On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about the six P Formula for personal and professional success.
Planning is discipline (which creates a habit) and a skill (which creates a competence). This means planning is a discipline that you can master through repetition (habit) and a skill that is mastered through practice (competence).
We have all heard the phrase, "proper prior planning prevents poor performance." It's an old British Army adage that still applies today.
Proper: It is important to have the proper strategy (Sell, Recruit and Build; Duplication, Association and Edification; Have Fun, Make Money and Make A Difference) or the HOW (mission) spelled out before taking action.
Prior: Thinking through WHAT you must do to accomplish your goals with prior preparation enables you to take opportunity when it appears as a great moment to act.
Planning: Planning allows one to organize their list of actions by priority and sequence by determining which tasks are more important. Priority organizes the what and sequence organizes the when.
Prevents: Prevention helps you identify the vital elements or limiting factors of a plan or initiative. This provides more focus and time to be spent on the most important tasks.
Poor: A poor approach will result in a poor effort. Determine the critical results or our what (The 8 Steps) and growth will follow. But, growth (work ethic) can never coexist with being comfortable (inactivity).
Performance: The price of success is dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. But everything depends upon the execution or performance. Just to have a destination or WHY (vision) will not get the results. One must see their how (mission) as a timeless act of performing (day in and day out) with a consistent discipline allowing them to master the mundane by "Doing The Do."
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo