
The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright

The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright is a weekly program that is designed to help you grow and improve in business and life. Through simple yet effective teaching principles, Andy Albright helps people move from where they are to where they want to be in as little time as possible. If you are looking for an opportunity to change your life for the better, The Wednesday Call should be part of your weekly schedule. Through this show, Andy reveals all of his business and live strategies to help people see how they find a new career through National Agents Alliance and help people all across the United States at the same time. The Wednesday Call helps people learn how to make a living working as little or as much as they choose to each week. This program originates from NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. where Andy Albright, who co-founded NAA in 2002, was born and raised. Special guests appear on the show regularly and include successful business minds, athletes, entrepreneurs and people making an impact in a number of different areas in the world. You’ll enjoy the podcast if you are an entrepreneur that is ready to explode in your professional career, enjoy hearing inspirational stories and messages from everyday people just like you, or maybe you are a lifelong learner who continually seeks growth and improvement in your life. Regardless of where you are, The Wednesday Call offers educational nuggets for new listeners and old. We hope you enjoy listening and keep coming back for more!
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The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright











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Jul 5, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his office in Burlington, N.C. the day after the Fourth of July.

Do you ever think you are getting in the way of yourself?

Andy will help you picture what you want in your personal life and your business.

Andy will share the 8 Things to help your self-image.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Don’t beat yourself up

Accept compliments

Use self-help books to change the way you think

Spend time around positive people


How to be happy?

Progressive realization of a life-long goal. That’s when people are happy. If you can picture the outcome and not the work it takes, then you will move toward your goal faster. You will keep doing it over and over if you keep that mindset. Clarity often ends with embarrassment. It is the single ingredient that will help you get what you want. The clearer you are about your future, the more you will attract people that will help you get what you want. The sooner you get clear about that, the faster you will make moves toward that goal.




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Jun 28, 2017

On this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright was fresh off a trip to the Mediterranean with members of The Alliance, and he couldn’t wait to share some burning questions and answers that were on his mind.

Andy opened the show by playing a recap video from the Mediterranean Cruise. You can find a link to the video at the end of this description. A few members of The Alliance joined Andy on the show and shared some of their experiences from this trip.

Andy has been asked a numbers of questions recently and he wanted to address some of those.

What matters more: your head or your heart?

What do you say when somebody starts attacking the way the company works?

What if people are rude when they are passing you?

Why are some people moving fast and others are treading water?

Why are some people caught up in drama and stuck to honey like a bee, while others are just plugging away?

In each HotSpot every new person is wondering if this business real? It is real, but it does take some effort.

Is it safe, will I fit in? Yes. Just be nice to people and welcome them. Make sure they know you care. We must make them comfortable.

Selling yourself, selling the people that have been around for a while and you are selling new people on what we do.

Everybody gets hit with stuff, but some people are like Teflon because it seems to slide off of them. Others are not and it seems to stick to them and weigh them down.

When a dog lays around and doesn’t move, he might start getting ticks stuck to him. The more he sits there, the more ticks he attracts and then his problem gets bigger and bigger. A dog that stays in the hunt and keeps moving is less likely to get messed up by ticks sticking to him.

Ticks are dysfunction. You can attract them. If you hang around people with ticks, you will eventually get them too. You have to learn to keep moving so that you don’t get ticks. There will be times when you are around people that have ticks, but you can avoid getting the same ticks they have in their life. If you get mad at people with ticks, you are going to make it worse.

What if a person passes you in line at a movie theatre? Are you going to cause a scene or ignore it and smile? Don’t get hung up on incidents. Understand it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Don’t react.

When other people are acting up, don’t respond in a manner that will drag you in the mess too.  

Thanks for listening ... below is the link we promised you!!!

Watch the Mediterranean Cruise video HERE




#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

#WhyNotYou #SayNoToTicks

Jun 21, 2017

On this special edition of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright tees up some special moments from NatCon17 in Raleigh, N.C. where The Alliance had an amazing weekend to kick off 2017 in style.

You will hear from Andy, Stephen Davies, Paul Roberts and Karockas Watkins on this podcast. Sit back and relive what was an amazing weekend. If you weren't there, here's your chance to get a taste of what NatCon17 was like.






Jun 14, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright introduces the show as he heads to the Mediterranean for a cruise with The Alliance later this week. This show features a previous episode from Feb. 1, 2017 when Chadwick Ray and friends joined Andy for a special edition of TWC. 



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Jun 7, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright delivered an action-packed show with a rowdy audience live from AMP Studios in Burlington, N.C. at The Alliance headquarters.

Ask yourself this: How do you help people having a problem get past their past?

What if we had an amazing machine that would let you forget about your past? If you could forget something that happened in the past and move on with life, would you do it?

If you have a fast car, it helps you go fast and look good. If you have your own plane, you can get around easier than flying commercial.

Who cares? It is just money and it doesn’t last.

What is worth it is the freedom and the future you can have with The Alliance.

If you focus on the future, you can get past the past.

The devil wants you to get stuck in your past. Our job is to help the captives free. The stuff we each acquire in life will ultimately rust and end up in the dirt after we are gone.

Sometimes we have a problem. We are talking more about last night or last week than years of issues.

Is there an event or season you wish did not happen? You did it or had it done to you.

The apostle Paul had a jacked up church. Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. New people are the key. If you don’t let your past die, it will not let you live.

Andy is asking you to step out of history and step into your destiny.

There are three things the devil hates.

There are two reasons people feel completely condemned. First, we know who we really are and we know what we did and what we thought about. Everyone thinks that if people know who they really are then nobody would love them.

Second, social media is what people want other people to see them doing. It looks perfect. Perfect cars, pets, trips, kids, etc. People take 72 selfies to get the perfect shot.

Here’s the truth: God knows. He knows about the ugly stuff. He knows about abortion, affairs, adultery and bad thoughts. He knows this and He still forgives. Like a car, we all have dents. Your identity is not in yourself, but in Jesus Christ.

We like imperfect people. People are attracted to people who are honest and open. When you recognize that you are a mess then people will like that about you. Stop trying to be perfect.

There’s a story in the Bible about a woman caught in an act of adultery. Men with rocks were armed and ready to stone her. They were self-righteous. We all carry rocks, but that doesn’t mean we throw them at people who make mistakes.

There will be times when you don’t feel forgiven. That’s when you need to celebrate the cross. The good news is that Christ offers forgiveness to those who accept him.

In Christ, you are valuable. Money is not really yours. It is a tool to be spent. If you are valuable, you fight for it. If you are not valuable, you mistake culture and make a mistake.

You were made by God. You have value. There is a price people will pay. Money will not make you happy. That’s a broke comment.

Here’s an idea: You are trying to fix it … the problem. Andy suggests you say, “Let’s go! And, let’s build. Let’s build it together. We have a new future.

Problem, Past and Present

What about the future?

Do you blame others? If you do, it takes away from what we are doing. You need gratitude. That’s what The Alliance does, we value gratitude.

What is the purpose of these dreams? Your purpose needs to be greater. The greatest trip of the enemy is to chain you to yesterday. It will hold you back from your future.

People remind you of mistakes you made yesterday. Live with them and around them destroys self-worth.

People are trying to move forward looking in rear-view mirror. Our purpose is to touch lives. Bring more people. The Alliance wants to get America dreaming again.

You want immediately to be more valuable. If one can break out, everyone can break out! Freedom!

If one can sell one then you can get one. Lots of people have amazing cars. Nobody see it because no one helped.

It is the same with people. The enemy looks in your house. Keep women thinking they locked down with neighbors drinking beer.

Let go of the good in your past. Let go of your high school glory days. Stop investing time in recreation basketball, softball and bowling leagues. That’s how you get stuck with yesterday’s success.

Don’t get stuck in your past and the pain. Make the decision to go through the junk to get to your future.

Don’t let your past roadblock your destiny. Be humble and thankful for what you have.

There’s a saying Momma’s baby, daddy’s maybe. Andy loves Spencer. When he was little, Andy took him shark fishing. Spencer threw up on Andy, but Andy didn’t get mad at him. Andy cleaned Spencer up. That’s his boy. He loves him unconditionally. When you accept people for who they are and do not judge them, you can help them.

Are you embarrassed about hope?

The fact you are wounded is what people are attracted to. Nobody wants to be around somebody that hasn’t been through something. You never been through it, so what do you know?

Open up and let it go. People listen. People relate to people that have been through stuff. Switch from fixing to building. Switch from being hosting the perfect HotSpot to building a team.

The resources are there so let’s move. When you move, things will appear. Don’t wait! You go! Andy will go with you. You build it and they will come. Your future is brighter than your past.



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

May 31, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explains how you can get the snow flakes together to cause a land slide. When Mount Fuji explodes you want to be on top with The Alliance.

Loyalty, focus and commitment is directly to tied to how successful you are in life. The people who can repeatedly do tasks that move them toward their goals enjoy the most success. They are steady and keep doing the mundane consistently. Doing the things that other people are not willing to do is the key to becoming successful.

People who suffer from boredom need a purpose. If you don’t have a purpose or know what you are doing, then it will be hard to be successful. If you have the proper amount of fear for being successful then you will work hard to reduce those fears becoming a reality.

Pastor Brian Biggars from Lamb’s Chapel was a guest on the show as Dave and Michelle Johnson donated their March Good Samaritan Bonus check to him. Biggars spoke about the importance of being successful. He’s read tons of biographies on successful people and shared that the common denominator of success is doing the work when the motivation isn’t there.

A lot of people are motivated by money, but it will run out eventually. Successful people are driven to do what they do even when it isn’t easy. Life is about more than money, it is about having a purpose. Money is needed to help people, but it isn’t everything. Biggars said that he lives to help people. He doesn’t live for fame. He lives to help people. Don’t be a prisoner of success. In your sole should be a deep desire to help people. It should drive you to greatness. When you serve others, you will be rewarded for it. When you can change lives then you are truly rich.

Biggars encouraged people to let your calendar dictate what you do each day. When your life is over, what will you leave behind? What gets you excited? You get one trip on this Earth. If you don’t help change lives, then you are wasting life. Instead of using people to make money, we should make money to help people. Use the opportunity you have to make a difference to others.

What stops you from doing the work that you know needs to be done? You have to get your mind right and keep doing even when you have doubts about what you are doing. If you know it is what you should be doing, then do it. Master the mundane. Don’t be afraid to make dials. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. We all change at some point. We have all messed up. Make today count. If you mess up, do better tomorrow. All the minutes add up to hours, days, weeks and years.

Your actions and behaviors have to line up with your goals if you want to be successful.




May 24, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explained how YOU can explode your business in the next 90 days by doing five simple things.

Andy opened the show by letting people know he will be in Melbourne and Orlando, Fla. next week, and then Detroit, Mich. and New Jersey the following week.

The Alliance is hosting Family Reunion in July at its corporate headquarters in Burlington, N.C. You can secure your ticket today by visiting

Today’s show centered around how you can go from zero to hero by doing five simple things in the next 90 days. These items will get you freedom and recognition with The Alliance.

What kinds of questions does a great person ask when they have the chance? There are some great questions on page 81 of Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual to help you with this topic.  

Next, you need to treat people right. You can’t go around being mean to everybody and expect them to like you and help you when you need it. Sarcasm gets old very fast.

Are you focused on what is important versus what is urgent? You can get good at this by using your calendar to help focus on the important things. If you make a mistake, that’s OK. The key is to correct the mistake so that it doesn’t happen again. Urgent things are important, but you need to think about tomorrow and what is really important too.

People need to make a commitment. Make the decision to do it than to talk about it. Why is it so hard to commit to do the work it takes to be successful? What are you willing to commit to doing? Make a list and make a decision. After that, all that is left is to do what you decide to do.

Lastly, how can you get your innocence back? You can’t worry about bad things that happened in the past. Let the pain of the past go. Be willing to change and know that what you do in this life will matter for eternity. Help as many people as you can on the journey of life so that you can be rewarded long after you leave Earth. When you keep finding ways to make a difference then you will keep your innocence.




May 17, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright shares some big news about a new app you can get NOW, and discusses how you can tell when a person is growing.

The Alliance has launched a new app to help you find all things media related to the company. You can search for Alliance Media on your phone to download the app from your preferred app store.

Who is growing like crazy?

People who are really growing are people who are doing things across the board. They are not picking and choosing what they are solid at. They are consistent at pretty much everything and they don’t slow down when things start falling into place. People who are growing keep focused and keep pushing to grow even more.

There’s some great information on figuring out who to work with on your team in Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual on page 112-113. This section deals with how to work with your downline. You are looking for people in depth that are doing the basics that it takes to be successful with The Alliance. When people in your depth are taking action faster, then you have to spend time with them and invest more in them than those who are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. When you go down in depth and help that person get width, the faster and bigger you can grow your team. It is about working with productive people as much as possible. The deal is to get deep and wide. That’s how you grow fast.

The Alliance is built on what people do. It is not who you like or who looks like they are special. It’s all about “doing the do.”

You want to work with people that are Ready, Willing and Able. You want to work with people that are Faithful, Available and Teachable. Those are the people need your attention.

Are you doing the things that you have to do, or are you getting bogged down in stuff that doesn’t matter. When you can narrow the work you do each day, the better you will be at those tasks. Successful people don’t waste time in areas that they are not strong in. They focus on what they are great at and they keep doing that.

Your goal is to move from confusion to clarity and from frustration to focus.

There are four things you can do to get the results you want. You can make the decision to do what it takes to move into the top 10 percent. You can take action and keep acting. You can commit to improve in what you do daily. Lastly, use the resources we make available for you and refer to them daily.

Andy is hosting a series of boot camps in the next three weeks. You can find out where he will be by visiting  You can also secure your ticket for July's Family Reunion by visiting

Until next week, check out the latest content from Andy Albright via the Alliance Media app!!!




May 10, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright delivered the show live from AMP Studios.

The main topic of the show was what The Alliance has to do to double the team. Before you can help find one person, you have to be that person first. If you are not doing what is asked then you can’t ask others to do what you are not willing to do.

Once you are a person that is doing the right activity, then you are looking for people who want to do the same things. You have to ask this: Who wants it and does it? It’s about doing it and not just talking about it.

You can hire all the people in the world, but if you don't slow down long enough to help people get off on the right track then you are going to have a mess. We are not trying to hire people just to say we hired people. We want to hire the right people and challenge them to master the basics.

On page 136 of Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual, he wrote about communication and how 93 percent of communication is non-verbal. People don’t need to hear you as much as they need to see you. Learn to be the person first before you start trying to find a person to do it. Once you are the person then you can draw the line for others to cross that shows you they want to be part of the team too.

On page 105 of the “Green Book,” Andy writes about building a dynamic base by going deep and wide. The key to growth is to do both!

When you first hire a person, you need to work with them to create a list of people they can call who might want to be interested in doing what we do. Get a list, get them to the next meeting and help them get their license.

Where are you spending your time and energy? Page 207 of the Green Book tells you to spend it with those who are doing the right stuff. If you don’t invest in you, then you can’t help other people.

What are you thinking about? What do you think other people are thinking about? What obstacles are you going to overcome to keep your vision and dream alive? What will it look like for you when things start coming together?

Look at your schedule, make commitments and stick to what you put on your calendar. Make a decision to do!






May 3, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call, your hosts Terry Edwards and James Hill cover the topic of focus.

How do you trick yourself into staying focused? How do I stick to my calendar?  How do I do what needs doing even when I don't feel like it or when I feel discouraged?

Anyone ever feel that way?

How did David slay Goliath? How did 300 Spartans win a war? How do you get things done?

You have to trick yourself sometimes! The first way you trick yourself into staying focused is by learning to give yourself the proper perspective on what we DO and not blow it all out of proportion!

Maybe you feel nervous, unsure, discouraged, etc. That doesn’t mean you let that stop you.

The bigger your destiny, dreams and goals, the more enemies you will face. Here’s the good news: your real enemy is your fear and discouragement level. Don’t let it get you.

The two big fears fall into two categories: fear of falling short and a fear of running out of something. You control what you do and where you go. Don’t shrink your dream to the size of your own personal interest. Find something bigger than you and you will push harder to do more and be more.

There will be times where you question what you are doing, but you have to keep doing. People need you even if you don’t realize it.

Fear and circumstances are not the deciding factor in your life. Your decision and what you tell yourself is what determines where you go. Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself.

Live your life based on your vision and not what other people want you to do. It’s your life. Do what you love or stop doing it.

Being ignorant is OK, but being belligerent is not. When you are ignorant, you can learn. When you are belligerent, you are doing it on purpose and that’s wrong. Operate with grace not bad intentions. Make sure your actions and words are headed in the same direction.

The activities that we undertake in this mission is not life threatening! Talking to strangers on the phone has got nothing on fighting for your life! This is not life threatening. This is stuff you do every day anyways it just now you are getting paid for it. Let's get some perspective on what we do!

It's ok to feel nervous about a new experience. We just can't let that hold us back... If feeling nervous about your first time doing something was all it took to stop us there would be a lot fewer babies in the world.

Just because you FEEL nervous doesn't mean you need to BE nervous...

Just because you feel discouraged doesn't mean you have to BE discouraged...

You have a job to do! You have a destiny.

Decide to know the bigger the destiny the bigger the enemies in your life. Your real enemy is NOT another person or a situation... Your real enemy is your fear and your discouragement. 

What have you talked yourself out of that you know you should be doing?

Starting today... can you start talking to yourself into it instead of out of it? Don't let your fear keep you from your future! You see no one can talk you into your destiny but you!

Someone that has lost their purpose. Someone that has lost their dream. Someone that lost their family, someone that needs a place to belong, someone that wants something more in than life than to just exist, someone that's been told their entire life they are worthless and you get to tell them that THEY MATTER!

There are people depending on you!

Your manager/leader will not always be available when you call.  There isn't always gonna be someone there to send you an encouraging text right when you need it... because part of being a grown up is you need to learn to encourage yourself!

Encourage yourself!

If you are discouraged it is NOT because of your conditions or your circumstances... they may be a contributing factor but they are NOT the deciding factor. Discouragement is a decision you make... when you listen to yourself... that this is how it will always be.

The problem is we spend TOO much time listening to ourselves and not enough time TALKING TO OURSELVES.

Talk to yourself all the time. Practice what you preach. Keep saying things to yourself.

Your life will follow the direction of your conversation...  What are we talking about the most? 

What are you talking about the most!?  Your courage comes from your conversation and so does your fear and your discouragement and not just from conversations that you are having with others. That’s mostly from conversations with yourself. It’s not enough to hear it. You have to rehearse it with yourself! You need to take control of the conversation!

How do I take control?  How do I trick myself?  You have to do this for as long as you want it to work.  These are permanent solutions as long as you permanently do these exercises. Repetition is a convincing argument. 

