Andy Albright delivered this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call on location in Dallas, Texas as part of a three-day series of Boot Camps being hosted in Chicago, Dallas and Atlanta.
Andy wanted to talk to you about being committed and how vision has a price if you want to be successful.
Andy will cover the following: How to pay the price? How to keep pressing forward? How did other people do it? What else should you consider?
Nothing is free. Everything has a price. The Alliance judges people based on what they do, not just what they say they are going to do.
What price are you willing to pay? People that read, listen to audios, call earlier and later than most and do a little bit more are those who are most successful with The Alliance.
There is always a price to pay if you truly want to get what you want in life.
People think that they are special when they are really just standard. Everybody believes the things in their life are special when we all have stuff we are dealing with. What makes you special is what you do even when it is not easy.
What sets you apart from others is when you commit and make a decision to get something done. People who perform at a high level don’t let distractions stop them from making things happen. They get after it and play hard. They don’t quit. They don’t stop. They are relentless.
Something that is worth it will demand sacrifice and risk. It will require pain and sweat equity. Leave your comfortable and embrace the risk. Get up and do it again. Risk it to get it. Get up and get after it. It is a decision. People who win are those who do.
What are your goals, dreams and vision? There are so many unknowns, but you have to take risks to be successful. Get uncomfortable and know that the unexpected will happen eventually.
Don’t let the cost and uncertainty make you flinch. Hesitation is an invitation for failure to arrive. Don’t shrink down from the challenge. Don’t back down. Go on the attack. Go for the goal.
Fear and hesitation will cause and invite failure. You can’t let worry and fear dictate what you do. A leader who is not committed to sacrifice will not win. Do you want to be a strong leader?
People buy in to the leader before they buy in to the vision. They buy in to the vision after they believe in the leader. Vision requires courage and confidence. Act like you know what the results are going to be.
When you see what can be and breakthrough to do it, that’s big. Don’t live your life in a way that leaves you wondering what if I had done this or that. That is the worst way to spend your life.
When people step up and make the decision to act, then the winning gets contagious.
Andy recognized the latest SEAL Team 20 members that were in Dallas for TWC, and let them share why they made the decision to strive for ST20.
Look for a way to get in, not a way to get out. Step up. Take risks. Get in position so that you can win in a big way. Be willing to go uphill when it doesn’t look good so that you can enjoy the view when you top that hill. Get out on that limb and take a shot at greatness. Get focused. Set the example. Be a leader. Help people. Be willing to change to make things work. Dream bigger. Don’t let you history define your future.
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