds do? They choke out other stuff.
Practice saying the following: I’m going to do what it takes, NOT what I think it should take!
The problem appeared at the level of the leaves, but the problem was caused by the level of the roots. There is a connection between our motives and our manifestations. Don’t take your anger out on the leaves when the problem is in the roots.