On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, your host Andy Albright delves deep into the topic of bringing all your energies to bear on one thing.
He’ll discuss the boogeyman, the secret to effectiveness and what happens when you get your picture took!
Have you ever noticed that a focused light has great power and seems to shine brighter than those light that are distracted by multiple targets. Clear purpose allows you to concentrate your effort. Andy is committed to putting all his energies to bear on this one thing, forgetting what is behind and looking forward to what lies ahead.
What do you want?
If you know what you want, then you can get it. Stop guessing and start running toward what you want. You don’t have time to waste on anything else.
Get past what you think you know.
Effectiveness is about knowing what really counts. Can you ONLY do what really counts. Forget everything else.
“You don’t know how you look until you get your picture took.”
Have a solid purpose. It reduces frustration. It allows you to forget stuff that doesn’t matter. A clear purpose tells us what to do, and what NOT to do. I’ve seen people stop cursing because they decided they wanted to stop it. Now, you will slip up from time to time, but the idea is you are working on it!
Work on the things that count.
Figure out what to do and what not to do. When you are calling people, it might be a good idea not to cuss.
Andy shared a video of Jazmin Lightbourn that is filled with raw emotion.
You can see the video HERE --> http://bit.ly/2q8ED4G
When people see raw emotion it makes them react. Emotions are what move people to work. Your business is determined by the size and strength of the foundation. You can’t build larger than the foundation you are on top of. A great example is the Alliance Convention Center. It will only be as large as your foundation.
You do the basics in the beginning so that later it can be bigger and bigger. Do it now, not later.
Morale and mission go together. They are tied together hand in hand. People working together for a great purpose don’t argue. A great purpose prevents arguments. Purpose keeps people from arguing over trivial matters. When you are rowing a boat, you ain’t got time to rock. You will end up wet and overboard. That’s a bad combination.
The most successful people are great at keeping the main thing the main thing. Simple.
How is your activity? Are you efficient? If you are, you are doing things correctly.
How is your productivity? Are you effective? If you are, you are doing the right things correctly.
Are you wasting energy? Are you focused on the trivial? When the titanic sank, it really didn’t make sense to rearrange the chairs on the boat. The boat was going down regardless.
Ask yourself these two questions:
What is your business?
How is your business?
Get that right and your life will be better!
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo