On this episode of The Wednesday Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home office in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about how to find the best people when you are driving depth.
The ABCs of Driving Depth:
Attributes (work ethic) Behavioral Mindset (Actions) Character (Maturity)
Appearance --> Becoming --> Confidence
Attendance --> Being --> Contribution
Accountability --> Believing --> Commitment
The top 3 attributes which predict work ethic and are sought after by employers are:
Appearance, attendance and accountability
Behavioral Mindsets
The top 3 behavioral mindsets which influence actions and are sought after by employers are:
Becoming, being and believing
The top 3 character traits which determine maturity and are sought after by employers are:
Confidence, contribution and commitment
APPEARANCE: or making a good first impression only takes a mere seven seconds. People are thin-sliced based on how they appear and sound, but more so, how you are put together visually and your choices in presentation. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms and how you are dressed.
This perception creates: The act of becoming or growth is based on how an individual interprets other people's perceptions of them. Those who believe they are viewed positively by others tend to have higher self-esteem. If we believe that we're accepted, we will be more likely to act and answer with a confident tone and a timely response.
Appearance (captivation) + Becoming (credibility)
PRODUCES: Confidence, or a realistic sense of one's capabilities and feeling secure in that knowledge. A realistic appraisal of one's abilities enables an individual to strike a healthy balance between too much and too little confidence. Too much confidence can cause an overestimating of one's abilities leading to failing to complete a project; and too little confidence can prevent people from taking risks and seizing opportunities.
Attendance, or the process of showing up makes up 90 percent of success. This includes showing up mentally as well as physically. It says you are not scared and you can do this thing. Being present mentally and physically also reinforces that you don't want to miss an opportunity and that you are ready to demonstrate your fill potential. You cannot walk the walk until you decide to show up. Others will see this act as you saying that you are serious.
THIS PERCEPTION CREATES: An act of being or an empowered forward motion, which announces to the world that you are enough. In reality, this type of personal empowerment is not something we feel, rather it's something we do with a fortunate heart. Our sense of being or empowered mindset is a reflection of the increased personal value will achieve by simply showing up and being present in the moment (life in every breath).
Attendance (being present) + Being (showing gratitude)
PRODUCES: Contribution, or the evidence of pure appreciation by being willing to work or give back to the very thing that has provided for you (being duty bound). This is a sign of a mature mind to accept the obligation promise as a bond. This relationship bond stays secure as long as the people involved trust the other to keep doing their share or contributing equally. When the contribution bond is fractured, then the disruptive concept of fairness is introduced.
Accountability, or the display of ownership is a great first indicator of the level of trust you can put into an individual. If they are willing to throw their past decisions under a bus in front of you, then they will have no trouble stabbing you in the back moving forward. Taking responsibility for every choice you have made, ensures the viewer that your work output will come without excuses and a great sign that you might be low maintenance and lacking drama.
THIS PERCEPTION CREATES: Believing, or the act of holding something sacred is fueled by the vulnerability experienced when willing first to say, "the buck stops here." It is very difficult to believe in anything if you can not stand for something. Standing up is less difficult if you are accountable for your actions. Taking ownership strengthens your belief system, thereby, making you more determined.
Accountability (being blameworthy) + believing (having faith)
PRODUCES: Commitment, or the state of being dedicated to a cause. The word commitment also evokes a strong sense of intention and focus. When you combine the concepts on intention and focus, it produces the clarity of purpose. In turn, purpose provides a proclamation of your seriousness to commit. The phenomenon of commitment is the cornerstone of human life. Commitments make individuals' behavior predictable in the face of fluctuations of their desires and agendas. Moreover, commitment also facilitates "cooperation with" or "acceptance of" the setting of expectations. Honoring your commitments by meeting the expectations is the true sign of maturity.
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