On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright offers up eight easy examples to help you be less passive-aggressive.
"Although I express myself with some degree of pleasantry, the purpose of my words is entirely serious."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson; most noted for writing Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Example of the above quote from Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights:
"With all due respect, and remember I'm saying with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and dolphin getting ready to get it on."
What is Passive-Aggressive Behavior?
Expressing negative feelings subtly instead of handling them directly.
For example: A person with passive-aggressive behavior may oppose the plan, but instead of voicing their actual opinion, they practice indirect resistance (agreeing but taking no action) and avoidance (procrastinating and pouting).
You might be Passive-Aggressive if:
• You frequently criticize and protest the established system.
• You are constantly sarcastic with backhanded compliments.
You might be Passive-Aggressive if:
• You intentionally forget and purposefully perform tasks inefficiently.
• You are cynical and stubborn while performing mundane tasks.
You might be Passive-Aggressive if:
• You blame others and play the victim.
• You display resentment over perceived unfair practices and delay "Doing the Do" with requests.
You might be Passive-Aggressive if:
• You fear competition and downplay leaderboards.
• You have bitterness and hostility toward curve busters.
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