There is a difference between screwing up and being a screw up. There is a book called “What to say when you talk to yourself” by Shad Helmstetter. This book will help you learn how to control the conversations you have with yourself. Now you can’t just read the book. You have to DO what the book teaches you. And remember … Repetition is a convincing argument.

How else?

Use your calendar and stick to it! How do I stick to it? Schedule and do! Let your pride make you stick to it.

@NAALeadsTheWay @AndySAlbright

#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #FamilyReunion

Apr 26, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright delves deep into the topic of bringing all your energies to bear on one thing.

He’ll discuss the boogeyman, the secret to effectiveness and what happens when you get your picture took!

Have you ever noticed that a focused light has great power and seems to shine brighter than those light that are distracted by multiple targets. Clear purpose allows you to concentrate your effort. Andy is committed to putting all his energies to bear on this one thing, forgetting what is behind and looking forward to what lies ahead.

What do you want?

If you know what you want, then you can get it. Stop guessing and start running toward what you want. You don’t have time to waste on anything else.

Get past what you think you know.

Effectiveness is about knowing what really counts. Can you ONLY do what really counts. Forget everything else.

“You don’t know how you look until you get your picture took.”

Have a solid purpose. It reduces frustration. It allows you to forget stuff that doesn’t matter. A clear purpose tells us what to do, and what NOT to do. I’ve seen people stop cursing because they decided they wanted to stop it. Now, you will slip up from time to time, but the idea is you are working on it!

Work on the things that count.

Figure out what to do and what not to do. When you are calling people, it might be a good idea not to cuss.

Andy shared a video of Jazmin Lightbourn that is filled with raw emotion.

You can see the video HERE -->

When people see raw emotion it makes them react. Emotions are what move people to work. Your business is determined by the size and strength of the foundation. You can’t build larger than the foundation you are on top of. A great example is the Alliance Convention Center. It will only be as large as your foundation.

You do the basics in the beginning so that later it can be bigger and bigger. Do it now, not later.

Morale and mission go together. They are tied together hand in hand. People working together for a great purpose don’t argue. A great purpose prevents arguments. Purpose keeps people from arguing over trivial matters. When you are rowing a boat, you ain’t got time to rock. You will end up wet and overboard. That’s a bad combination.

The most successful people are great at keeping the main thing the main thing. Simple.

How is your activity? Are you efficient? If you are, you are doing things correctly.

How is your productivity? Are you effective? If you are, you are doing the right things correctly.

Are you wasting energy? Are you focused on the trivial? When the titanic sank, it really didn’t make sense to rearrange the chairs on the boat. The boat was going down regardless.

Ask yourself these two questions:

What is your business?

How is your business?

Get that right and your life will be better!



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Apr 19, 2017

On Episode 62 of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright raps about how you can slow down to speed up with The Alliance. Get ready for this episode because Andy delivered knowledge like he was shot out of a cannon.

When you are recruiting people, are you working fast? Are you working effectively? Are you focused on recruiting and nothing else in that moment?

Are you patient enough to realize when you find a solid person that you need to calm down and slow down? You need to make sure they are on point, so that you don't send them out with the wrong direction.

The first step is making sure you are doing what you should be doing, long before you start expecting the correct behavior from another person. What are you wearing? Is it making a great first impression?

Before you even open your mouth to say hello, people see what you look like. You will attract people who look like you and dress like you. Look the part or you can never attract the kind of recruits that you want on your team. Dress for success and others will take notice.

Be a great example in all that you are doing when you are working with your team. Be aware of what you say in a group setting and be careful about what you say in a direct one-on-one setting to a person. People don’t like to change and they will be sensitive if you point out bad habits. If a person doesn’t want to change then they will not change. You can’t force a person to change their behavior unless they want to change.

When a person decides they want to do something and they show you they have scrap and fight in their DNA, then you have a person that you can help do big things. People that take ownership and don’t see work as a job are the people that want to win big.

People are watching what you do. You can’t coach a person to do something if you aren’t doing it first. Before you can lead, you have to show others through your actions that you are willing to do it first.

Too many people are focused on a destination and not thinking in terms of how far they can go in life. The Alliance wants people to push to see how far they can go and how much they can do with the opportunity we have in America.

People will remember how you made them feel ... always! They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. You have to make people feel welcome or they will not come back again. We want people at our weekly meetings, making sure people feel welcomed. Even if you have an opinion, you don’t have to share it with the world. Be nice. Smile. Shake hands.

What you think about the most if what you are going to do. It is a fact.

What you spend your time thinking about and doing is what you will ultimately do. Focus on the right things so that you do what needs to be done. If you are having problems, there’s a good chance that you are thinking about the wrong things in your life. If you are negative, you can bet your worst fears will come to pass. Eliminate negative vibes and work on your words, thoughts and actions.

How you are dressed, how you think and how you act around people is a direct indication of where you are in life.

Focus on what is inside your circle of influence. Anything outside that circle doesn't matter. It is just noise that you can't control or change. Your energy is best spent on things you directly can change.

Stop lobbying for change that isn’t likely to happen and work on what you can make an impact on. When you talk to people make sure you are saying things that are making a positive impact and not negative.

Are you actively helping people that genuinely need direction?

You never know what a person knows so don’t assume that they know what it right and what is wrong. Help people. Don’t be mean.

How big is your vision?

People are focused on what is going on right now and not what tomorrow looks like. People with bigger goals and vision are thinking about the future now. They are still getting things done now, but they have a dream of what the future is going to look like.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking you have huge amounts of time.

The mentality should be now or never, not I can do it later. The more you can do today, the better off you will be. When people see you going all out to be successful, you will attract people that will do the same because you are doing it. If you can do it now, why are you waiting? Move. Take Action. Go get results!

When you have a plan, you can be more successful. When you are striving for a goal, it helps to have a plan. Be intentional about what you do every day and every minute. Actions speak louder than words.

You can have all the information in the world, but it comes down to putting that "know how" in action.

If you haven’t played the game then you can’t talk about the game. You are not credible until you have done it.

You can have the greatest education in the world, but if you don’t take the knowledge and apply it then it is worth nothing. Application trumps knowledge every single time. You have to understand that you can have whatever you want, but you need to have a plan to get there and stay there. It’s part of the formula for success. Remember to operate from a place of humility.

“What you think about all the time is what will happen.” Andy Albright

@AndySAlbright #DoTheDo

@NAALeadsTheWay #TheAlliance

Andy's YT channel:


Apr 12, 2017

On episode 61 of The Wednesday Call with Andy Albright, you will learn about the importance of gratitude, why perception is more about what you see rather than what you look at and why thankful people are happier ... period!

When you have the proper gratitude, you gain the proper perspective in your life. It means you can look back on the past and use that to help you now and in the near future.

Gratitude brings on an attitude of humility. Humility helps you see what is really important in life. You might not have everything or even what you want, but you have enough to leverage it moving forward. When you have the right perspective, you can see things clearly. You don’t get as riled up when a situation occurs. When you can stay calm, you can still get things done.

Perception is not what you look at, but rather what you see.

When you are indebted to people then it helps you because you feel like you owe a person who has helped you in your life.

When people are not grateful, then you can never do enough for them. You can do 100 things for them and it is never enough.

When you are dealing in terms of gratitude, you need three ingredients to have the right mix of it. You need appreciation, indebtedness and gratefulness.

Life isn't fair, nobody owes you anything and nobody is here to make you happy. The sooner you know those three things, the easier your road in this life will be.

People with gratitude are more productive, healthier and happier. When you have gratitude, life is better. You don’t feel sick all the time, you get more done and you enjoy being around people you enjoy being around.

When you are happy and grateful, you have a shot to change your life dramatically. Those are the kinds of people The Alliance wants to help do this thing! We are looking for people that want to successful and are not afraid to show gratitude, humility and thankfulness.

The Alliance wants to help people experience things they’ve never seen or done before. We want people with big levels of gratitude because those people are happier, hungrier and more thankful about where they are in life. They are ready to grow and they remember the past.

Are you hungry? Do you want it bad? The Alliance wants to help you grow your gratitude.

#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Apr 6, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast, Andy Albright was coming to you live from the Alliance Convention Center in Burlington, NC with more than 300 people at the show.

The first half of today’s episode is devoted to recognition – both new and repeat SEAL Team 20 members and Good Samaritan Bonus winners.  Andy showed a blurb of a video of Maxwell Smart (from the 1960’s TV series Get Smart) saying he had missed the mark by “this much,” illustrating a very small margin. He then interviewed some of the first time SEAL Team 20 members who had been right on the edge of earning the status until now.  Each had their own version of commitment that pushed them to do whatever it took to reach the mark.

Andy hinted (not too subtly) that a new phone app The Alliance is developing to simplify an agent’s access to multiple resources at once AND provide reminders and alerts to keep them motivated.

The final portion of the TWC focused on keeping new agents from becoming discouraged. And keep them moving above the line, where they are paying their bills.  Andy encouraged recruiting agents to  build relationships with them so they do not feel alone when there is a disappointment.  He mentioned talking to them like they would their children, and to remember the biggest enemy to great is good.

In order to grow The Alliance into a BILLION dollar company we need to pave the road to success by:
Eliminating the irritants
Clearing the path
Building an interstate and
Paying the toll





Mar 29, 2017

This week’s The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy was broadcast live from Louisville, Kentucky. The Alliance is focused on relationships, retention and rising up this year and this episode was Part 2 of Andy’s series titled “Thinking Right!”

Here’s a rule to remember: success, your success, depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support and help of others. The most successful executives depend on staff to help them. Most presidents will fire executives but not their staff.

Salespeople depend on people to buy product. Colleges depends on professors to teach students, who need to learn. Politicians need voters to vote for them. Writers need readers to consume their content.

There was a time in history when people could gain a position of authority through force and hold it with force or with threats. People have died in such conflicts and kings have too.

To win you have to think right toward other people. When you treat people correctly, they will support you. When people like you they feel good about being around you.

Before Lyndon B. Johnson became president of the United States, he formulated 10 things to do that would help him be successful.

Remember names (practice doing this often)

Become a comfortable person like an old pair of jeans or shoes

Relax and don’t be so uptight … don’t get upset, don’t get ruffled.

Stop letting your ego win … you don’t know it all

Be an interesting person (have a narrow focus and not be a jack of all trades)

Study yourself and eliminate scratchy things you do … learn what you do and stop doing it

Heal misunderstandings and grievances

Practice liking people until you genuinely like people

Always congratulate or say I’m sorry every chance you get

Get and give spiritual strength to people … do you operate with great faith?

Beyond those 10 things, there are three things that you can do to help you stay away from wasting time on things that don’t matter. The first thing is to focus all your efforts on the main thing. Next, you need to ask yourself this: ‘Is what I am doing or thinking really important?’ Thirdly, is what you are doing going to make a major impact?

BONUS TIP: Smile more and say hello more!!!



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo

Mar 22, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright explains How To Think Right Toward People. This will be the first show in a series covering this topic.

Andy opened the show by recognizing HotSpots with multiple Good Samaritan Bonus winners attending those meetings.

People need people to help them to be successful. The people who have an ability to get people to move and get things done make the most money in the world. That’s how it works. Every business or organization needs good people to make things happen. Writers need readers. Teachers need pupils. We all need help.

That is how The Alliance is successful too. The more people we help, the better the team does. When people are happy and get encouragement, they do better. Because of that, you need to be nice to people and help foster a positive environment for yourself and others. You have to invest in people. The more you do for others, the more you are rewarded.

You can’t be mean to people because not only will they not like you, but they will not perform. People perform better when they are encouraged and feel encouragement from those in higher positions.

Andy shared the story of a man who owned a company and his son worked as a supervisor. The father saw his son berating an employee. This made him upset, so the father pulled his son into his office and told him he was forced to wear two hats. With the first hat, he was his son’s boss so he fired him for his behavior. His second hat was to be a father to his son, so he asked his son how he could help him find his next job and help him improve his behavior.

When people like you, there’s a better chance they will want to work with you and perform for you. Teams that win love playing together toward a common goal. Winners also help correct people’s behavior when they are messing up. The key is in how you help correct them. You don’t need to be a jerk when you do it. You can do it without being mean.

When you are likable, you are actually lighter. The lighter you are, the easier it is for others to lift you up. When you set the right example, people will like you even more.

Before Lyndon B. Johnson became president of the United States, he formulated 10 things to do that would help him be successful.

Mess up and try

Become a comfortable person like an old pair of jeans

Relax and don’t be so uptight

Stop letting your ego win … you don’t know it all

Be an interesting person (have a narrow focus and not be a jack of all trades)

Study yourself and eliminate scratchy things you do … learn what you do and stop doing it

Heal misunderstandings and grievances

Practice liking people until you genuinely like people

Always congratulate or say I’m sorry every chance you get

Get and give spiritual strength to people … operate with great faith




Mar 16, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy Albright, you will find out about ST20, GSB and Activity!

Today's TWC was live at Instant Thunder at The Alliance headquarters, where kickoff is always exciting, and this episode did not disappoint! 

Guests saw real SEAL Team 20 members and Good Samaritan Bonus recipients share their real numbers and tips on how they do it.

You will want to take notes so settled in and enjoy!



#TheAlliance #DoTheDo #AndyAlbright

Mar 9, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright hits you hard with a critical question: What is YOUR biggest asset and are you spending your efforts focused on that asset?

How you can identify your most valuable asset? Figure out the steps to accelerate your most previous talent and asset.

You need to know that your most valuable asset is your earning ability. Your ability to apply and “do” your talents and skills in The Alliance. That means you sell, recruit and build. All the material stuff is nothing. It is not about the cars, clothes and homes. You can flip a switch and start earning when we got you doing the “do.”

Now, your ability can be either an appreciating asset or a depreciating asset. You can grow in value if you continue to invest in it and the development of it.

On the flip side, your biggest asset can lead to a decline in value if you begin to take it for granted and start to coast on the basis of what you have done in the past. That is old news. You have to keep doing to maintain your position.

If your past is bad that doesn’t mean you can’t be big. If you have been good it doesn’t mean you can’t be great. If you are great it doesn’t mean you can’t be greater. It takes planning and preparation. Use your assets to grow by reading, lisetening, going to HotSpots, attending events, etc. Go and Do. Go and grow!

How do you grow those abilities? It happens with knowledge, talents, education and perhaps most importantly experience.

Are you willing to start over right now? Recommit. Look deeply at yourself and into yourself. Can you work on good habits, bad habits, character, personality, etc.? Think and reflect.

Reflecting is big. Don’t be the guy who knows everything. People see that and don’t like it. It hurts you and it hurts them. Are you willing to ask the brutal questions that make you grow?

How about you? Will you change? “Those that cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

Some questions to ask …

Where are you now?

Where would you like to be in the future?

How did you get to where you are today?

What do you need to do now to get from where you are to where you want to go?

What do you need to do less of?

What are you NOT doing?

What do you have to start doing?

What can you stop doing?

What would help you pour the gas on?

Let’s go! We all need to change. We all need more people that want to change. We need more messed up people. Everybody is broken on some level and they know it. Maybe they don’t know it. That’s OK. The Alliance welcomes everybody.

Where is your moral authority or character? Do you back up words with behavior? We are all broken. We need to find people that want to be better.

The Eight Steps to finding the best talent …

Find what it is that you enjoy doing that makes you happy and free. You build to help people. Would you do it for free?

Are you a natural at it? We are all built to help people. If you are great at it, then you should do it.

Find the reason you are successful. Focus on what helps you become more successful and keep doing it. What is the reason for your previous successes?

What is easy to learn and easy to do? People want to connect so help them do that.

What holds your attention? Read about it. Study it. People want to join stuff all the time.

What do you love because it compounds your life for the good? People skills matter in all areas of life.

What is it that you do that makes time stand still in your mind? You can do it for long amounts of time and feel rewarded.

What do you admire and respect in people who are great at what they do? Do you want to be admired by those you admire?

At the end of the day, you have to help people to be successful. You may not like it at first. It might take longer than you want it to, but you have to help people. It is about people.

What can you do that you love and that maximizes your greatest asset? Focus on that.

The ability to get people to move and achieve things is huge. When you can make an impact on people then you will win big. When you can pull people together and build a team, you will be loved and admired by many, feared by some and respect by most people in this life.

It will not always be comfortable, but to keep growing you have to keep working at it. It has to be developed.    

Mar 1, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast with Andy Albright, you will learn how to use character, sacrifice and time to be influential. Relax and settle in as Andy explains the ultimate influence strategy outline.

Before you can actually do things, you have to picture it in your mind. That’s part of Andy’s ultimate influence strategy.

Too many people live life based on what they can afford to do and not what they want to do. The Alliance was formed in an effort to help provide the vehicle to let people stop stressing about “stuff” and start working toward bigger goals and dreams.

People who continue being successful are those who avoid negative people, keep working and keep raising the bar for what they want. They don’t judge their success based on those around them. They don’t compare what they are doing to other people. The most successful people keep asking this question: “How do I keep getting better?”

How big are you dreaming? Can you imagine reaching a point where you only focus on what you are passionate about? How would you like to be able to write checks to charities or organizations that you believe in?

Make it your goal to let your preparation always be greater than your pride so that you are successful.

Being the example is THE THING to influence other people. Relationships and dreams is the true formula for influence. You build relationships together. You build dreams together. Most average people think that the “how to” is the key to an influence strategy. That is not true. You can be successful with a great “how to” strategy, but that doesn’t give you the ultimate influence strategy. Relationships, leadership and dream building are the way to influence people and skyrocket to success beyond what you ever thought possible.

Being a “how to” person is a mediocre goal and it doesn’t allow you to perform at the level you should be playing at. People with big dreams are willing to tell people what they see and believe they can do.

You have to BYOH – Bring Your Own Hunger. When people believe in the system and buy into what the team is trying to do then you are going to get more accomplished. When your teammates do more, then you can do more. When you continue helping people, you will be rewarded. Don’t settle for good when great is still out there for you. Success can be the thing that prevents you from being more successful. Having the drive to see and do more is critical to continued success. You can’t lose the drive or you are finished.

Some of the greatest leaders and successful people in the world are those who continue to fail and fail again. When you can influence people by setting the example with relationships and dream building, you can do anything in the world.

You set the example by doing what you say. Keeping those things in alignment creates the formula for influence and success. Stay in alignment or people will follow somebody else. Let your dreams push you to keep building relationships and dreams.

The formula is character, sacrifice and time. Those are the three things that create the formula of influence. It takes all three to be successful.


Feb 23, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Dr. Karockas Watkins and Terry Edwards stepped up to the plate to pinch hit for Andy Albright to talk about the importance of enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is powerful in your life and in business. It is contagious and you can pass it along to other people with your actions and behaviors. It is the driver of the direction of all your success.

The Greek word ethos means God within. That is where the word enthusiasm comes from. Enthusiasm is a noun, not a verb. Do not confuse enthusiasm with the word excitement. Enthusiasm is who you are and it is a place in your mind. Your internal enthusiasm is critical in order for you not to let distractions hold you back.

God has put everything you need inside you to be enthusiastic in this life. The decision to live with enthusiasm is up to you. You have to make the choice to keep your enthusiasm level where it needs to be to help you perform on a consistent basis.

The level of your enthusiasm will impact the success you enjoy and the level at which you make a difference. Enthusiasm is fire under control. It is a disciplined fire that is powerful. Controlled enthusiasm creates opportunity. Uncontrolled enthusiasm creates confusion. The right enthusiasm is what you need to make things happen. Enthusiasm changes everything. It becomes a habit and other people pick up on it and run with it too.

When you have a controlled fire then you eliminate the bad stuff and make more room for the good stuff that leads to more growth. Fire exposes us, but it does so in a good way. When you get around the fire, it can rub off on you and push you to grow.

Enthusiasm is not taught, but it is caught through relationships. The heights that you reach in life are based on the kind of people you are hanging around. Don’t mistake hype for enthusiasm. Hype is a temporary feeling. Results are enthusiasm.

Every day that you wake up is a good day. When you make days great that is when you are operating with the proper level of enthusiasm. You have the power and opportunity to take a good day and make it great.

Why does enthusiasm matter?

Enthusiasm is more important than professional skill. You can have all the skill in the world, but enthusiasm is what will catapult you from average to phenomenal. Without enthusiasm, it is hard to have great self-discipline in life.

Your enthusiasm level is based on what you expect and it dictates how you act. Successful people are intentional about their enthusiasm when they enter a room or when they encounter people. They are thinking about how their behavior will impact other people.

When you are speaking, you have to be 100 percent positive. We all look like our decisions. When you decide to be positive and enthusiastic, you will do things that negative people can’t.

Being positive gives you a decided advantage against people who choose to be negative.

The size of your success is determined by the size of your vision. Little faith with yield little results. Big plans, ideas and goals will present bigger results. The whole thing gets compounded by the size of your goals and dreams.

Use your enthusiasm to make a difference and inspire the people around you to make the world a better place. Your enthusiasm will impact how much you can influence the world around you.

Enthusiasm is a mindset in your head. It is not hype that comes and goes in a brief moment.

Let the fire of your enthusiasm held mold and guide you toward your goals and dreams.

Your enthusiasm makes a difference in the culture of The Alliance. Make sure that your enthusiasm is contagious to those around you and help other people move toward what they want to accomplish.  

Feb 15, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright introduces just a few of the best talks from National Convention 17, when #TheAlliance took over downtown Raleigh, N.C. for three days during the kickoff of the #GADM campaign.

Get ready to take notes as you hear from people like Stephen and Hollie Davies, Dr. Karockas Watkins and Paul and Tamara Roberts. Plus, you will hear from Andy on this special episode.

We hope you enjoy this podcast ... see you next week!

Stephen and Hollie Davies give you 7 tips to help be better

1. Own where you are at

2. Don't let your past dictate your future

3. Don't take everything so seriously

4. Always look for the silver lining

5. Make maturity your goal, not money

6. Be ruthless about your priorities

7. Words and People - you control your environment

Everything you need to know is really in two places -- inside you and around you!


Doc Rock

Attitude is a product of your mind!

You are today what you thought about yesterday. You will be tomorrow what you think about today. You have to learn how to endure temporary pain before you can enjoy long-term success. Your attitude affects your words and designs your destiny.


Paul and Tamara Roberts

Please do the following: Use your heart and expect great things.

Feb 9, 2017

On this episode of Andy Albright's TWC podcast, Andy explains how to help your new agents grow fast and sure! This episode originated from Dallas, Texas Andy was on the third stop of a three-day run to Minneapolis, Minn., Denver, Colo. and Dallas, Texas.

Listen in as Andy recognizes new SEAL Team 20 members and Good Samaritan Bonus recipients for January. 


Feb 1, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy has a strong message for you in terms of how you can stay focused on vision.

Vision is like a shower in that it doesn’t last if you don’t keep working on it. You have to be reminded to keep your vision in mind. The Alliance’s vision is about P.I.E – Prosperity, Inspiration and Eternity. We think you can have incredible prosperity. We keep inspiring other people by putting our efforts back into people. It’s not about the destination, rather it is about how far we can go and how much we can do.

The No. 1 distraction when it comes to vision is opportunity. It is great to have opportunity, but when you have choices, options and decisions you have to stick to your vision to stay on the right path. Do you let distractions prevent you from working toward the bigger picture and vision.

Your vision is tied to your performance. Your actions are who you are. What you do is who you are. There are all kinds of opportunities. It can be career, investment, vacation, experiences or whatever, but if you waste your time in the wrong areas then the vision will be clouded. People with long-term thinking are truly those with a clear vision.

If you can picture what it will be like in the future, then you won’t get emotional when emergencies come up. Time is an asset, but it can also be the worst enemy a person has in their life.

The No. 2 distraction is criticism. The more successful you are, the more critics you will have in life. People are going to be upset by what you are trying to do or what you are accomplishing. Too many people let their critics dictate what they do or what they will do in the future. This can be very confusing and distracting to a person who is trying to achieve something that many other people cannot understand. The truth depends on the person and the situation, but you can never let the truth be what critics say when they don’t have your best interest at heart.

You will always have opportunities to jump on, but you have to remind yourself of your vision and what you want your life to look like. You can’t jump down every rabbit hole or you will never be successful. You need people to help you remember the vision. Distractions are energy killers. Are you sacrificing your vision for a temporary feeling, or are you taking dead aim on the target you have in mind?

Nothing brings out critics like a person with great vision. People will project what they think in your direction, even if it is opposite of what you believe or think. People with focus and passion will offend the masses. It is very rare for a person to have a true focus and passion. When people see that kind of vision in a person it will make them mad or set them free. It is up to each person to decide how they react. You can’t worry about that because if you do then it will prohibit the direction you are heading in.

Making accusations about what people are doing is dangerous and can tear down a person. Rumors and innuendo can destroy vision. You can’t get down in the mud with people that will start a rumor mill at the drop of a hat. When people go low, you cannot get emotional and react to their small thinking. Don’t engage with people who practice gossip more than work ethic.

Stay focused on your vision and don’t stop to counterattack a person who verbally attacks you, your character, credibility, etc. When you give in to other people’s thoughts, you are getting off track. Don’t make it your problem or part of your life. People will make mistakes and that’s OK. Ignore the critics and let them know that in time, the results will prove what is right and wrong.

People think they are entitled to an explanation as to your behavior because they haven’t seen it too many times in their life. Perhaps they are not willing to accept the truth. See that as an opportunity to show them, chase the dream and win. Win big!

You can’t ride a bike to the top of the mountain with your team if you keep your foot on the brake. Hey, you can get to the top faster if you never tap the brake and keep pedaling. We don’t have time for down time. Focus on A tasks that are important and that get us where we want to go. Success silences the critics.

Significance rules out the option of retreat. The Alliance is not backing up, it is charging forward. It is time to move forward. The vision is clear and we must remind each other, encourage each other and cheer the team on until we make it to the top.  

Jan 25, 2017

Stephen Davies filled in as guest host of this week’s episode of The Wednesday Call podcast while Andy Albright was traveling for business meetings in Clearwater, Florida. Coming out of the “Great American Dream Machine” #NatCon17, #TheAlliance is poised for huge growth moving forward in 2017.

Davies’ topic for the show focused on using six keys to stay in the fight, no matter what!

How do we stay in the fight? How do we keep going?

You are not going to succeed because you are destined to win. You will win because you stick with it and keep working at what you are doing. You will succeed because you are determined to win. Mark Twain once said that “repetition is a stronger argument than truth.” Life is not a marathon, but rather it is a series of short races. Win the short races. Do it one month at a time. If you keep winning short races, then it becomes habit and you keep winning.

You have to fight for the good stuff in life. It doesn’t just happen. You have to go through the “junk” sometimes if you want to enjoy a greater life.

What happens when you are faced with adversity? If you push through the adversity, you will eventually reach the victory or the sweetness of success. If you quit, you won’t reach your goal. If you never quit, you will eventually get to where you want to be. Too often, people quit right before they are about to enjoy a breakthrough. Why? They get bitter, frustrated, etc. If you can stay focused and keep fighting, you will get through adversity.

Are you disciplined enough to finish the job? If you are trying to kill a bear, then you are not going to quit until the bear is dead. You can’t stop until you finish the job. Too many people quit before they are done. Adversity is a lot like a bear if you lose that fighting spirit it is going to hurt in the end.

When you start a task, know that things will not always be easy. Make a commitment that you will finish the job. Set big goals. It might take everything you have inside you, but you can finish the job. It will never take more than you have, but it might take all that you have to get the job done.

Why do people give up on their goals?

They don’t taste any success early. No results. If everybody could get instant gratification, then everybody would do it. It would be easy.

It is a process and there are principles involved in getting results.

Do you have a discouragement plan? Life is not going to always be easy. You need a plan. Do you have a person you can talk to about it when you hit a road block? People need people. They need people who can cheer them on and encourage them.

You have to have a plan. You can’t let momentum killers stop you from succeeding. You have to make the decision now that you are not going to let anything stop you from reaching your goals and dreams. They will put in the work that other people are willing to do in order to live a better life. Now, this doesn’t mean you only do the minimums and that’s OK. It involves going above and beyond when you need to because that’s how you push yourself to greater heights and destinations. Don’t get impatient about the destination because you will get frustrated. Learn to enjoy the process and the journey. It is about the experience along the way. It will change your perspective. Success should not be about the destination. Don’t cruise through life. There is so much more you can do if you choose not to cruise. There is always another goal out there. Don’t catch destination disease.

The desire to avoid pain. People don’t like getting hurt, but part of getting where you want to go will involve growing pains. Remember that the pain is temporary. The small pains you have to endure are easier to go through than the agony of giving up and quitting on yourself. Fighting through adversity is what makes succeeding that much sweeter. It makes your victories more special.

Don’t seek out comfort from people who will not make you better. Don’t make the mistake of letting others tell you that you are not capable of great things in life. People who do that are actually holding you back from achieving. Don’t seek out commandment from people when you know that you are not doing what you are supposed to do or you are underperforming. People like that are not helping. Seek out people who will inspire you to keep pushing. You have to stretch yourself if you are ever going to reach your full potential. Let people stretch you rather than squash you. Don’t be around firefighters who will put your desire out, look to find firelighters to help you keep growing.

The man who can bare his “Why” can handle or learn the “How.” Look back through history, and you will see great people knew their “why.” Keep working to make your “why” as crystal clear as possible. As you do that, continue taking action and watch as your “belief” tank gets full. Being idle and not doing the things you need to do will empty your tank. Get up, get moving and take action. Keep going.

Nobody can make you feel anything for longer than you want to feel. You get to decide where your emotions are at. You control what you feel and think. It is all in your mind. Yes, you will get emotional at times. You have to work on limiting the amount of time you are emotional. You can flip the switch whenever you want to if you practice it.

Purpose. When you operate with an on-purpose focus, you don’t worry about circumstances or convenience. People with a purpose don’t let obstacles stop them from getting to where they want to go. When you have a clear purpose, you are more likely to go beyond where you thought possible. Get on purpose!

Swear off excuses! Don’t use excuses. If you are doing it, the time to stop is right now. Blame, justify and make excuses … you can’t do that stuff. Don’t exercise those things. They will kill momentum. If you want to do big things, you can’t let excuses creep up on you. They are numbing ointments.

Focus on your track record starting NOW. Don’t live in the past. The past is the past. Make today count. Don’t think about yesterday. Move forward. Don’t let other drag you down in the mud with them. Speak what you want to happen out loud. Tell the world. Hold yourself accountable.

Living beyond yourself. There is stuff deep inside you that you didn’t know you had inside you. The power you have to help people will blow your mind. People need you to do more than just help yourself. Don’t be afraid to help other people realize they can be better. Help people when you have the opportunity to do so. You can help change people’s lives if you care enough to help them. It can be big or small, but make the effort to help people.

Turn obstacles into opportunities. Don’t seek out shortcuts. Don’t give up. Don’t quit. Laugh at adversity. Play hard and live beyond yourself. Make it part of the greater mission you are on. Stay in the fight no matter what.

Jan 18, 2017

On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright wants to talk to you about what you will do when the wave comes your way.

Do you RIDE the wave of change, or do you let it CRASH down on you?

Andy has six suggestions to HELP YOU RIDE the WAVE. Listen in and take notes as Andy shares his suggestions with you!



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