On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Dr. Karockas Watkins and Terry Edwards stepped up to the plate to pinch hit for Andy Albright to talk about the importance of enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is powerful in your life and in business. It is contagious and you can pass it along to other people with your actions and behaviors. It is the driver of the direction of all your success.
The Greek word ethos means God within. That is where the word enthusiasm comes from. Enthusiasm is a noun, not a verb. Do not confuse enthusiasm with the word excitement. Enthusiasm is who you are and it is a place in your mind. Your internal enthusiasm is critical in order for you not to let distractions hold you back.
God has put everything you need inside you to be enthusiastic in this life. The decision to live with enthusiasm is up to you. You have to make the choice to keep your enthusiasm level where it needs to be to help you perform on a consistent basis.
The level of your enthusiasm will impact the success you enjoy and the level at which you make a difference. Enthusiasm is fire under control. It is a disciplined fire that is powerful. Controlled enthusiasm creates opportunity. Uncontrolled enthusiasm creates confusion. The right enthusiasm is what you need to make things happen. Enthusiasm changes everything. It becomes a habit and other people pick up on it and run with it too.
When you have a controlled fire then you eliminate the bad stuff and make more room for the good stuff that leads to more growth. Fire exposes us, but it does so in a good way. When you get around the fire, it can rub off on you and push you to grow.
Enthusiasm is not taught, but it is caught through relationships. The heights that you reach in life are based on the kind of people you are hanging around. Don’t mistake hype for enthusiasm. Hype is a temporary feeling. Results are enthusiasm.
Every day that you wake up is a good day. When you make days great that is when you are operating with the proper level of enthusiasm. You have the power and opportunity to take a good day and make it great.
Why does enthusiasm matter?
Enthusiasm is more important than professional skill. You can have all the skill in the world, but enthusiasm is what will catapult you from average to phenomenal. Without enthusiasm, it is hard to have great self-discipline in life.
Your enthusiasm level is based on what you expect and it dictates how you act. Successful people are intentional about their enthusiasm when they enter a room or when they encounter people. They are thinking about how their behavior will impact other people.
When you are speaking, you have to be 100 percent positive. We all look like our decisions. When you decide to be positive and enthusiastic, you will do things that negative people can’t.
Being positive gives you a decided advantage against people who choose to be negative.
The size of your success is determined by the size of your vision. Little faith with yield little results. Big plans, ideas and goals will present bigger results. The whole thing gets compounded by the size of your goals and dreams.
Use your enthusiasm to make a difference and inspire the people around you to make the world a better place. Your enthusiasm will impact how much you can influence the world around you.
Enthusiasm is a mindset in your head. It is not hype that comes and goes in a brief moment.
Let the fire of your enthusiasm held mold and guide you toward your goals and dreams.
Your enthusiasm makes a difference in the culture of The Alliance. Make sure that your enthusiasm is contagious to those around you and help other people move toward what they want to accomplish.