Andy Albright hosted this week's episode of The Wednesday Call Podcast live from AMP Studios at The Alliance’s headquarters in Burlington, N.C. to talk about three things to do as we approach the New Year and three things you should never do.
Andy covered all the upcoming cities he will be hosting meetings in this month and also reminded people to make plans for National Convention 2017 in Raleigh, N.C. You can find the full list of meetings at
Michael Owens and Chadwick Ray joined Andy on the show to talk about Seal Team 20, Good Samaritan Bonus and three things to do and not do in the coming year.
If you want to be broke, then find out what they do and do those things. The common denominator of success is that successful people do things that others are not willing to do.
When you are thinking about three things you should do, rank yourself from 1-10 in the following areas. Are you dreaming, believing and acting in ways to reach your goals?
People that get off track are those who stop dreaming, stop believing and stop PERIOD.
When you know what to DO and DO it, then you will be successful. You can’t stop by just knowing what to do; you must back it up with action. That’s the key.
Dream, believe and act. If you can do those things really well, there’s a great chance that you will be successful.
Is what you are doing, helping you accomplish what you want to achieve? If they are, dynamite! That’s great. If your actions are not moving closer to your goals, then you need to stop doing that. Stop NOW!
What does dreaming do for us? It inspires you to push for the dream. It gets you emotional and excited. When you continue dreaming then you have a shot. If you aren’t dreaming then it is like you are dead.
When Andy was a little boy, he dreamed of being able to do cool experiences and making crazy money. When he turned 27, he realized he couldn’t do that working in textiles. He got mad. That’s when he started dreaming and finding out what he needed to DO to be wildly successful.
Beyond dreaming, believing and acting, it is also important to figure out what your next step should be. When you focus on that 100 percent, then you can start making moves toward your goals and dreams. Doing that can also cover up a lot of mistakes and errors. You can climb out of a hole way faster when you are focused on the next correct action you should make.
Stop wishing! Don’t be the person that always says, “I wish ….” Wishing doesn’t get it done. Doing and taking action gets the desired results. That’s why you have to focus on your dreams, believe in what you are doing and that you are on the right path and take strong action to make it happen.