Andy Albright hosted this week’s The Wednesday Call podcast from The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C.
Andy dove deep into how to get people to connect their hearts, hands and how to get people to do!
What do I need to do to feel like I can be rich? First, what do you want?
Focus brings energy and urgency. The biggest lie being told in America is that we have plenty of time. How do I find one more to get this? Keep it simple.
Ask things like …
Do you sign up early?
Can you commit fast?
Can get one and then another one?
Is there anything I can do about it?
If so, do that and then ask, “Now what?”
Too many people are focused on the wrong stuff. They focus on distraction instead of action.
You should focus on structure and order. Ask people that say they want something if they have gotten their insurance license yet. Successful people spend 95 percent of their time on solutions and actions and only five percent of their time on looking at problems. Be like Paul in The Bible and say, “I focus and I press forward.”
Tell me how you think? Andy believes in white sheeting to plan his action.
Decide what you want to do and what you want. Then, you can prioritize based on that.
Write it down! Think on paper. Touch and see … bring energy.
Set deadlines. Be specific. Make subdeadlines. Think about now and right now.
Make a list for everything. Think about what you need to do.
Organize. Come up with a sequence that will help you be successful.
Do Something! Do, Do, Do. Stop thinking and start doing. Move!!!
An average plan vigorously executed is better than a brilliant plan on which nothing is done.
Resolve to do something. Everyday do something that moves you toward your goal.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDO