On this episode of The Wednesday Call, Andy Albright shares some big news about a new app you can get NOW, and discusses how you can tell when a person is growing.
The Alliance has launched a new app to help you find all things media related to the company. You can search for Alliance Media on your phone to download the app from your preferred app store.
Who is growing like crazy?
People who are really growing are people who are doing things across the board. They are not picking and choosing what they are solid at. They are consistent at pretty much everything and they don’t slow down when things start falling into place. People who are growing keep focused and keep pushing to grow even more.
There’s some great information on figuring out who to work with on your team in Andy’s Millionaire Maker Manual on page 112-113. This section deals with how to work with your downline. You are looking for people in depth that are doing the basics that it takes to be successful with The Alliance. When people in your depth are taking action faster, then you have to spend time with them and invest more in them than those who are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. When you go down in depth and help that person get width, the faster and bigger you can grow your team. It is about working with productive people as much as possible. The deal is to get deep and wide. That’s how you grow fast.
The Alliance is built on what people do. It is not who you like or who looks like they are special. It’s all about “doing the do.”
You want to work with people that are Ready, Willing and Able. You want to work with people that are Faithful, Available and Teachable. Those are the people need your attention.
Are you doing the things that you have to do, or are you getting bogged down in stuff that doesn’t matter. When you can narrow the work you do each day, the better you will be at those tasks. Successful people don’t waste time in areas that they are not strong in. They focus on what they are great at and they keep doing that.
Your goal is to move from confusion to clarity and from frustration to focus.
There are four things you can do to get the results you want. You can make the decision to do what it takes to move into the top 10 percent. You can take action and keep acting. You can commit to improve in what you do daily. Lastly, use the resources we make available for you and refer to them daily.
Andy is hosting a series of boot camps in the next three weeks. You can find out where he will be by visiting www.NAAHotSpots.com. You can also secure your ticket for July's Family Reunion by visiting www.AllianceFamilyReunion.com.
Until next week, check out the latest content from Andy Albright via the Alliance Media app!!!