On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about five questions that can help impact your financial freedom.
Invest: To expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit by putting it into a financial engine.
"Investing in this opportunity allows you to print money." --Andy Albright
Question #1: Do you find it more convenient to blame past events than to just check your ego at the door?
Question #2: Do you find it easier to highlight your current problems than to brainstorm future solutions?
Question #3: Do you find it more satisfying to play the victim than to just choose a new course of action?
Question #4: Do you find it more justifying accepting a bailout than to realize nobody owes you anything?
Question #5: Do you find it less complicated to avoid opportunity than to invite discomfort?
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