On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about what service means to being successful.
"Your attitude must be like my own, for I, the Messiah, did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give my life."
--Matthew 20:28
Moral: Being of service to something -- a person, a group, a community, a cause or a belief -- means that you have chosen to engage without expectation. The selfless act is then marked by a remarkable degree of maturity.
The 4 Behaviors of Service:
1. Acknowledge All Communication (Clarity and Listening).
2. Great Everyone with Enthusiasm (Upbeat Attitude and Vested Interest).
3. Ensure Commitment (Intentional Follow Through and Personal Dedication).
4. Show Mercy (Be the Samaritan and Be Full of Grace).
1. Acknowledge All Communication Quote: "A word to the wise is not sufficient if it doesn't make sense." --James Thurber
Moral: It is the place or responsibility of knowledge to speak with clarity and it is the privilege or right of wisdom to listen.
1. Acknowledge All Communication
Requires Two Things:
• Clarity (through visibility and approachability). Downlines seek reliable service that is consistently available and pleasantly inviting.
• Listening (being responsive and helpful). Uplines, who discover listening, will find that they are more able to build depth and width; and ultimately thrive more when they communicate quickly and effectively with their downlines.
2. Greet Everyone with Enthusiasm Quote:
"The success of a project is best predicted by the enthusiasm of its participant. So it is your job to make your enthusiasm contagious." --Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Moral: A positive attitude makes everything in our business easier. An optimistic outlook will boost your team to stay on track, and will supercharge them to keep moving forward down that track. Servicing your team with enthusiasm is a small price to pay to get results.
2. Greet Everyone with Enthusiasm Requires Two Things:
• Upbeat Attitude (being excited about what you can control and not sweating what you can't). The words that come out of your mouth are not just a reflection of what's in your brain --they are programming your brain how to think. Therefore, if you want to have a positive attitude, your vocabulary must be consistently positive. Refrain from using negative phrase such as: " I can't," and start saying: "I can."
• Vested Interest (becoming devoted to the pursuit of another's goal with the fervor as if it is your own). If you look at something with a personal stake, it will cause your passion level for that something to increase.
3. Ensure Commitment Quote:
"When I say, I'll think about it. I really mean, I'll forget about it completely until you bring it up again." --Will Ferrell
Moral: How often are we guilty of telling someone we will think about it only to never think about it again? Maybe you have been guilty of telling someone, " I'll be praying for you," and forget about it the next second. If you really want to impress someone, don't fall into the trap of forgetting about it. Instead, be intentional about following through with what you said you were going to do.
3. Ensure Commitment
Requires Two Things:
• Intentional Follow Through (purposely continuing to do something or think about its completion until you have contributed everything possible). You are being measured. Your ideal prospect is measuring your actions against your words. This isn't so much a moral judgment, and your prospect isn't trying to play a game of "gotcha." Your prospect is keeping score because your ability to keep your commitments and following up on your word, is the best indication of what they should expect as a future downline.
• Personal Dedication (model commitment yourself to your upline). Failure to honor your own commitments is an indication of the hypocrisy in your leadership abilities. It's easy to talk the talk when it comes to asking others to execute and keep their promises, but it's much more difficult to walk the walk with your personal numbers.
4. Show Mercy Quote:
"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions." -- Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Moral: Of course the Good Samaritan was a man in a story that helped an injured traveler that was beaten and left to die. Their likelihood of getting along and being friends was unlikely, yet the Samaritan did the right thing. We may quote scripture and recite quotes on love and God, but unless we are willing to get involved in the lives of others, we are just blowing smoke.
4. Show Mercy
Requires Two Things:
• Be the Samaritan (As the scriptures say, he has compassion, but more importantly, he acted on it). The correlating message here is to get strong financially and stay strong financially, so we can have the means to act on our good intentions. Jesus concludes the parable with this admonition, "Go and do likewise."
• Be Full of Grace (Giving blessings towards the non-befitting). Grace allows us to award voice to someone's truth that may be in conflict with your truth. Life gives us an abundance of blessings too numerous to count, which should awaken the realization that your happiness is interdependent with the happiness of others. This awakening is where sustainable service lives.
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